This repo contains resources used to build a pipeline for building new Jenkins container image for OpenShift.
Create a new project
oc new-project jenkins-builder
For OKD/Minishift import jenkins-persistent template - for some reasons it's missing in newer version (skip it if your cluster already has it)
oc apply -f -n openshift
Start a new Jenkins instance
oc process -n openshift jenkins-persistent -p MEMORY_LIMIT=1024M|oc apply -f- -n jenkins-builder oc set env dc/jenkins \ OVERRIDE_PV_CONFIG_WITH_IMAGE_CONFIG=true \ OVERRIDE_PV_PLUGINS_WITH_IMAGE_PLUGINS=true \ CASC_JENKINS_CONFIG=/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins-casc.yaml
Assign an admin role to jenkins
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user admin -z jenkins
Create a pipeline
oc process -f jenkins-pipeline-template.yaml|oc apply -f- -n jenkins-builder
Run the pipeline job
oc start-build build-image-jenkins-master
Log in to Jenkins and check the build progress. Approve its promotion to openshift project to make it available to other users on your cluster.