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1150 lines (951 loc) · 46.2 KB
  • Feature Name: SQL Query Planning
  • Status: draft
  • Start Date: 2017-10-08
  • Authors: Peter Mattis
  • RFC PR: #19135
  • Cockroach Issue: (one or more # from the issue tracker)


This RFC sketches the outlines of the high-level modules of a SQL query planning including a full-featured optimizer.


SQL query planning is concerned with transforming the AST of a SQL query into a physical query plan for execution. Naive execution of a SQL query can be prohibitively expensive, because SQL specifies the desired results and not how to achieve them. A given SQL query can have thousands of alternate query plans with vastly different execution times. The techniques used to generate and select a good query plan involve significant engineering challenges.

This RFC is intended to provide guidance for both short term and long term work on the SQL optimizer, and highlight areas of the current system that will need to evolve.

Guide-level explanation


SQL query planning is often described in terms of 8 modules:

  1. Stats
  2. Prep
  3. Rewrite
  4. Memo
  5. Cost Model
  6. Search
  7. Properties
  8. Transformations

Note that Stats, Cost Model, Memo, Properties and Transformations could be considered modules, while Prep, Rewrite and Search could be considered phases, though we'll refer to all 8 uniformly as modules in this document. Memo is a technique for compactly representing the forest of trees generated during Search. Stats, Properties, Cost Model and Transformations are modules that power Prep, Rewrite and Search.

                   SQL query text
                   |   Parse   |
     +-------+     +-----v-----+  - constant folding, type checking, name resolution
     | Stats +----->   Prep    |  - computes initial properties
     +-------+     +-----+-----+  - retrieves and attaches stats
                         |        - done once per PREPARE
                   +-----v-----+  - capture placeholder values / timestamps
                +-->  Rewrite  |  - cost-agnostic transformations, eg. predicate push-down
+------------+  |  +-----+-----+  - done once per EXECUTE
| Transforms +--+        |
+------------+  |     (expr)
                |        |
                +-->-----v-----+  - cost-based transformations
+------------+     |  Search   |  - finds lowest cost physical plan
| Cost Model +----->-----+-----+  - includes DistSQL physical planning
+------------+           |
                  (physical plan)
                   | Execution |

CockroachDB already has implementations of portions of these modules except for Stats and Memo. For example, CockroachDB performs name resolution and type checking which is part of Prep, and performs predicate push down through joins which traditionally happens during Rewrite. CockroachDB utilizes a primitive Cost model during index selection (a portion of Search) to choose which index to use based on filters and desired ordering.

In addition to the 8 modules, another aspect of the optimizer that needs discussion is Testing and test infrastructure.

Lastly, a strawman Roadmap is proposed for how to break up this work over the next several releases.


The following terms are introduced/defined in this RFC:


The parse phase is not discussed in this RFC. It handles the transformation of the SQL query text into an abstract syntax tree (AST).


Prep (short for "prepare") is the first phase of query optimization where the AST is transformed into a form more suitable for optimization and annotated with information that will be used by later phases. Prep includes resolving table and column references (i.e. name resolution) and type checking, both of which are already performed by CockroachDB.

During Prep, the AST is transformed from the raw output of the parser into an expression "tree".

type operator int16

type expr struct {
  op              operator
  children        []*expr
  relationalProps *relationalProps // See [relational properties](#tracked_properties)
  scalarProps     *scalarProps     // See [scalar properties](#tracked_properties)
  physicalProps   *physicalProps   // See [physical properties](#tracked_properties)
  private         interface{}

The term "expression" here is based on usage from literature, though it is mildly confusing as the current SQL code uses "expression" to refer to scalar expressions. In this document, "expression" refers to either a relational or a scalar expression. Using a uniform node type for expressions facilitates transforms used during the Rewrite and Search phases of optimization.

Each expression has an operator and zero or more operands (expr.children). Operators can be relational (e.g. join) or scalar (e.g. <). Relational operators can be logical (only specifies results) or physical (specifies both result and a particular implementation).

During Prep all the columns are given a unique index (number). Column numbering involves assigning every base column and non-trivial projection in a query a unique query-specific index.

Giving each column a unique index allows the expression nodes mentioned above to track input and output columns, or really any set of columns during Prep and later phases, using a bitmap. The bitmap representation allows fast determination of compatibility between expression nodes and is utilized during rewrites and transformations to determine the legality of such operations.

