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File metadata and controls

321 lines (251 loc) · 15.4 KB

The Themisto Shell Role Architecture

This Shell Role Architecture (SRA) type enables node2node communication within the cloudFPGA platform. Therefore network data streams have a parallel meta stream to select the destinations or to see the source, respectively. There exists a stream-based memory port, as wall a AXI4 (full) memory secondary.

node2node communication

Port opening

The management of the listen ports is silently done in the background, but only the following port range is allowed, currently:

#define NRC_RX_MIN_PORT 2718
#define NRC_RX_MAX_PORT 2749

The registers poNRC_Udp_RX_ports and poNRC_Tcp_RX_ports indicates on which ports the Role wants to listen (separated for UDP and TCP). Therefore, the Least-Significant-Bit of the vector represents the MIN_PORT. The register can be updated during runtime (currently, once opened TCP ports remain open).

As an example, a value 0x0011 in poNRC_Udp_Rx_ports opens the ports 2718 and 2722 for receiving UDP packets.

Packet addressing

The Role can send to any valid port (but other FPGAs may only receive in the given range).

The addressing between the ROLEs (on different FPGA nodes) and CPU nodes is done based on node-ids. The node-ids are mapped to IP addresses by the Network Abstraction Layer (NAL). The routing tables are configured during the cluster setup by the cloudFPGA Resource Manager (CFRM).

Known limitations

Currently, only node-ids smaller than 634 are supported (i.e. 0 -- 63). For TCP, only 8 parallel connections per FPGA are possible for the time being (i.e. connections in the sense of different TCP-sessions that are not-yet closed).

HLS structs

The code for the used Metadata can be found in cFDK/SRA/LIB/hls/network_utils.{c|h}pp. It is recommended to import this file directly in any Role-hls code.

Respectively, the following definitions for the Meta streams are important:

typedef ap_uint<16>     NrcPort; // UDP/TCP Port Number
typedef ap_uint<8>      NodeId;  // Cluster Node Id
typedef ap_uint<16>     NetworkDataLength;

struct NetworkMeta {
  NodeId  dst_rank;
  NrcPort dst_port;
  NodeId  src_rank;
  NrcPort src_port;
  NetworkDataLength len;

  NetworkMeta() {}
  //"alphabetical order"
  NetworkMeta(NodeId d_id, NrcPort d_port, NodeId s_id, NrcPort s_port, NetworkDataLength length) :
    dst_rank(d_id), dst_port(d_port), src_rank(s_id), src_port(s_port), len(length) {}

//split between NetworkMeta and NetworkMetaStream to not make the Shell Role interface depend of "DATA_PACK"
struct NetworkMetaStream {
  NetworkMeta tdata;
  ap_uint<8> tkeep;
  ap_uint<1> tlast;
  NetworkMetaStream() {}

As long as there is only one Role per FPGA node supported, the rank is equivalent to node_id.

The len field can be 0, if the data stream sets tlast accordingly. If no tlast will be set, the length must be specified in advance!. The SHELL will always set the tlast bit and the len field.


As an example, to send a packet to node 3, port 2723 from node 1, port 2718, the following code should be used:

NetworkMeta new_meta = NetworkMeta(3, 2723, 1, 2718, 0);   //len is 0, so we must set the tlast in the data stream

The following data stream definitions are used:


struct NetworkWord {
  ap_uint<64>    tdata;
  ap_uint<8>     tkeep;
  ap_uint<1>     tlast;
  NetworkWord()      {}
  NetworkWord(ap_uint<64> tdata, ap_uint<8> tkeep, ap_uint<1> tlast) :
    tdata(tdata), tkeep(tkeep), tlast(tlast) {}
  NetworkWord(ap_uint<64> single_data) : tdata(single_data), tkeep(0xFFF), tlast(1) {}


A packet transmission consists always of two streams: one data stream and one meta stream.

For each data stream one valid transaction of the meta stream must be issued before (or at least at the same time) (i.e. the meta stream has the tlast and the tvalid asserted).

The network stack does not process a data stream, before a valid Meta-word was received.

If the len field in the Meta-Stream is set, there is no need for the tlast for data streams from the ROLE to the SHELL. If the len field is specified (i.e. != 0), the latency of the packet processing will be slightly lower, because the network stack will not need to buffer the packet in order to determine the length.

Error handling

Some counters and meta data from the last processed packet can be requested through the GET /instances/{instance_id}/flight_recorder_data or GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/flight_recorder_data HTTP requests at the CloudFPGA Resource Manager (CFRM) API.

