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1470 lines (1205 loc) · 44 KB


Important Note: Do not reveal your 'AccessKey' and 'SecretKey' to anyone. They are as important as your password.

Components of a Query Request

Each HTTPS request formatted for Signature should contain the following:

  • AccessKeyId: The 'AccessKey' distributed by Server when you applied for APIKEY.
  • SignatureMethod: The hash-based protocol used to calculate the signature. This should be HmacSHA256.
  • SignatureVersion: The version of the signature protocol.This shoule be 2.
  • Timestamp: The time at which you make the request. Include this in the Query request to help prevent third parties from intercepting your request.This should be formatted in UTC time, like '2017-05-11T16:22:06'.
  • Required and optional parameters: Each action has a set of required and optional parameters that define the API call.This shows in the API reference.Important Reminder: Every param in a GET method should be included in signature calculation, and only AccessKeyId, SignatureMethod, SignatureVersion, Timestamp should be included in signature calculation for a POST method.
  • Signature: The calculated value that ensures the signature is valid and is not tampered.

For example:

&Signature=calculated value

How to Generate a Signature

Web service requests are sent across the Internet and are vulnerable to tampering. For security reasons, Server requires a signature as part of every request.

Task 1: Format the Query Request

Before you can sign the Query request, normalize the request in a standardized (canonical) format. This is necessary because different formats will result in different HMAC signatures. Normalize the request in a canonical format before signing. This ensures your application and server will calculate the same signature for a request.

The following example generates the string to sign for the following call to the server.

  1. Start with the request method (either GET or POST), followed by a newline character. For human readability, the newline character is represented as \n.
  1. Add the root url in lowercase, followed by a newline character.
  1. Add the method, followed by a newline character.
  1. Add the query string components, as UTF-8 characters which are URL encoded (hexadecimal characters must be uppercase). Please do not encode the initial question mark character (?) in the request.Then sort the query string components by byte order. Byte ordering is case sensitive.

For example, this is the original order for the query string components.


The query string components would be reorganized as the following:

  1. Separate parameter names from their values with the equal sign character (=), even if the value is empty. Separate parameter and value pairs with the ampersand character (&). Concatenate the parameters and their values to make one long string with no spaces. Spaces within a parameter value are allowed, but must be URL encoded as %20. In the concatenated string, period characters (.) are not escaped.

The following example shows the query string components, with the parameters concatenated with the ampersand character (&), and sorted by byte order.


To construct the finished canonical request, combine all the components from each step. As shown, each component ends with a newline character.


Task 2: Calculate the Signature

  1. The signature is calculated with the following canonical string and secret key as inputs to a keyed hash function:
  • Canonical query string:
  • Secret key(The 'SecretKey' distributed by server when you applied for APIKEY.):
  • The resulting signature must be base-64 encoded.
  1. Add the resulting value to the query request as a Signature parameter. When you add this parameter to the request, you must URI encode it just like any other parameter. You can use the signed request in an HTTP or HTTPS call.

  2. The final request :


Request Process

  1. rest public without verify ;rest private verify ;ws public without verify ;ws private verify ;verify path:ws/v1.
  2. Host Structure: (Should you have any question about the Host, please consult with your host provider.)
  3. The field 'Content-Type' in request header should be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for a GET method, and 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for a POST method.
  4. Request parameter: Construct the request parameters according to each API interface.
  5. Submit request: Use POST or GET method to send request to server.
  6. HTTPS is required.
  7. Server respond: Server processes request and returns data to users in JSON format after authentication check.

API Reference

Composition rules of 'symbol' : 'base-currency' + 'quote-currency'.For 'BTC/USDT' trading,the 'symbol' is btcusdt, and so on.