The Prep phase also computes logical properties, such as the input and output columns of each (sub-)expression, equivalent columns, not-null columns and functional dependencies.

The functional dependencies for an expression are constraints over one or more sets of columns. Specific examples of functional dependencies are the projections, where 1 or more input columns determine an output column, and "keys" which are a set of columns where no two rows output by the expression are equal after projection on to that set (e.g. a unique index for a table where all of the columns are NOT NULL). Conceptually, the functional dependencies form a graph, though they are not represented as such in code.


The second phase of query optimization is rewrite. The rewrite phase performs transformations on the logical query tree which are always beneficial (i.e. cost-agnostic).

A transformation transforms a (part of a) query into another. Note that there is conceptual overlap with the Search phase which also performs transformations on the query. Both phases employ transformations, yet Search needs to track and cost the alternatives while Rewrite does not. In the specific context of the rewrite phase, transformations are commonly called rewrites.

During Rewrite, the previous version of an expression is discarded. During Search, both the original and new expression are preserved side-by-side as alternatives, see the section below for details.

Also note that some of the transformations performed by Rewrite need not be performed again by Search (decorrelation is the prime example). The vast majority of transforms performed by Search are not used by Rewrite.

Rewrite is the phase where e.g. correlated subqueries are decorrelated (synonym: unnesting), additional predicates are inferred and predicate push down occurs, and various other simplifications to the relational algebra tree (e.g. projection & join elimination). As an example of predicate push down, consider the query:

SELECT * FROM a, b USING (x) WHERE a.x < 10

The naive execution of this query retrieves all rows from a and b, joins (i.e. filters) them on the variable x, and then filters them again on a.x < 10. Predicate push down attempts to push down the predicate a.x < 10 below the join. This can obviously be done for the scan from a:


Slightly more complicated, we can also generate a new predicate using the functional dependence that a.x = b.x (due to the join predicate):

  (SELECT * FROM a WHERE a.x < 10),
  (SELECT * FROM b WHERE b.x < 10) USING (x)

Predicate push down is aided by predicate inference. Consider the query:


Due to the join condition, we can infer the predicates a.x IS NOT NULL and b.x IS NOT NULL:


And predicate push down can push these predicates through the join:



Table statistics power both the cost model and the search of alternate query plans. A simple example of where stastistics guide the search of alternate query plans is in join ordering:


In the absence of other opportunities, this might be implemented as a hash join. With a hash join, we want to load the smaller set of rows (either from a or b) into the hash table and then query that table while looping through the larger set of rows. How do we know whether a or b is larger? We keep statistics about the cardinality of a and b, i.e. the (approximate) number of different values.

Simple table cardinality is sufficient for the above query but fails in other queries. Consider:

SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x = b.x WHERE a.y > 10

Table statistics might indicate that a contains 10x more data than b, but the predicate a.y > 10 is filtering a chunk of the table. What we care about is whether the result of the scan of a after filtering returns more rows than the scan of b. This can be accomplished by making a determination of the selectivity of the predicate a.y > 10 (the % of rows it will filter) and then multiplying that selectivity by the cardinality of a. The common technique for estimating selectivity is to collect a histogram on a.y (prior to running the query).

The collection of table statistics occurs prior to receiving the query. As such, the statistics are necessarily out of date and may be inaccurate. The system may bound the inaccuracy by recomputing the stats based on how fast a table is being modified. Or the system may notice when stat estimations are inaccurate during query execution.

A separate RFC covers statistics collection in CockroachDB.


Memo is a data structure for efficiently storing a forest of query plans. Conceptually, the memo is composed of a numbered set of equivalency classes called groups where each group contains a set of logically equivalent expressions. The different expressions in a single group are called memo-expressions (memo-ized expressions). While an expression node outside of the memo contains a list of child expressions, a memo-expression contains a list of child groups.