RX path:

If the packet comes from an unknown IP address, the packet will be dropped (and the corresponding node_id_missmatch_RX counter in the "Flight data" will be increased).

TX path:

If the user tries to send to an unknown node-id, the packet will be dropped (and the corresponding node_id_missmatch_TX counter in the "Flight data" will be increased).

UDP packet dropping/loss

The UDP protocol has no flow-control, i.e. if the sender sends more or faster packets than the receiver can process, the packets will be dropped by the network stacks (Linux on CPU and the cloudFPGA NTS).

UDP buffer in the SHELL

The cFDK network stack has built-in FIFOs to store some UDP packets before UDP packets are dropped, in case the ROLE is not reading them fast enough.

Since payload and header data are stored separately, the following two FIFOs exist (NTS & NAL combined):

  • 18KB payload (+/- 1*MTU)

  • 98 headers (+/- 1)

The network stack will drop newly arriving UDP packets if one of the two FIFOs above is full (whatever will happen first).

The number of dropped UDP packets can be requested via the debugging APIs (fligh_recorder_data) of the CFRM.

Please Note: The mentioned buffers are filled first, before packets are dropped. Hence, the first dropped packet will not be the first packet where the ROLE was to slow to process.

Increasing network buffer on Linux

  1. increase the allowed maximum sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2147483647

  2. request to increase the buffer per socket, i.e. in C with setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &recvBufSize, sizeof(recvBufSize))

Role templates

Templates for the Role HDL in VHDL or Verilog can be found in cFDK/SRA/LIB/ROLE/TMPL/Themisto/.

SRA interface

The VHDL interface to the ROLE looks like follows:

eentity Role_Themisto is
  port (

    -- SHELL / Global Input Clock and Reset Interface
         piSHL_156_25Clk                     : in    std_ulogic;
         piSHL_156_25Rst                     : in    std_ulogic;
    -- LY7 Enable and Reset
         piMMIO_Ly7_Rst                      : in    std_ulogic;
         piMMIO_Ly7_En                       : in    std_ulogic;

    -- SHELL / Role / Nts0 / Udp Interface
    ---- Input AXI-Write Stream Interface ----------
         siNRC_Udp_Data_tdata       : in    std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         siNRC_Udp_Data_tkeep       : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siNRC_Udp_Data_tvalid      : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Udp_Data_tlast       : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Udp_Data_tready      : out   std_ulogic;
    ---- Output AXI-Write Stream Interface ---------
         soNRC_Udp_Data_tdata       : out   std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         soNRC_Udp_Data_tkeep       : out   std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         soNRC_Udp_Data_tvalid      : out   std_ulogic;
         soNRC_Udp_Data_tlast       : out   std_ulogic;
         soNRC_Udp_Data_tready      : in    std_ulogic;
    -- Open Port vector
         poROL_Nrc_Udp_Rx_ports     : out    std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0);
    -- ROLE <-> NRC Meta Interface
         soROLE_Nrc_Udp_Meta_TDATA   : out   std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         soROLE_Nrc_Udp_Meta_TVALID  : out   std_ulogic;
         soROLE_Nrc_Udp_Meta_TREADY  : in    std_ulogic;
         soROLE_Nrc_Udp_Meta_TKEEP   : out   std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         soROLE_Nrc_Udp_Meta_TLAST   : out   std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Udp_Meta_TDATA   : in    std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         siNRC_Role_Udp_Meta_TVALID  : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Udp_Meta_TREADY  : out   std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Udp_Meta_TKEEP   : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siNRC_Role_Udp_Meta_TLAST   : in    std_ulogic;

    -- SHELL / Role / Nts0 / Tcp Interface
    ---- Input AXI-Write Stream Interface ----------
         siNRC_Tcp_Data_tdata       : in    std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         siNRC_Tcp_Data_tkeep       : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siNRC_Tcp_Data_tvalid      : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Tcp_Data_tlast       : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Tcp_Data_tready      : out   std_ulogic;
    ---- Output AXI-Write Stream Interface ---------
         soNRC_Tcp_Data_tdata       : out   std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         soNRC_Tcp_Data_tkeep       : out   std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         soNRC_Tcp_Data_tvalid      : out   std_ulogic;
         soNRC_Tcp_Data_tlast       : out   std_ulogic;
         soNRC_Tcp_Data_tready      : in    std_ulogic;
    -- Open Port vector
         poROL_Nrc_Tcp_Rx_ports     : out    std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0);
    -- ROLE <-> NRC Meta Interface
         soROLE_Nrc_Tcp_Meta_TDATA   : out   std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         soROLE_Nrc_Tcp_Meta_TVALID  : out   std_ulogic;
         soROLE_Nrc_Tcp_Meta_TREADY  : in    std_ulogic;
         soROLE_Nrc_Tcp_Meta_TKEEP   : out   std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         soROLE_Nrc_Tcp_Meta_TLAST   : out   std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Tcp_Meta_TDATA   : in    std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         siNRC_Role_Tcp_Meta_TVALID  : in    std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Tcp_Meta_TREADY  : out   std_ulogic;
         siNRC_Role_Tcp_Meta_TKEEP   : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siNRC_Role_Tcp_Meta_TLAST   : in    std_ulogic;