List of Requests

Content Type Request Method Request Type Description Signature Required Sub-UID Allowed
Market Data GET /market/history/kline GET K-Line N Y
Market Data GET /market/detail/merged GET 24 hours trade summary and best bid/ask for a symbol N Y
Market Data GET /market/tickers GET Trade summary of a trading day for all symbols N Y
Market Data GET /market/depth GET Market Depth of a symbol N Y
Market Data GET /market/trade GET The last trade of a symbol N Y
Market Data GET /market/history/trade GET Request a batch of trade records of a symbol, up to 2000 records N Y
Symbols&Currency [GET /v1/common/symbols] GET Reference information of trading instrument, including base currency, quote precision, etc. N Y
Symbols&Currency [GET /v1/common/currencys] GET The list of currencies available N Y
Account [GET /v1/account/accounts] GET get the status of an account Y Y
Account [GET /v1/account/accounts/{account-id}/balance] GET Get the balance of an account Y Y
Trade [POST/v1/order/orders/place] POST Place an order Y Y
Trade POST/v1/order/orders/{order-id}/submitcancel POST Request to cancel an order Y Y
Trade POST /v1/order/orders/batchcancel POST Request to cancel a batch of orders, up to 50 orders Y Y
Trade POST /v1/order/orders/batchCancelOpenOrders POST Request to cancel a batch of orders, which meet certain criteria, up to 100 orders Y Y
User Order Info GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id} GET Get the details of an order Y Y
User Order Info GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id}/matchresults GET Get detail match results of an order Y Y
User Order Info GET /v1/order/orders GET Search for a group of orders, which meet certain criteria (up to 100) Y Y
User Order Info GET /v1/order/matchresults GET Search for the trade records of an account Y Y
User Order Info GET /v1/order/openOrders GET Get the open orders of an account (up to 500) Y Y
Withdraw/Deposit POST /v1/dw/withdraw/api/create POST Submit a request to withdraw some asset from an account Y N
Withdraw/Deposit POST /v1/dw/withdraw-virtual/{withdraw-id}/cancel POST Cancel an withdraw request Y N
Withdraw/Deposit GET /v1/query/deposit-withdraw GET Get the withdraw and deposit records of an account Y N

Market Data API

GET /market/history/kline Get Candlestick Data


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
period true string 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 1day, 1mon, 1week, 1year
size false integer 150 [1,2000]


Param required data type description value range
status true string "ok" , "error"
ts true number timestamp in millisecond
tick true object
ch true string channel,format: market.$symbol.kline.$period

data :

  "data": [
    "id": kline id,
    "amount": trading amount,
    "open": Open price,
    "close": Closing price.If this is a latest kline,this shows the current price
    "vol": volume


/* GET /market/history/kline?period=1day&size=200&symbol=btcusdt */
  "status": "ok",
  "ch": "market.btcusdt.kline.1day",
  "ts": 1499223904680,
  “data”: [
    "id": 1499184000,
    "amount": 37593.0266,
    "count": 0,
    "open": 1935.2000,
    "close": 1879.0000,
    "low": 1856.0000,
    "high": 1940.0000,
    "vol": 71031537.97866500
// more data here

/* GET /market/history/kline?period=not-exist&size=200&symbol=ethusdt */
  "ts": 1490758171271,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "invalid-parameter",
  "err-msg": "invalid period"

/* GET /market/history/kline?period=1day&size=not-exist&symbol=ethusdt */
  "ts": 1490758221221,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "bad-request",
  "err-msg": "invalid size, valid range: [1,2000]"

/* GET /market/history/kline?period=1day&size=200&symbol=not-exist */
  "ts": 1490758171271,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "invalid-parameter",
  "err-msg": "invalid symbol"

GET /market/detail/merged Get Ticker


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...


Param required data type description value range
status true string "ok" , "error"
ts true number timestamp in millisecond
tick true object kline data
ch true string channel, format: market.$symbol.detail.merged

tick :

  "tick": {
    "close": Closing price.If this is a latest kline,this shows the current price
    "vol":  volume
    "bid": [bid1 price, volume],
    "ask": [ask1 price, volume]


/* GET /market/detail/merged?symbol=ethusdt */

/* GET /market/detail/merged?symbol=not-exist */
  "ts": 1490758171271,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "invalid-parameter",
  "err-msg": "invalid symbol”

GET /market/tickers

will get something like this

            "open":0.044297,      // daily Kline,opennig price
            "close":0.042178,     // daily Kline,closing price
            "low":0.040110,       // daily Kline,the minimum price
            "high":0.045255,      // daily Kline,the maxmum price

GET /market/depth Market Depth


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string Depth data type step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5


Param required data type description value range
status true string "ok" or "error"
ts true number timestamp in millisecond
tick true object Depth
ch true string channel, format: market.$symbol.depth.$type

tick :