By definition, all the memo-expressions in a group share the same logical properties, a concept explored more in depth in the section below. The memo-expression structure mirrors the expression structure:

type exprID int32
type groupID int32

type memoExpr struct {
  op            operator
  children      []groupID
  physicalProps *physicalProps
  private       interface{}

type memoGroup struct {
  exprs           []memoExpr
  relationalProps *relationalProps
  scalarProps     *scalarProps

Transformations are not performed directly on the memo because transformations operate on trees while the memo models a forest of trees. Instead, expression fragments are extracted from the memo, transformed, and re-inserted into the memo. At first glance, this seems onerous and inefficient, but it allows transformations to be rewritten more naturally and the extraction of expression fragments can be performed efficiently.

Extracting an expression fragment for transformation is performed via a process called binding. Binding allows iterating over all of the expressions matching a pattern that are rooted at a particular memo-expression. A pattern is specified using the same expression structure that is to be extracted, with the addition of "pattern-leaf" and "pattern-tree" placeholders that act as wildcards:

  • A pattern leaf matches any expression tree, with only the root of the tree being retained in the bound expression. It is used when the expression is used opaquely by the transformation. In other words, the transformation doesn't care what's inside the subtree. It is a "leaf" in the sense that it's a leaf in any binding matching a pattern.
  • A pattern tree matches any expression tree and indicates that recursive extraction of the full subtree is required. It is typically used for scalar expressions when some manipulation of that expression is required by the transformation. Note that a pattern tree results in all possible subtrees being enumerated, however scalar expressions typically don't have many subtrees (if there are no subqueries, there is only one subtree). [TODO(peter): what to do about subqueries in a scalar context? Iterating over all of the subquery expressions doesn't seem right. There is a TODO in opttoy to cache scalar expressions in memoGroup. Need to investigate this further.]

To better understand the structure of the memo, consider the query:

SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.x = b.x

Converted to the expression structure which models the extended relational algebra the query looks like:

inner-join [columns: a.x a.y b.x b.z]
        variable (a.x)
        variable (b.x)
    scan [columns: a.x a.y]
    scan [columns: b.x b.z]

Inserting the expression tree into the memo results in:

6: [inner-join [1 2 5]]
5: [eq [3 4]]
4: [variable b.x]
3: [variable a.x]
2: [scan b]
1: [scan a]

Memo groups are numbered by when they were created and the groups are topologically sorted for display (this is an implementation detail and not intended to be prescriptive). In the above example, each group contains only a single memo-expression. After performing the join commutativity transformation, the memo would expand:

6: [inner-join [1 2 5]] [inner-join [2 1 5]]
5: [eq [3 4]]
4: [variable b.x]
3: [variable a.x]
2: [scan b]
1: [scan a]

Memo groups contain logically equivalent expressions, but two logically equivalent expression may not be placed in the same memo group. This occurs because determining logical equivalency of two relational expressions is complex to perform 100% correctly. A correctness failure (i.e. considering two expressions logically equivalent when they are not) results in invalid transformations and invalid plans. Placing two logically equivalent expressions in different groups has a much gentler failure mode: the memo and search are less efficient.

Insertion of an expression into the memo is performed by recursively inserting all of the sub-expressions into the memo and then computing a fingerprint for the memo-expression. The fingerprint for a memo-expression is simply the expression operator and the list of child groups. For example, in the memo examples above, the fingerprint for the first inner-join expression is [inner-join [1 2 5]]. The memo maintains a map from expression fingerprint to memo group which allows quick determination if an expression fragment already exists in the memo. A small amount of operator-specific normalization is performed when computing the group fingerprint for a memo-expression. For example, the left and right inputs of an inner-join are output in sorted order which results in the expressions [inner-join [1 2 5]] and [inner-join [2 1 5]] having the same group fingerprint. The operator-specific normalization is conservative. The common case for placing logically equivalent expressions in the same group is adherence to the invariant that transformed expressions are logically equivalent to their input.

type memo struct {
  // Map from memo-expression "group" fingerprint to group ID.
  groupMap map[string]groupID
  groups   []memoGroup

In addition to memo expressions, memo groups also contain a map from desired physical properties to optimization state for the group for those properties. This state is discussed more in Search.

A location within the memo identifies a particular memo-expression by its group and expression number. When an expression fragment is extracted from the memo, each expr is tagged with the location it originated from in the memo. This allows subsequent reinsertion of a transformed expression into the memo to quickly determine which groups the expression nodes should be added to.

type memoLoc struct {
  group groupID
  expr  exprID
type expr struct {
  op  operator
  loc memoLoc

The above depictions of the memo structures are simplified for explanatory purposes. The actual structures are similar, though optimized to reduce allocations.