    -- SHELL / Mem / Mp0 Interface
    ---- Memory Port #0 / S2MM-AXIS ----------------   
    ------ Stream Read Command ---------
         soMEM_Mp0_RdCmd_tdata           : out   std_ulogic_vector( 79 downto 0);
         soMEM_Mp0_RdCmd_tvalid          : out   std_ulogic;
         soMEM_Mp0_RdCmd_tready          : in    std_ulogic;
    ------ Stream Read Status ----------
         siMEM_Mp0_RdSts_tdata           : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siMEM_Mp0_RdSts_tvalid          : in    std_ulogic;
         siMEM_Mp0_RdSts_tready          : out   std_ulogic;
    ------ Stream Data Input Channel ---
         siMEM_Mp0_Read_tdata            : in    std_ulogic_vector(511 downto 0);
         siMEM_Mp0_Read_tkeep            : in    std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         siMEM_Mp0_Read_tlast            : in    std_ulogic;
         siMEM_Mp0_Read_tvalid           : in    std_ulogic;
         siMEM_Mp0_Read_tready           : out   std_ulogic;
    ------ Stream Write Command --------
         soMEM_Mp0_WrCmd_tdata           : out   std_ulogic_vector( 79 downto 0);
         soMEM_Mp0_WrCmd_tvalid          : out   std_ulogic;
         soMEM_Mp0_WrCmd_tready          : in    std_ulogic;
    ------ Stream Write Status ---------
         siMEM_Mp0_WrSts_tdata           : in    std_ulogic_vector(  7 downto 0);
         siMEM_Mp0_WrSts_tvalid          : in    std_ulogic;
         siMEM_Mp0_WrSts_tready          : out   std_ulogic;
    ------ Stream Data Output Channel --
         soMEM_Mp0_Write_tdata           : out   std_ulogic_vector(511 downto 0);
         soMEM_Mp0_Write_tkeep           : out   std_ulogic_vector( 63 downto 0);
         soMEM_Mp0_Write_tlast           : out   std_ulogic;
         soMEM_Mp0_Write_tvalid          : out   std_ulogic;
         soMEM_Mp0_Write_tready          : in    std_ulogic; 

    -- SHELL / Mem / Mp1 Interface
         moMEM_Mp1_AWID                  : out   std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_AWADDR                : out   std_ulogic_vector(32 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_AWLEN                 : out   std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_AWSIZE                : out   std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_AWBURST               : out   std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_AWVALID               : out   std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_AWREADY               : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_WDATA                 : out   std_ulogic_vector(511 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_WSTRB                 : out   std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_WLAST                 : out   std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_WVALID                : out   std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_WREADY                : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_BID                   : in    std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_BRESP                 : in    std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_BVALID                : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_BREADY                : out   std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_ARID                  : out   std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_ARADDR                : out   std_ulogic_vector(32 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_ARLEN                 : out   std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_ARSIZE                : out   std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_ARBURST               : out   std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_ARVALID               : out   std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_ARREADY               : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_RID                   : in    std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_RDATA                 : in    std_ulogic_vector(511 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_RRESP                 : in    std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
         moMEM_Mp1_RLAST                 : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_RVALID                : in    std_ulogic;
         moMEM_Mp1_RREADY                : out   std_ulogic;

    ---- [APP_RDROL] -------------------
    -- to be use as ROLE VERSION IDENTIFICATION --
         poSHL_Mmio_RdReg                    : out   std_ulogic_vector( 15 downto 0);

    -- TOP : Secondary Clock (Asynchronous)
         piTOP_250_00Clk                     : in    std_ulogic;  -- Freerunning

    -- SMC Interface
         piFMC_ROLE_rank                      : in    std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
         piFMC_ROLE_size                      : in    std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

         poVoid                              : out   std_ulogic


end Role_Themisto;

Trivia: The moon Themisto