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title expires_at tags
Policy Server

External API

The policy server API is used for creating, deleting and listing policies and tags.

API Authorization

In order to communicate with the policy server API, a UAA oauth token with valid network.admin or network.write scope is required. The CF admin by default has network.admin scope, other users will need to have the proper scope granted by an admin.

Space developers with the network.write scope can configure policies for applications in spaces for which they have the SpaceDeveloper role.

Option 1: cf curl

Use the cf curl command as admin


$ cf curl /networking/v1/external/policies

Option 2: curl

When using curl the token must be explicitly provided in the Authorization header.


$ export TOKEN=`cf oauth-token` # as CF admin
$ curl -H "Authorization: $TOKEN"

API Documentation

The current API is v1.

Method Path Arguments Request Body Description
GET /networking/v1/external/policies see below - List Policies
POST /networking/v1/external/policies - see below Create Policies
POST /networking/v1/external/policies/delete - see below Delete Policies
GET /networking/v1/external/tags - - List all tag and id mappings


  • A policy_group_id is a generic way to identify a policy, but currently it is also the same as the app guid
  • A unique tag is assigned to a policy_group_id when policies are created.

GET /networking/v1/external/policies


[optionally] id: comma-separated policy_group_id values
[optionally] source_id: comma-separated source policy_group_id values
[optionally] dest_id: comma-separated destination policy_group_id values

Will return only the policies which include the given policy_group_id either as source id or destination id.

Response Body:

  "total_policies": 2,
  "policies": [
      "source": {
        "id": "1081ceac-f5c4-47a8-95e8-88e1e302efb5"
      "destination": {
        "id": "38f08df0-19df-4439-b4e9-61096d4301ea",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235
      "source": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36"
      "destination": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235

POST /networking/v1/external/policies

Request Body:

  "policies": [
      "source": {
        "id": "1081ceac-f5c4-47a8-95e8-88e1e302efb5"
      "destination": {
        "id": "38f08df0-19df-4439-b4e9-61096d4301ea",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235
      "source": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36"
      "destination": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235
Field Required? Description Y The source policy_group_id Y The destination policy_group_id
policies.destination.protocol Y The protocol (tcp or udp)
policies.destination.ports Y The destination port range
policies.destination.ports.start Y The destination start port (1 - 65535)
policies.destination.ports.end Y The destination end port (1 - 65535)

POST /networking/v1/external/policies/delete

Request Body:

  "policies": [
      "source": {
        "id": "1081ceac-f5c4-47a8-95e8-88e1e302efb5"
      "destination": {
        "id": "38f08df0-19df-4439-b4e9-61096d4301ea",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235
      "source": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36"
      "destination": {
        "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "ports": {
          "start": 1234,
          "end": 1235
Field Required? Description Y The source policy_group_id Y The destination policy_group_id
policies.destination.protocol Y The protocol (tcp or udp)
policies.destination.ports Y The destination port range
policies.destination.ports.start Y The destination start port (1 - 65535)
policies.destination.ports.end Y The destination end port (1 - 65535)

Response Status Codes:

  • 200 (successful)
  • 400 (invalid request)
  • 406 (unsupported API version)

GET /networking/v1/external/tags

Response Body:

  "tags": [
      "id": "1081ceac-f5c4-47a8-95e8-88e1e302efb5",
      "tag": "0001"
      "id": "308e7ef1-63f1-4a6c-978c-2e527cbb1c36",
      "tag": "0002"
      "id": "38f08df0-19df-4439-b4e9-61096d4301ea",
      "tag": "0003"

Internal API

If you are replacing the built-in "VXLAN Policy Agent" with your own Policy Enforcement implementation, you can use the Policy Server's internal API to retrieve policy information.

There is a single endpoint to retrieve policies:


Additionally, you can use the id query parameter to filter the response to include only policies with a source or destination that match any of the comma-separated group_policy_id's that are included.

Policy Server Internal API Details

PUT /networking/v1/internal/tags

Create a new tag for a given type and id Noop and returns existing tag if present

If a request is made for an existing id with a new type, the request will fail. id is a unique constraint.

Json Parameters (required):

  • id: a unique identifier for the resource or group of resources; e.g. INGRESS_ROUTER
  • type: the type of the group being requested for; e.g. router

Example Request Body:

  "type": "router"

Response Body:

  • ID: the id supplied in the request
  • Type: the type supplied in the request
  • Tag: the tag assigned to the group

GET /networking/v1/internal/policies

List all policies optionally filtered to match requested policy_group_id's

Query Parameters (optional):

  • id: comma-separated policy_group_id values

Response Body:

  • policies: list of policies
  • policies[].destination: the destination of the policy
  • policies[] the policy_group_id of the destination (currently always an app_id)
  • policies[].destination.ports: the range of ports allowed on the destination
  • policies[].destination.ports.start: the first port in the port range allowed on the destination
  • policies[].destination.ports.end: the last port of the port range allowed on the destination
  • policies[].destination.protocol: the protocol allowed on the destination: tcp or udp
  • policies[].destination.tag: the tag of the source allowed to the destination
  • policies[].source: the source of the policy
  • policies[] the policy_group_id of the source (currently always an app_id)
  • policies[].source.tag: the tag of the source allowed to the destination

GET /networking/v1/internal/security_groups

List security groups that are bound to spaces defined by space_guids parameter and global security groups.