Properties are meta-information that are maintained at each node in an expression. Properties power transformations and optimization.

Properties vs attributes

The term "property" encompasses information that is well-defined over any expression in its group: a given scalar property is well-defined for all scalar operators; a relational property is well-defined for all relational operators. For example, "nullability" is a property that is properly defined (and says something meaningful for) any any scalar expression.

In contrast, some bits of information are only relevant for specific operators. For example, the "join algorithm" is only relevant for join operators; the "index name" is only relevant for table scan operators, etc. This operator-specific data is called an attribute and is attached to a particular memo-expression.

Logical vs physical properties

Logical properties are maintained for both relational and scalar operators. A logical property refers to logical information about the expression such as column equivalencies or functional dependencies.

Physical properties are those that exist outside of the relational algebra such as row order and data distribution. Physical property requirements arise from both the query itself (the non-relational ORDER BY operator) and by the selection of specific implementations during optimization (e.g. a merge-join requires the inputs to be sorted in a particular order).

By definition, two memo-expressions in the same group have the same logical properties and the logical properties are attached to the memo group. The physical properties for the memo-expressions in a group may differ. For example, a memo group containing inner-join will also have hash-join and merge-join implementations which produce the same set of output rows but in different orders.

Relational vs scalar properties

The memo contains memo-expressions with either scalar (e.g. +, <, etc.) or relational (e.g. join, project, etc.) operators, distinguished as scalar expressions vs relational expressions.

Scalar and relational properties are maintained in separate data structures, but note that both scalar and relational properties are considered logical.

Derived vs required properties

Properties can be required or derived.

A required property is one specified by the SQL query text. For example, a DISTINCT clause is a required property on the set of columns of the corresponding projection -- that the tuple of columns forms a key (unique values) in the results.

A derived property is one derived by the optimizer for an expression based on the properties of the children nodes.

For example, in SELECT k+1 FROM kv, once the ordering of "k" is known from kv's descriptor, the same ordering property can be derived for k+1.

During optimization, for each node with required properties the optimizer will look at the children node to check whether their actual properties (which can be derived) match the requirement. If they don't the optimizer must introduce an enforcer operator in the plan that provides the required property.

For example, an ORDER BY clause creates a required ordering property can cause the optimizer to add a sort node as an enforcer of that property.

Tracked vs computed properties

A tracked property is one which is maintained in a data structure (e.g. relationalProps, scalarProps, physicalProps). A computed property is one which is computed from an expression or an expression fragment as needed. For intermediate nodes, all properties can be computed which makes tracked properties akin to a cache. The decision for whether to track or compute a property is pragmatic. Tracking a property requires overhead whether the property is used or not, but makes accessing the property in a transformation fast. Computing a property can be done only when the property is used, but is not feasible if the computation requires an entire sub-expression tree (as opposed to a fragment). Computed properties primarly occur for scalar properties for which transformations often have the entire scalar expression.

Tracked properties

The determination of the properties to track is a key aspect of the design of an optimizer. Track too many and adding new operators becomes onerous and maintaining the properties through transformations becomes expensive. Track too few and certain transformations become difficult.

Relational properties:

  • Output columns [intset]. The set of columns output by an expression. Used to determine if a predicate is compatible with an expression.
  • Outer columns [intset]. The set of columns that are used by the operator but not defined in the underlying expression tree (i.e. not supplied by the inputs to the current expression). Synonym: free vars.
  • Not-NULL columns [intset]. Column nullability is associated with keys which are a factor in many transformations such as join elimination, group-by simplification
  • Keys [[]intset]. A set of columns for which no two rows are equal after projection onto that set. The simplest example of a key is the primary key for a table. Note that a key requires all of the columns in the key to be not-NULL.
  • Weak keys [[]intset]. A set of columns where no two rows containing non-NULL values are equal after projection onto that set. A UNIQUE index on a table is a weak key and possibly a key if all of the columns are not-NULL. Weak keys are tracked because they can become keys at higher levels of a query due to null-intolerant predicates.
  • Foreign keys [map[intset]intset]. A set of columns that uniquely identify a single row in another relation. In practice, this is a map from one set of columns to another set of columns.
  • Equivalency groups [[]intset]. A set of column groups (sets) where all columns in a group are equal with each other.
  • Constant columns [intset]. Columns for which we know we have a single value.