  "tick": {
    "ts": millisecond,
    "bids":  [price , amount ] 
    "asks":  [price , amount ] 


/* GET /market/depth?symbol=ethusdt&type=step1 */
  "status": "ok",
  "ch": "market.btcusdt.depth.step1",
  "ts": 1489472598812,
  "tick": {
    "id": 1489464585407,
    "ts": 1489464585407,
    "bids": [
      [7964, 0.0678], // [price, amount]
      [7963, 0.9162],
      [7961, 0.1],
      [7960, 12.8898],
      [7958, 1.2],
      [7955, 2.1009],
      [7954, 0.4708],
      [7953, 0.0564],
      [7951, 2.8031],
      [7950, 13.7785],
      [7949, 0.125],
      [7948, 4],
      [7942, 0.4337],
      [7940, 6.1612],
      [7936, 0.02],
      [7935, 1.3575],
      [7933, 2.002],
      [7932, 1.3449],
      [7930, 10.2974],
      [7929, 3.2226]
    "asks": [
      [7979, 0.0736],
      [7980, 1.0292],
      [7981, 5.5652],
      [7986, 0.2416],
      [7990, 1.9970],
      [7995, 0.88],
      [7996, 0.0212],
      [8000, 9.2609],
      [8002, 0.02],
      [8008, 1],
      [8010, 0.8735],
      [8011, 2.36],
      [8012, 0.02],
      [8014, 0.1067],
      [8015, 12.9118],
      [8016, 2.5206],
      [8017, 0.0166],
      [8018, 1.3218],
      [8019, 0.01],
      [8020, 13.6584]

/* GET /market/depth?symbol=ethusdt&type=not-exist */
  "ts": 1490759358099,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "invalid-parameter",
  "err-msg": "invalid type"

GET /market/trade Trade Detail


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...


Param required data type description value range
status true string "ok" or "error"
ts true number timestamp in millisecond
tick true object Trade
ch true string channel, format: market.$

tick :

  "tick": {
    "ts": millisecond
    "data": [


/* GET /market/trade?symbol=ethusdt */
  "status": "ok",
  "ch": "",
  "ts": 1489473346905,
  "tick": {
    "id": 600848670,
    "ts": 1489464451000,
    "data": [
        "id": 600848670,
        "price": 7962.62,
        "amount": 0.0122,
        "direction": "buy",
        "ts": 1489464451000

/* GET /market/trade?symbol=not-exist */
  "ts": 1490759506429,
  "status": "error",
  "err-code": "invalid-parameter",
  "err-msg": "invalid symbol"

GET /market/history/trade orderbook


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
size false integer 1 [1, 2000]


Param required data type description default value range
status true string ok, error
ch true string channel, format: market.$
ts true integer timestamp
data true object

data :

  "data": {
    "data": [


/* GET /market/history/trade?symbol=ethusdt */
    "status": "ok",
    "ch": "",
    "ts": 1502448925216,
    "data": [
            "id": 31459998,
            "ts": 1502448920106,
            "data": [
                    "id": 17592256642623,
                    "amount": 0.04,
                    "price": 1997,
                    "direction": "buy",
                    "ts": 1502448920106

Public API

GET /v1/common/symbols Get all the trading assets

Request: none


Param required data type description value range
base-currency true string
quote-currency true string
price-precision true string
amount-precision true string
symbol-partition true string main ,innovation ,bifurcation


/* GET /v1/common/symbols */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "base-currency": "eth",
      "quote-currency": "usdt",
      "symbol": "ethusdt"
      "base-currency": "etc",
      "quote-currency": "usdt",
      "symbol": "etcusdt"

GET /v1/common/currencys Get currencys supported




currency list


/* GET /v1/common/currencys */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [

GET /v1/common/timestamp Get system timestamp




system timestamp


/* GET /v1/timestamp */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": 1494900087029

Account API

GET /v1/account/accounts Get all the accounts



Param required data type description value range
id true long account-id
state true string working , lock
type true string spot, margin


/* GET /v1/account/accounts */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "id": 100009,
      "type": "spot",
      "state": "working",
      "user-id": 1000

GET /v1/account/accounts/{account-id}/balance Get balance


Param required data type description default value range
account-id true string account-id, not UID, filled in the methos path
  • Please get your accountid by 'GET /v1/account/accounts'.


