- Create location and geographical parsing
- Look into geograpy library
- Create synonym based regex parser
- Develop annotator groups (sort of like mini pipelines)
- Write tests for Annotators and Pipelines
- Remove choice of SVM of NB from classification building / training (feature is never used)
- [] Reconfiguring papertrails deployment
- Integrate SpaCy NER for numbers
- Start prototyping datetime parsing
- Create bot specific annotator capability
- Regex based annotator
- Force HTTPS on all API endpoints.
- Docker deployment
Version 0.4: Logging, Binary Classification Annotators, Binary Regex Annotators, Update Routes, .env based schema
- In app logging to Papertrails, transimission syslog of Apache to Papertrails
- Work on gazetteer specificity
- Start prototyping 'Trait' parsing
- Create ReGex annotator capability
- Code
- Test
- Build test database to mimic production database for testing.
- Restructure database to support entities table and connect to intents with OIDs.
- Integrate trait parsing for plurality
- Store annotator information in database to avoid hardcoding parameters and data
- Create custom exceptions for classifiers and gazetteers
- Create test for get-stopwords-and-entities database method
- NOTE: Method has been deprecated and removed
- Add m:n table for expressions and entities to link binary entities to their expressions
- Expanding Train class set of endpoints to train classifiers and gazetteers piecemeal.
- Code
- Test
- Choose schema search path via environment variable
- Create gazetteer
- code
- test
- Create Analysis pipeline to combine classifier and gazetteer
- code
- test
- Build out additional database methods to support entity types and stopwords associted with intents
- code
- test
- integrate new db mmethods into Classification class, return results to be used by classification annotator
- code
- test
- Create basic validation webpage for unlabeled expressions.
- code
- test
- Build out archive table and unlabeled expression table
- Look into using Flask's g object for persistent db connection
- Implement unlabeled expressions table and routes to add un-validated expressions
- code
- test
- Improve classification response to show scoring metrics if possible for LinearSVM
- Implement request parsing and parameter validation middleware or library-
- Using webargs library (utilizes Marshmallow)
- Setup External Postgres Database to handle Expressions
- Test caching of Spacy Model to see if it works in production
- Authentication Using simple Token based WWW-Authenticate authorization
- Requires added 'WSGIAuthenticationpass On' to wsgi.conf file on Elastic Bek
- Allow choice between Naive Bayes and LinearSVM during construction of sk-learn pipeline
- Implement config/environment files for use in configuring app.
- Host Server on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Build out logging capabilities BASIC
- Create route to delete intent and make sure all expressions are deleted too
- code
- test
- Create route to delete expression/s
- code
- test
- Create custom exceptions for to raise up to the route level for Database Errors and Database Intput Errors
- Convert all server responses to JSON format rather than HTML as standard in flask (This might be alleviated by flask-restful.
- Implemented through the jsonify(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...) method that creates a Flask resp with passed in key/value pairs
- Create route to update classification model with new expressions
- code
- test
- Create routes to add expressions to postgres
- code
- test
- Explore potential use of Flask Restful extension rather than using smaller basic extensions (reinventing wheel?)
- Create tests for existing routes.
- Create database method to remove all expressions from an intent
- code
- test
- Create database methods to add and remove an intent
- code
- test
- Create table 'intent_expressions', in schema 'nlp', in local server database 'test'
- NLP_Database class to pull intents and expressiosn from pg database
- code
- test
- Update training of classifier to use intents/expressions in postgres
- code
- test
- Initial push to git:
- Basic classification module
- Transformers
- caching of Spacy model
- basic Flask app
- resources