Scalar properties:

  • Input columns [intset]. The set of columns used by the scalar expression. Used to determine if a scalar expression is compatible with the output columns of a relational expression.
  • Defined columns [intset]. The set of columns defined by the scalar expression.

Physical properties:

  • Column ordering. Specified by a top-level projection.
  • Row ordering. Specified by an ORDER BY clause or required by a physical operator (e.g. merge-join). Row ordering is enforced by the sort operator.
  • Rewindability. Required by multi-use CTEs. Every reference to the CTE in the query needs to return the same results. A read-only query has this property by default, though care must be taken with regards to the Halloween Problem if the read-only query exists in the context of a DML query. A CTE containing a DML (such as INSERT or UPDATE) needs to have its results materialized in temporary storage and thus provide rewindability. This property is enforced using a spool operator.

Note that this list of properties is not exhaustive. In particular, there are a large number of scalar properties for which it isn't clear if the property should be tracked or computed when necessary. For example, null-tolerance (does a predicate ever return true for a NULL value) can be computed from a scalar expression when needed. It is an open question as to whether it is utilized frequently enough that it should be tracked.

Tracking is a bit more than caching of computed properties: we can't compute certain relational properties without the entire sub-expression. Keys are an example: if you have a deeply nested join, in order to compute the keys after performing a join associativity transform, you would need to have the entire expression tree. By tracking the keys property and maintaining it at each relational expression, we only need the fragment of the expression needed by the transform.

Computed properties

Computed properties are used primarily in conjunction with scalar expressions. The properties are computed rather than tracked because we usually have the full scalar expression vs just a fragment for relational expressions.

Computed scalar properties:

  • Injectivity. An injective expression preserves distinctness: it never maps distinct elements of its domain to the same element of its codomain. exp(x) = e^x is injective.
  • Monotonicity. An monotonic expression preserves ordering. The preservation may be positive or negative (maintains order or inverts order) and strict or weak (maintains uniqueness or invalidates it). floor(x) is a positive-weak monotonic expression. -x is a negative-strict monotonic expression.
  • Null-intolerance. A null-intolerant expression is a predicate which never returns true for a NULL input column. Null-intolerance is used to infer nullability of columns. x = y (where x and y are columns) is a null-intolerant expression.
  • Contains-aggregate. Does the scalar expression contain any aggregate functions?
  • Contains-subquery. Does the scalar expression contain any subqueries?


Transformations convert an input expression tree into zero or more logically equivalent trees. Transformations utilize properties in order to determine the validity of the transformation. Transforms are configured with an expression pattern, a check method and an apply method. The expression pattern is used to identify locations within the full expression where the transform can be applied. The check method performs additional checks to determine the validity of a transformation. And the apply method applies the transformation, generating zero or more logically equivalent expressions.

Transformations are categorized as exploration or implementation. An exploration transformation creates a logical expression from an existing logical expression. An implementation transform creates a physical expression from a logical expression. Note that both exploration and implementation transforms take as input logical expressions.

Some examples of transformations:

  • Join commutativity swaps the order of the inputs to an inner join: [join a b] -> [join b a].
  • Join associativity reorders the children of a parent and child join: [join [join a b] c] -> [join [join a c] b]
  • Join elimination removes unnecessary joins based on projected columns and foreign keys.
  • Distinct/group-by elimination removes unnecessary distinct/group-by operations based on keys.
  • Decorrelation replaces correlated subqueries with semi-join, anti-join and apply operators.
  • Scan to index scan transforms the logical scan operator into one or more index scans on covering indexes.
  • Inner join to merge-join transforms a logical inner join operator into a merge-join operator.

An example transformation is join commutativity. The pattern for join commutativity is an inner-join:

 +-- pattern leaf  // left input
 +-- pattern leaf  // right input
 +-- pattern leaf  // join condition

An inner-join always has 3 children: the left and right inputs and the join condition. Join commutativity only needs to swap the left and right inputs an this specifies pattern leaf for all 3 children.