Param required data type description value range
id true long
state true string working, lock
type true string spot, margin
list false Array


Param required data type description value range
balance true string
currency true string
type true string trade ,frozen


/* GET /v1/account/accounts/{account-id}/balance */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "id": 100009,
    "type": "spot",
    "state": "working",
    "list": [
        "currency": "usdt",
        "type": "trade",
        "balance": "500009195917.4362872650"
        "currency": "usdt",
        "type": "frozen",
        "balance": "328048.1199920000"
        "currency": "etc",
        "type": "trade",
        "balance": "499999894616.1302471000"
        "currency": "etc",
        "type": "frozen",
        "balance": "9786.6783000000"
        "currency": "eth",
        "type": "trade",
        "balance": "499999894616.1302471000"
        "currency": "eth”,
        "type": "frozen",
        "balance": "9786.6783000000"
    "user-id": 1000

Trade API

POST /v1/order/orders/place Make an order


Param required data type description default value range
account-id true string accountid in ‘spot’ for spot trade, ‘margin’ for margin trade
amount true string Amount in buy-limit or sell-limitorder. It presents how much quote-currency you trade in buy-market order, and how many base-currency you trade in sell-market order
price false string don't use this param in buy-market or sell-market order
source false string 'api' for spot trade and 'margin-api' for margin trade
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string buy-market , sell-market , buy-limit , sell-limit , buy-ioc, sell-ioc, buy-limit-maker, sell-limit-maker


When a user place a buy_limit_maker order, if the order price >= the actual top sell price, the order will be submitted and then be rejected by the system. If the order price < the actual top sell price, then the order will be submitted and accepted by the system.


When a user place a sell_limit_maker order, if the order price <= the actual top buy price, the order will be submitted and then be rejected by the system. If the order price > the actual top buy price, then the order will be submitted and accepted by the system.


Param required data type description value range
data false string order id


/* POST /v1/order/orders/place {
   "account-id": "100009",
   "amount": "10.1",
   "price": "100.1",
   "source": "api",
   "symbol": "ethusdt",
   "type": "buy-limit"
 } */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": "59378"

GET /v1/order/openOrders Provide open orders of a symbol for an account

Request parameter(s):

When neither account-id nor symbol defined in the request, the system will return all open orders (max 500) for all symbols and all accounts of the user, sorted by order ID in descending

Parameter Required Data Type Description default value Value Range
account-id true string Account ID
symbol true string Instrument symbol
side false string The side of the orders “buy” or “sell”, if no side defined, will return all open orders of the account
size false int The number of records to return 10 [0,500]


Parameter Required Data Type Description Value Range
id true long Order ID
symbol true string Instrument symbol
account-id true string Account ID
price true string Order price
created-at true int Order Created Time (ms)
type true string Order type buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc
filled-amount true string The order filled amount. When an order is partially matched, this field will be the filled amount. And amount-filledAmount would be the order remaining amount. For the orders not partial filled, the value will be 0.
filled-cash-amount true string The order filled value. (filled amount*order price) For the orders not partial filled, the value will be 0.
filled-fees true string The fee for the filled amount. For the orders not partial filled, the value will be 0.
source true string Order source type sys, web, api, app
state true string Current Order state Submitted, partial-filled, cancelling. ** Cancelling is an interim state between cancel request submitted and cancel confirmed. Once cancellation confirmed, the order is no longer an ‘open’ order, so will not be included in the response.

Response Sample:

/* GET /v1/orders/openOrders */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "id": 5454937,
      "symbol": "ethusdt",
      "account-id": 30925,
      "amount": "1.000000000000000000",
      "price": "0.453000000000000000",
      "created-at": 1530604762277,
      "type": "sell-limit",
      "filled-amount": "0.0",
      "filled-cash-amount": "0.0",
      "filled-fees": "0.0",
      "source": "web",
      "state": "submitted"

POST /v1/order/orders/{order-id}/submitcancel Request for cancelling an order


Param required data type description default value range
order-id true string order id,filled in method path


Param required data type description value range
data true string order id


/* POST /v1/order/orders/{order-id}/submitcancel */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": "59378"

POST /v1/order/orders/batchcancel Batch Cancel


Param required data type description default value range
order-ids true list order id list maximum is 50


