This guide outlines useful resources, tools and processes for contribution to Devilution.
The code style guide is evolving with the project.
- diasurgical/scalpel - uploaded .SYM files from each release of Diablo 1 on Playstation
- diasurgical/devilution-comparer - small helper tool to aid comparing functions between devilution and the original binary
- sanctuary/notes - documented Windows-specific Diablo code
- sanctuary/psx - .SYM files converted to C headers
- A clean installation of Diablo patched to version 1.09b (Diablo.exe)
- Download IDA (Interactive Disassembler) Hex-Rays
- Download IDC script from sanctuary/notes repository: notes.idc
Described below are steps for using the IDA and SYM files to reverse the Diablo source.
Both Devilution and the Sanctuary Notes repo have the intended aim to get as close as possible to document the original game. Devilution is closer in the sense that the same names have been used for functions as based on the SYM debug info. The notes repo has tried to use consistent naming for functions, e.g. prefix with source file name.
See for instance drlg_l1_load_dun,
which is defined in drlg_l1.cpp
. This function has the PSX signature
void LoadL1Dungeon__FPcii(char *sFileName, int vx, int vy)
, but is documented
in the Sanctuary Notes repo as follows for consistency:
/// address: 0x40AE79
/// drlg_l1_load_dun loads tile IDs, monsters and objects from the given
/// dungeon file.
/// PSX ref: 0x8013CF64
/// PSX def: void LoadL1Dungeon__FPcii(char *sFileName, int vx, int vy)
void __fastcall drlg_l1_load_dun(char *dun_path, int view_x, int view_y);
- Open the
(version 1.09b in IDA) and wait for it to finish analysis- Open as "Portable Executable"
- Processor type i386 (80386)
- Run the IDC script in IDA on the fresh IDB database to import names for variables and functions, type definitions, etc. (Note: run the IDC script only on new IDB databases as it removes all variable names before adding new ones.); for more info, see #79 (comment)
- Example: search for
- Starting memory address
- Function name
- Function arguments
(char *dun_path, int view_x, int view_y)
- #TODO what else can be inferred from below?
- Starting memory address
; drlg_l1_load_dun loads tile IDs, monsters and objects from the given
; dungeon file.
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; void __fastcall drlg_l1_load_dun(char *dun_path, int view_x, int view_y)
drlg_l1_load_dun proc near
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
var_8= dword ptr -8
var_4= dword ptr -4
view_y= dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
push ebx
push esi
push edi
push 10h
pop eax
mov [ebp+var_C], edx
push 60h
mov dword_5D2458, eax
mov dword_5D245C, eax
pop eax
mov esi, ecx
mov dword_5CF328, eax
mov dword_5CF32C, eax
call gendung_init_transparency
xor edx, edx ; size
mov ecx, esi ; file_path
call engine_mem_load_file
mov esi, eax
xor ecx, ecx
The diasurgical/scalpel repository includes a copy of a symbolic file that was accidentally left on the Japanese release of Diablo on Playstation 1. The CD contained debug information in a .SYM file, the format of which has been reversed, so we can recover type information, variable names, etc, for the PSX release.
- Download and open jap_05291998.out
- Example: search for
- Starting memory address
- Function name
- Function arguments
(*char sFilename, int vx, int, vy)
- #TODO what else can be inferred from below?
- Starting memory address
135ea8: $8013cf64 8c Function_start
fp = 29
fsize = 48
retreg = 31
mask = $80070000
maskoffs = -4
line = 905
file = C:\diabpsx\SOURCE\DRLG_L1.CPP
name = LoadL1Dungeon__FPcii
135ef4: $00000010 94 Def class REGPARM type PTR CHAR size 0 name sFileName
135f0b: $00000011 94 Def class REGPARM type INT size 0 name vx
135f1b: $00000012 94 Def class REGPARM type INT size 0 name vy
135f2b: $8013cf64 90 Block_start line = 1
135f34: $00000005 94 Def class REG type INT size 0 name i
135f43: $00000007 94 Def class REG type INT size 0 name j
135f52: $0000000b 94 Def class REG type INT size 0 name rw
135f62: $0000000c 94 Def class REG type INT size 0 name rh
135f72: $00000010 94 Def class REG type PTR UCHAR size 0 name pLevelMap
135f89: $00000008 94 Def class REG type PTR UCHAR size 0 name lm
135f99: $8013d0c4 90 Block_start line = 44
135fa2: $8013d11c 92 Block_end line = 60
135fab: $8013d11c 92 Block_end line = 60
135fb4: $8013d138 8e Function_end
- Step 1:
- Step 2: Download latest devilution-comparer: (build from src if on Mac)
- Step 3: Get the Diablo 1.09 exe
- Step 4: If not on Windows Devilution-comparer requires Wine, either install Wine or use Riivaaja as a proxy (more on this later if you would like to go this route).
- Step 5:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/root/devilution -e MAKE_BUILD=pdb diasurgical/riivaaja
Generate diff:
devilution-comparer Diablo_original.exe Diablo.exe <function_name>
You can add --no-mem-disp
if you want a cleaner output but this can also hide valuable details
This will generate an orig.asm
and compare.asm
that you can compare in your favorit diff
application, in the folder that you can the command from.
To use Riivaaja instead of installing Wine, create wine
in your $PATH
and add this content:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/root/devilution --entrypoint "/usr/bin/wine" diasurgical/riivaaja:stable $(basename $1) $2 $3
(Don't forget to also set exec permissions on the file)
Install dependencies:
- Install Wine if not on Windows (e.g.
sudo pacman -S wine
) - Install MS VC+ 5 + SP3 and MS VC+ 6 + SP5 + PP. (for more information see the building instructions of the readme)
Install devililution-comparer
from release (or from source below):
- Download and extract the latest release from
Or install devililution-comparer
from source:
git clone
cd devililution-comparer
cargo build --release
cp cvdump.exe target/release/
cp comparer-config.toml target/release/
Clone Devilution nightly, build and compare against the original Diablo binary:
git clone
make MAKE_BUILD=pdb -f MakefileVC
cp /path/to/diablo-v1.09b.exe .
../devilution-comparer/target/debug/devilution-comparer diablo-v1.09b.exe Diablo.exe <function name>
(replace<function name>
with e.g.InitMonsterTRN
)code --diff orig.asm compare.asm
(ordiff -u orig.asm compare.asm
To watch build directory for changes use the -w
command line flag:
$ ./devilution-comparer -w diablo-v1.09b.exe Diablo.exe InitMonsterTRN
Found InitMonsterTRN at 0x4322EC, size: 0x8C; orig size: 0x8C
Started watching Diablo.pdb for changes. CTRL+C to quit.