The actual join commutativity transform is straightforward:

// This is demonstration code, the real implementation will be mildly
// more complex in order to reduce heap allocations.
func (joinCommutativity) apply(e *expr) *expr {
  return &expr{
    op: innerJoinOp,
    children: []*expr{
    props: e.props,

Note that join commutativity is the simplest transform. More sophisticated transforms have to perform complex checks for whether they can be applied to an expression and for generating the resulting transformed expression. For a slightly more complex example, join associativity sorts the join conditions between the upper and lower joins and checks to see if it is creating an undesirable cross-join.

Implicit in the join commutativity example above is that transformations are written in code. An alternative is to create a domain specific language for expressing transformations. The benefit of such a language is the potential for more compact and expressive transformations. The downside is the need to write a compiler for the DSL. The current decision is to eschew a DSL for transformations as the work involved seems strictly greater than writing transformations in Go. In particular, a DSL would require both the author and reviewer to learn the DSL. And a DSL doesn't necessarily ease writing a transformation. Complex transformations may require extensions to the DSL and the DSL compiler and thus not simplify writing the transformation at all. In the short and medium term, the set of transformations is expected to remain small as energies go into fleshing out other query planning modules. The decision about a DSL for transformations should be revisited as the transformation set grows or in the light of experimentation with a DSL that proves its worth.

Cost model

The cost model takes as input a physical query plan and computes an estimated "cost" to execute the plan. The unit of "cost" can be arbitrary, though it is desirable if it has some real world meaning such as expected execution time. What is required is for the costs of different query plans to be comparable. A SQL optimizer is seeking to find the shortest expected execution time for a query and uses cost as a proxy for execution time.

Cost is roughly calculated by estimating how much time each node in the expression tree will use to process all results and modelling how data flows through the expression tree. Table statistics are used to power cardinality estimates of base relations which in term power cardinality estimates of intermediate relations. Operator-specific computations model the network, disk and CPU costs. The cost model should include data layout and the specific operating environment. For example, network RTT in one cluster might be vastly different than another.

The operator-specific computations model the work performed by the operator. A hash-join needs to model if temporary disk will be needed based on the estimated size of the inputs.

Because the cost for a query plan is an estimate, there is an associated error. This error might be implicit in the cost, or could be explicitly tracked. One advantage to explicitly tracking the expected error is that it can allow selecting a higher cost but lower expected error plan over a lower cost but higher expected error plan. Where does the error come from? One source is the innate inaccuracy of stats: selectivity estimation might be wildly off due to an outlier value. Another source is the accumulated build up of estimation errors the higher up in the query tree. Lastly, the cost model is making an estimation for the execution time of an operation such as a network RTT. This estimate can also be wildly inaccurate due to bursts of activity.

Search finds the lowest cost plan using dynamic programming. That imposes a restriction on the cost model: it must exhibit optimal substructure. An optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of its subproblems.

Search (a.k.a. Enumeration)

Search is the final phase of optimization where many alternative logical and physical query plans are explored in order to find the best physical query plan. The output of Search is a physical query plan to execute. Note that in this context, a physical query plan refers to a query plan for which the leaves of the tree are table scans or index scans. In the long term, DistSQL planning will be incorporated into Search, though in the short term it may be kept separate.

In order to avoid a combinatorial explosion in the number of expression trees, Search utilizes the Memo structure. Due to the large number of possible plans for some queries, Search cannot explore all of them and thus requires pruning heuristics. For example, Search can cost query plans early and stop exploring a branch of plans if the cost is greater than the current best cost so far.

Search begins with a Memo populated with the expression provided by Rewrite. Search is modelled as a series of tasks that optimize an expression. Conceptually, the tasks form a dependency tree very much like the dependency tree formed by tools like make. Each task has a count of its unfinished dependencies and a pointer to its parent task. When a task is run it is passed its parent task and as part of running it can add additional dependencies to its parent, thus making the tree of dependencies dynamic. After a task is run, it decrements its parent tasks and schedules it for execution if it was the last dependency. Note that new tasks are only created if new expressions were added to the memo. Search will not terminate if we continually created new expressions via transformations, but that would also indicate that we have an unbounded growth in expressions. In practice, Search will have some limits on the number of steps it performs or time it can take.

The initial task for Search is to optimize the "root" group. The tasks described are the standard Cascades-style search tasks:

  1. OptimizeGroup(reqProps). Implements the group (via ImplementGroup) which generates implementations for the expressions in the group, then selects the plan with the least estimated cost. Enforcers (e.g. sort) are added as needed.