Param required data type description value range
data false map status list


/* POST /v1/order/orders/batchcancel */
  "order-ids": [
    "1", "2", "3"


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "success": [
    "failed": [
        "err-msg": "记录无效",
        "order-id": "2",
        "err-code": "base-record-invalid"

POST /v1/order/orders/batchCancelOpenOrders Cancel a batch of orders with certain criteria

Request Parameter(s):

Parameter Required Data Type Description Default Value Value Range
account-id true string Account ID
symbol false string Instrument symbol One instrument symbol. When no symbol defined, will return open orders of the account for all symbols.
side false string The side of the orders “buy” or “sell”, if no side defined, will return all open orders of the account
size false int The number of records to return 100 [0,100]


Param required data type description value range
success-count true int Number of orders successfully cancelled.
failed-count true int Number of orders failed in cancellation
next-id true long The next order id which meets cancellation request criteria

Response Example:

/* GET /v1/order/orders/batchCancelOpenOrders */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "success-count": 2,
    "failed-count": 0,
    "next-id": 5454600

GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id} Get Order Info


Param required data type description default value range
order-id true string order id,filled in method path


Param required data type description value range
account-id true long
amount true string
canceled-at false long
created-at true long
field-amount true string
field-cash-amount true string
field-fees true string
finished-at false long
id true long
price true string
source true string api
state true string pre-submitted , submitting , submitted , partial-filled , partial-canceled , filled, canceled
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc


/* GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id} */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "id": 59378,
    "symbol": "ethusdt",
    "account-id": 100009,
    "amount": "10.1000000000",
    "price": "100.1000000000",
    "created-at": 1494901162595,
    "type": "buy-limit",
    "field-amount": "10.1000000000",
    "field-cash-amount": "1011.0100000000",
    "field-fees": "0.0202000000",
    "finished-at": 1494901400468,
    "user-id": 1000,
    "source": "api",
    "state": "filled",
    "canceled-at": 0,
    "exchange": "xxx",
    "batch": ""

GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id}/matchresults Get Order matchresult


Param required data type description default value range
order-id true string order id,filled in method path


Param required data type description value range
created-at true long
filled-amount true string
filled-fees true string
id true long
match-id true long
order-id true long
price true string
source true string api
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc


/* GET /v1/order/orders/{order-id}/matchresults */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "id": 29553,
      "order-id": 59378,
      "match-id": 59335,
      "symbol": "ethusdt",
      "type": "buy-limit",
      "source": "api",
      "price": "100.1000000000",
      "filled-amount": "9.1155000000",
      "filled-fees": "0.0182310000",
      "created-at": 1494901400435

GET /v1/order/orders Get Order list


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
types false string separate by ',' buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc
start-date false string yyyy-mm-dd
end-date false string yyyy-mm-dd
states true string separate by ',' pre-submitted, submitted , partial-filled , partial-canceled , filled , canceled
from false string
direct false string prev ,next
size false string


Param required data type description value range
account-id true long
amount true string
canceled-at false long
created-at true long
field-amount true string
field-cash-amount true string
field-fees true string
finished-at false long
id true long
price true string
source true string api
state true string pre-submitted , submitting , submitted , partial-filled , partial-canceled , filled, canceled
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string submit-cancel ,buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc


/* GET /v1/order/orders */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "id": 59378,
      "symbol": "ethusdt",
      "account-id": 100009,
      "amount": "10.1000000000",
      "price": "100.1000000000",
      "created-at": 1494901162595,
      "type": "buy-limit",
      "field-amount": "10.1000000000",
      "field-cash-amount": "1011.0100000000",
      "field-fees": "0.0202000000",
      "finished-at": 1494901400468,
      "user-id": 1000,
      "source": "api",
      "state": "filled",
      "canceled-at": 0,
      "exchange": "xxx",
      "batch": ""

GET /v1/order/matchresults Get order matchresults


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
types false string separate by ',' All buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc
start-date false string yyyy-mm-dd -61 days [-61day, now]
end-date false string yyyy-mm-dd Now [start-date, now]
from false string max ID(order record ID)
direct false string next prev ,next
size false string 100 <=100


Param required data type description value range
created-at true long
filled-amount true string
filled-fees true string
id true long
match-id true long
order-id true long
price true string
source true string api
symbol true string trading asset btcusdt, bccbtc, rcneth ...
type true string buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-ioc, sell-ioc


