The options
directive allows configuring Pipeline-specific options from within the Pipeline itself. We are going to add the buildDiscarder
option to limit the number of logs and artifacts retained, and the skipDefaultCheckout
option to skip checking out code by default in every stage. We will add both to one global options
directive after the agent
directive in the Jenkinsfile
file in the development branch of your forked helloworld-nodejs repository.
- Use the GitHub file editor to update the
file in the development branch of your forked helloworld-nodejs repository - adding the followingoptions
directive below theagent
pipeline {
agent { label 'nodejs-app' }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '2'))
skipDefaultCheckout true
- Next, we need to add an explicit checkout step -
checkout scm
to the Test stage, we don't want to do a checkout in any of the other stages but we do need a checkout in thisstage
stage('Test') {
agent { label 'nodejs-app' }
steps {
checkout scm
container('nodejs') {
echo 'Hello World!'
sh 'node --version'
checkout scm
step is outside of thecontainer
block as there is no guarantee that thenodejs
has git installed.
- Commit Changes and then navigate to the development branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in the classic UI on your Team Master and once the job has run at least once, the job configuation will be updated to reflect what was added to the Pipeline script.
NOTE: A Pipeline job must run in Jenkins before any type of Pipeline directive that modifies the job configuration can take effect because there is no way for the Jenkins Master to know about it until it runs on the Jenkins Master. Also, note that for Multibranch Pipeline projects - the only way to modify much of the configuration of the managed branch specific Pipeline jobs is by doing it in the Pipeline Jenkinsfile/script as those jobs are not directly configurable from the Jenkins UI.
pipeline {
agent { label 'nodejs-app' }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '2'))
skipDefaultCheckout true
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
checkout scm
container('nodejs') {
echo 'Hello World!'
sh 'node --version'
You may proceed to the main list of the labs if you would like to explore other labs.