Query Parameters (optional):

  • space_guids: comma-separated values of space guids
  • limit: the number of security groups to return
  • from: the id of the security group to start the returned values from

Response Body:

  • next: the id of the security group that goes next after the security groups in the response. 0 indicates that there are no more security groups to follow
  • security_groups: list of security groups
  • security_groups[].guid: the guid of the security group
  • security_groups[].name: the name of the security group
  • security_groups[].rules: the JSON array of security group rules
  • security_groups[].staging_default: whether the security group is global for staging application containers
  • security_groups[].running_default: whether the security group is global for running application containers
  • security_groups[].staging_space_guids: comma-separated list of staging space guids the security group is bound to
  • security_groups[].running_space_guids: comma-separated list of running space guids the security group is bound to

Example Put Tags Request and Response

Create a new tag

curl \
  --cacert ca.crt \
  --cert client.crt \
  --key client.key \ \
  -X PUT \
  -d '{ "id": "router", "type": "fakeType" }'
  "id": "router",
  "type": "fakeType",
  "tag": "0004"

Example Get Policy Request and Response

Get all policies

curl -s \
  --cacert certs/ca.crt \
  --cert certs/client.crt \
  --key certs/client.key \
  "policies": [
      "destination": {
        "id": "eb95ff20-cba8-4edc-8f4a-cf80d0669faf",
        "ports": {
          "end": 8090,
          "start": 8080
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0002"
      "source": {
        "id": "4a2d3627-0b8c-42d1-9563-22696eedc05d",
        "tag": "0001"
      "destination": {
        "id": "b611f7e6-c8fe-41cb-b150-92581aafa5c2",
        "ports": {
          "end": 8080,
          "start": 8080
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0004"
      "source": {
        "id": "3b348978-a3cb-487c-a277-58fdc3e2c678",
        "tag": "0003"
      "destination": {
        "id": "8fa287c9-0d01-491e-a1d5-d6e2d8a1ef61",
        "ports": {
          "end": 8080,
          "start": 8080
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0005"
      "source": {
        "id": "8fa287c9-0d01-491e-a1d5-d6e2d8a1ef61",
        "tag": "0005"
      "destination": {
        "id": "d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16",
        "ports": {
          "end": 6666,
          "start": 5555
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0006"
      "source": {
        "id": "d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16",
        "tag": "0006"

Get Filtered Policies

Returns all policies with source or destination id's that match any of the included policy_group_id's.

curl -s \
--cacert certs/ca.crt \
--cert certs/client.crt \
--key certs/client.key \,d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16
  "policies": [
      "destination": {
        "id": "d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16",
        "ports": {
          "start": 5555,
          "end": 6666
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0006"
      "source": {
        "id": "d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16",
        "tag": "0006"
      "destination": {
        "id": "5351a742-6704-46df-8de0-1a376adab65c",
        "ports": {
          "start": 5555,
          "end": 6666
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "tag": "0007"
      "source": {
        "id": "5351a742-6704-46df-8de0-1a376adab65c",
        "tag": "0007"

Get Security Groups

Return security groups that are bound to provided space guids as well as global security groups.

curl -s \
--cacert certs/ca.crt \
--cert certs/client.crt \
--key certs/client.key \,d5bbc5ed-886a-44e6-945d-67df1013fa16
  "next": 0,
  "security_groups": [
      "guid": "b4669e65-e196-4c4d-8504-913e69d525bb",
      "name": "public_networks",
      "rules": "[{\"protocol\":\"all\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"all\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"all\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"all\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"all\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false}]",
      "staging_default": true,
      "running_default": true,
      "staging_space_guids": [],
      "running_space_guids": []
      "guid": "cb2d7b6a-0d91-4f63-a69c-4ebcb5c683a3",
      "name": "dns",
      "rules": "[{\"protocol\":\"tcp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"53\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"udp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"53\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false}]",
      "staging_default": true,
      "running_default": true,
      "staging_space_guids": [],
      "running_space_guids": []
      "guid": "c1654f71-ead9-4a16-bc7e-10835cfea7f1",
      "name": "security-group-1",
      "rules": "[{\"protocol\":\"icmp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"tcp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"80,443\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"Allow http and https traffic to ZoneA\",\"log\":true}]",
      "staging_default": false,
      "running_default": false,
      "staging_space_guids": [],
      "running_space_guids": [
      "guid": "e22dcb62-e310-4aae-b560-9692cc809277",
      "name": "security-group-2",
      "rules": "[{\"protocol\":\"icmp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"log\":false},{\"protocol\":\"tcp\",\"destination\":\"\",\"ports\":\"80,443\",\"type\":0,\"code\":0,\"description\":\"Allow http and https traffic to ZoneA\",\"log\":true}]",
      "staging_default": false,
      "running_default": false,
      "staging_space_guids": [
      "running_space_guids": []