/* GET /v1/orders/matchresults */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "id": 29555,
      "order-id": 59378,
      "match-id": 59335,
      "symbol": "ethusdt",
      "type": "buy-limit",
      "source": "api",
      "price": "100.1000000000",
      "filled-amount": "0.9845000000",
      "filled-fees": "0.0019690000",
      "created-at": 1494901400487

MARGIN API (Please fill in the field 'source' in method '/v1/order/orders/place' with 'margin-api', and the field 'accountid' should be a 'margin' accountid queried in method '/v1/account/accounts')

only usdt-trading assets(except btc) are supported

POST /v1/dw/transfer-in/margin Transfer asset from spot account to margin account

POST /v1/dw/transfer-out/margin Transfer asset from margin account to spot account


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string trading asset like 'btcusdt'
currency true string
amount true string


Param required data type description value range
data true long transfer id


/* POST /v1/dw/transfer-in/margin
  "symbol": "ethusdt",
  "currency": "eth",
  "amount": "1.0"
} */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": 1000

POST /v1/margin/orders Margin application


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string
currency true string
amount true string


Param required data type description value range
data true long margin order id


/* POST /v1/margin/orders {
   "amount": "10.1",
   "symbol": "ethusdt",
   "currency": "eth"
} */
  "status": "ok",
  "data": 59378

POST /v1/margin/orders/{order-id}/repay Repayment


Param required data type description default value range
order-id true long margin order id, filled in method path
amount true string


Param required data type description value range
data true long margin order id


/* POST /v1/margin/orders/59378/repay {
   "amount": "10.1"
  "status": "ok",
  "data": 59378

GET /v1/margin/loan-orders Margin order list


Param required data type description default value range
symbol true string
start-date false string yyyy-mm-dd
end-date false string yyyy-mm-dd
states false string
from false string
direct false string prev ,next
size false string


Param required data type description value range
id true long
user-id true long
account-id true long
symbol true string
currency true string
loan-amount true string
loan-balance true string
interest-rate true string
interest-amount true string
interest-balance true string
created-at true long
accrued-at true long
state true string created ,accrual ,cleared ,invalid


/* GET /v1/margin/orders?symbol=btcusdt

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "currency": "btc",
            "symbol": "btcusdt",
            "accrued-at": 1511760873587,
            "loan-amount": "0.333000000000000000",
            "loan-balance": "0.333000000000000000",
            "interest-balance": "0.000000000000000000",//unrepaid
            "created-at": 1511762673587,
            "interest-amount": "0.000000000000000000",
            "interest-rate": "0.000000000000000000",
            "account-id": 18298,
            "user-id": 111899,
            "updated-at": 1511762673654,
            "id": 232,
            "state": "accrual"

GET /v1/margin/accounts/balance?symbol={symbol} Margin account info


Param required data type description default value range
symbol false string filled in method path


Param required data type description value range
symbol true string trading asset
state true string working,fl-sys,fl-mgt,fl-end
risk-rate true object
fl-price true string
list true array subaccount list


/* GET /v1/margin/accounts/balance?symbol=btcusdt

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": 18264,
            "type": "margin",
            "state": "working",
            "symbol": "btcusdt",
            "fl-price": "0",
            "fl-type": "safe",
            "risk-rate": "475.952571086994250554",
            "list": [
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "trade",
                    "balance": "1168.533000000000000000"
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "frozen",
                    "balance": "0.000000000000000000"
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "loan",
                    "balance": "-2.433000000000000000"
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "interest",
                    "balance": "-0.000533000000000000"
                    "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "trade",
                    "balance": "1313.534000000000000000"
                    "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "frozen",
                    "balance": "0.000000000000000000"
                    "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "loan",
                    "balance": "-140.234099999999999920"
                    "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "interest",
                    "balance": "-0.931206660000000000"
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "transfer-out-available",
                    "balance": "1163.872174670000000000"
                { "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "transfer-out-available",
                    "balance": "1313.534000000000000000"
                    "currency": "btc",
                    "type": "loan-available",
                    "balance": "8161.876538350676000000"
                    "currency": "usdt",
                    "type": "loan-available",
                    "balance": "49859.765900000000000080"