This page describes the Python Kinova.Api.DeviceConfig package.
Service to get and set device configuration information
This section describes procedure calls / methods exposed by the DeviceConfig package, including the return data type, input data type, and description of what the method does. For Kinova-defined data types, you can click through to read more about the data type, its data fields, and its related methods.
Method name | Return type | Input type | Description |
ClearAllSafetyStatus | None | None | Clear all safety status for this device if they are no longer raised |
ClearSafetyStatus | None | SafetyHandle | Clear a specific safety status if it is no longer raised |
GetAllSafetyConfiguration | SafetyConfigurationList | None | Gets configuration on every safeties |
GetAllSafetyInformation | SafetyInformationList | None | Gets information on every safeties |
GetBootloaderVersion | BootloaderVersion | None | Returns the device bootloader version |
GetDeviceType | DeviceType | None | Returns the type for the device |
GetFirmwareVersion | FirmwareVersion | None | Returns the device firmware version |
GetIPv4Settings | IPv4Settings | None | Returns the device IPv4 settings (not implemented on Base) |
GetMACAddress | MACAddress | None | Returns the device MAC address |
GetModelNumber | ModelNumber | None | Returns the device model number |
GetPartNumber | PartNumber | None | Returns the device part number |
GetPartNumberRevision | PartNumberRevision | None | Returns the device part number revision |
GetPowerOnSelfTestResult | PowerOnSelfTestResult | None | Returns the result on the device power on self test (future) |
GetRunMode | RunMode | None | Returns the run mode for the device (future) |
GetSafetyConfiguration | SafetyConfiguration | SafetyHandle | Retrieves configuration about the specified safety |
GetSafetyEnable | SafetyEnable | SafetyHandle | Indicates if specified safety is enabled (or disabled) |
GetSafetyInformation | SafetyInformation | SafetyHandle | Retrieves information about the specified safety |
GetSafetyStatus | SafetyStatus | SafetyHandle | Indicates if the specified safety is raised |
GetSerialNumber | SerialNumber | None | Returns the device serial number |
OnNotificationSafetyTopic | NotificationHandle | NotificationOptions | Subscribes to safety notifications (future) |
RebootRequest | None | RebootRqst | Sends a request to the device to reboot |
ResetSafetyDefaults | None | None | Puts back all safety configuration to factory defaults (future) |
SetIPv4Settings | None | IPv4Settings | Configures the device IPv4 settings (not implemented on Base) |
SetMACAddress | None | MACAddress | Sets the device MAC address (intented for Kinova Production) (future) |
SetModelNumber | None | ModelNumber | Sets the device model number (intented for Kinova Production) (future) |
SetPartNumber | None | PartNumber | Sets the device part number (intented for Kinova Production) (future) |
SetPartNumberRevision | None | PartNumberRevision | Sets the device part number revision (intented for Kinova Production) (future) |
SetRunMode | None | RunMode | Sets the run mode for the device (future) |
SetSafetyConfiguration | None | SafetyConfiguration | Configures the specified safety (i.e. sets error and warning thresholds) (future) |
SetSafetyEnable | None | SafetyEnable | Enables (disable) the specified safety (future) |
SetSafetyErrorThreshold | None | SafetyThreshold | Sets the Error threshold for the specified safety (future) |
SetSafetyWarningThreshold | None | SafetyThreshold | Sets the Warning threshold for the specified safety (future) |
SetSerialNumber | None | SerialNumber | Sets the device serial number (intented for Kinova Production) (future) |
This section describes the data types used in the DeviceConfig package methods, including message classes and enumerations. Click through the links to read more about the data types.
Message | Description |
BootloaderVersion | Message specifying the bootloader version for the device |
DeviceType | Message specifying the device type |
FirmwareVersion | Message specifying the firmware version for the device |
IPv4Settings | Message containing the IPv4 settings for the device, including address, subnet mask, and default gateway |
MACAddress | MAC address for the device |
ModelNumber | Message specifying the model number for the device |
PartNumber | String specifiying the part number for the device |
PartNumberRevision | String specifying part number revision for the device |
PowerOnSelfTestResult | Result of power on self test |
RebootRqst | Reboot request with bootloader delay |
RunMode | Message specifying the run mode |
SafetyConfiguration | Configure a safety |
SafetyConfigurationList | Array of safety configuration |
SafetyEnable | Enable or disable a specific safety |
SafetyInformation | Information about a particular safety |
SafetyInformationList | Array of safety information |
SafetyStatus | Provides safety status |
SafetyThreshold | Configure threshold of a specific safety |
SerialNumber | String specifying the serial number for the device |
Enumeration | Description |
RunModes | Options for the run mode for the device |
SafetyLimitType | Types of safeties limits |
ServiceVersion | Enumeration used to identify DeviceConfig current version |
Parent topic: KINOVA® KORTEX™ Python API Reference