This library is using SkiaSharp to display a customisable RatingView.
- Xamarin.iOS
- Xamarin.Android
- Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, UWP, NET Standard 1.3
Xamarin.Forms (.NET Standard 1.3)
<skiarate:RatingView Count="5" ColorOn="Red" Value="3.0" />
- Xamarin.iOS
view.AddSubview(new RatingView() { Frame = view.Bounds, Path = PathConstants.Heart, ColorOn = UIColor.Red});
- Xamarin.Android
android:layout_height="160dp" />
FindViewById<RatingView>(Resource.Id.ratingView1).Path = PathConstants.Heart;
FindViewById<RatingView>(Resource.Id.ratingView1).RatingType = RatingType.Half;
- Xamarin.Forms
<skiarate:RatingView ColorOn="#E91E63" Count="8" />
By default, 5 yellow stars are displayed using the RatingView, but you may customize the it to your own taste by setting the following properties :
// The Svg path data for the "icon"
string Path { get; set; }
// Number of items to display
int Count {get;set;}
// The (native) color of the item when filled
Color ColorOn { get; set; }
// The Outline color of filled items
Color OutlineOnColor { get; set; }
// The Outline color of empty items
Color OutlineOffColor { get; set; }
// How items should be filled (Full, Empty or Floating)
RatingType RatingType { get; set; }
Included Svg path data & colors were taken from
I got the idea to make a SkiaSharp component from @Aloïs Deniel's awesome Charts library Microcharts