  2. ImplementGroup. Explores the group (via ExploreGroup) which generates more logical expressions in the group and in child groups, then generates implementations for all of the logical expressions (via ImplementGroupExpr). ImplementGroup itself does not perform any transformations, but acts as a synchronization point for dependent tasks.

  3. ImplementGroupExpr. Implements all of the child groups (via ImplementGroup), then applies any applicable implementation transformations (via Transform) to the forest of expressions rooted at the specified memo-expression. Example transformation: inner-join to merge-join and hash-join.

  4. ExploreGroup. Explores each expression in the group (via ExploreGroupExpr). ExploreGroup itself does not perform any transformations, but acts as a synchronization point for dependent tasks.

  5. ExploreGroupExpr. Explores all of the child groups (via ExploreGroup), then applies any applicable exploration transformations (via Transform) to the forest of expressions rooted at the specified memo-expression. Example transformations: join commutativity and join associativity.

  6. Transform. Applies a transform to the forest of expressions rooted at a particular memo-expression. There are two flavors of transformation task: exploration and implementation. The primary difference is the state transition after the task finishes. An exploration transform task recursively schedules exploration of the group it is associated with. An implementation transform task schedules optimization of the group.

A search stage is configured by a set of exploration and implementation transforms, and a budget. The budget is used to prune branches of the search tree which appear undesirable. The initial search stage has a limited set of exploration and implementation transforms (perhaps 0 exploration transforms), an unlimited budget, and aims to quickly find a workable, though possibly slow, plan. Each subsequent stage uses the cost from the best plan of the previous stage for pruning. [TODO(peter): my understanding of how this will work is slightly fuzzy. My usage of the term budget might be off. Perhaps better to describe it as "max cost".]

Full featured optimizers can contain hundreds of transformations. Checking whether each transformation is applicable at each node would be prohibitively expensive, so the transformations are indexed by the root operator of their pattern. Transformations are further categorized as exploration and implementation and divided amongst the search stages best on generality and expected benefit.

Search is naturally parallelizable, yet exploiting that parallelism involves synchronization overhead. Parallelization also can allow one query to utilize more planning resources than other queries. Rather than support parallelization of search, energy will instead be directed at making search and transformations fast and memory efficient.


Historically, SQL databases have introduced subtle bugs that have lasted for years through invalid transformations. Search should be designed for testability. One example of this is to allow verification that all of the alternate plans generated by Search actually produce the same result.

In addition to testing the alternative query plans, there is utility in generating a large number of valid SQL statements. The existing Random Syntax Generator does one level of this by generating syntactically valid SQL. An additional level would be to generate semantically valid queries which might be more feasible by random generation at the expression level.

The relational algebra expression trees should provide a textual format to ease testing using infrastructure similar to the existing logic tests where test files define queries and expected results.

Optimization is concerned with making queries faster and it is quite disturbing to users when inadvertent regressions occur. A large test suite needs to be developed over time which ensures that the addition of new transformations or improvements to the various modules do not cause regressions in the chosen plans.

Generating actual table data with various data distributions for testing purposes would be both onerous and slow. Table statistics are a key factor in the decisions performed by search. In order to adequately test how the behavior of search changes with changing table statistics, we need an easy mechanism for injecting fake statistics.


The above outline sketches a large amount of work. How do we get there from here? A strawman proposal divides the work into several releases. The farther out the proposed work, the fuzzier the proposal becomes.


  • Stats. Stats are not dependent on other planning modules but are a prerequisite to cost-based transformations. Stats are only generated explicitly via CREATE STATISTICS.

  • Prep. Introduce the expression tree. Construct the expression tree from the existing AST output by the parser. Use the AST-based type checking and name resolution. The existing AST-based planning code will be left in place and a parallel world of expression-based planning will be erected. The new planning code will not be used in this release.

  • Rewrite. Predicate inference and predicate push down.

  • Memo. Introduce the memo structure.

  • Testing. Use ugly hacks to hook up a hobbled version of something as an alternate query planner. Perhaps a flag to pass queries through the expression format and memo and then translate them back into the AST in order to use the legacy planner.


  • Stats. Automatically gather stats on PKs and index columns.

  • Prep. Perform name resolution and type checking on the expression tree. Support non-recursive CTEs. Fall-back to legacy planning code for unsupported queries.

  • Rewrite. Transform correlated subqueries into apply variants. Transform common apply variants into joins.

  • Execution. Nested-loop-join, semi-join, anti-join and apply processors.

  • Cost model. Basic cost model that is powered by stats.

  • Search. Task-based single stage search. No pruning. Use existing DistSQL planning. Facility for time-travel debugging of the search process and inspecting the memo state (e.g. logical and physical properties). Global and per-session disablement of individual transforms.

  • Transforms. Join elimination, distinct/group-by elimination, join commutativity, join associativity, index selection, and scalar normalization.

  • Testing. Random generation of table data based on schema and query to exercise corner conditions. Random sampling and execution of alternate query plans to verify equivalence. Test suite for plan selection using injected stats.


  • Stats. Support more advanced statistics (e.g. filtered statistics).

  • Prep. Support 100% of queries, enabling the deletion of the legacy planning code.

  • Cost model. Make the cost model more sophisticated by taking into account measurements of network bandwidth and latency. Validate cost model against actual queries.

  • Search. Add multiple stages with pruning heuristics. Integrate DistSQL planning.

  • Transforms. Pull group-by above a join. Push group-by below a join. Split group-by into local and global components. Simplify outer joins.

  • Execution. Stream-group-by.

Unresolved questions

  • Flesh out understanding of where physical properties such as ordering can be imposed by the query itself. For example, a top-level ORDER BY clause definitely imposes ordering. But so does an ORDER BY clause that is the immediate sub-expression of LIMIT/OFFSET, DISTINCT ON, WITH ORDINALITY, {INSERT,UPSERT,DELETE,UPDATE} and CREATE TABLE ... AS .... We also need to pay attention to ORDER BY INDEX and ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY, though those clauses likely degenerate into ORDER BY. Are there other places we need to pay attention to physical properties? Are there other physical properties to capture at intermediate nodes?

  • Which parts of query planning can be performed during PREPARE vs EXECUTE? Most (all?) of the transformations that are part of Rewrite can be performed during PREPARE. For example, predicate push-down and decorrelation do not require placeholder values. And some parts of Search, such as join enumeration, can be performed during PREPARE. The part that is restricted to EXECUTE are certain parts of index selection and thus costing of query plans.

  • The performance of the query planner itself is important because query planning occurs for every query executed. What sorts of fast paths are possible for simple queries?

  • Window functions.

  • Describe max1row operator and why it is necessary.


Expr/Memo examples

Consider the query:

SELECT v, k FROM kv WHERE k < 3

Building the expression tree results in:

project [out=(0,1)]
  columns: kv.v:1 kv.k:0
    variable (kv.v) [in=(1)]
    variable (kv.k) [in=(0)]
    select [out=(0,1)]
      columns: kv.k:0* kv.v:1
        lt [in=(0)]
            variable (kv.k) [in=(0)]
            const (3)
        scan [out=(0,1)]
          columns: kv.k:0 kv.v:1

Some points to notice above. The relational operators (project, select and scan) track their output column set as a bitmap (i.e. out=(0,1)). Scalar expressions such as variable and lt track their required input columns. Relational operators have a slice of children where the interpretation of the children is operator specific. The project operator has 2 children: a relational input and a list of projections. Note that the order of projections is important and are stored using an ordered-list operator in the memo. The select operator also has 2 children: a relational input and a list of filters.

Inserting the expression tree into the memo results in:

8: [project [5 7]]
7: [ordered-list [6 2]]
6: [variable kv.v]
5: [select [1 4]]
4: [lt [2 3]]
3: [const 3]
2: [variable kv.k]
1: [scan kv]

Here we can see more clearly the child structure of the various relational operators. The select expression in group 5 has 2 children: groups 1 and 4. Group 1 is a scan and group 4 is the filter.

As another example, consider the query:


Inserting into the memo we get:

7: [project [5 6]]
6: [ordered-list [3 2]]
5: [project [1 4]]
4: [ordered-list [2 3]]
3: [variable kv.k]
2: [variable kv.v]
1: [scan kv]

Notice that the variables (kv.k and kv.v) are only present once in the memo and their groups are shared by both projection lists.