Go SDK for KT Cloud G1/G2 Platform REST API. This Go SDK is being used for the KT Cloud Classic connection driver of Cloud-Barista.
Showing the Guest OS and State of a Product Type(VM Image) :
package main
import (
ktsdk "github.com/cloud-barista/ktcloud-sdk-go"
func main() {
imgIdToGetInfo := "87838094-af4f-449f-a2f4-f5b4b581eb29" // An Image ID on 'KOR-Seoul M' zone.
zoneId := "95e2f517-d64a-4866-8585-5177c256f7c7" // KT Cloud 'KOR-Seoul M' zone ID
guestOS, imgStatus, err := GetVMImageInfo(imgIdToGetInfo, zoneId)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("Failed to Find the Image Info : [%v]", err)
fmt.Printf("# Guest OS : [%s], Image Status : [%s] of the Image ID.\n", guestOS, imgStatus)
func GetVMImageInfo(imageId string, zoneId string) (string, string, error) {
apiKey := os.Getenv("KTCLOUD_API_KEY")
if len(apiKey) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Failed to Find KTCLOUD_API_KEY, exiting")
secretKey := os.Getenv("KTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")
if len(secretKey) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Failed to Find KTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY, exiting")
// If KT Cloud Zone is 'KOR-Seoul M2' => use API v2, else use API v1.
var apiUrl string
if zoneId == "d7d0177e-6cda-404a-a46f-a5b356d2874e" { // 'KOR-Seoul M2' zone
apiUrl = "https://api.ucloudbiz.olleh.com/server/v2/client/api" // API v2
} else {
apiUrl = "https://api.ucloudbiz.olleh.com/server/v1/client/api" // API v1
// Always validate any SSL certificates in the chain
insecureskipverify := false
cs := ktsdk.KtCloudClient{}.New(apiUrl, apiKey, secretKey, insecureskipverify)
result, err := cs.ListAvailableProductTypes(zoneId)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to Find the List of Product Types : [%v]", err)
if len(result.Listavailableproducttypesresponse.ProductTypes) < 1 {
return "", "", errors.New("Failed to Get Product Type List!!")
} else {
var guestOS string
var imgStatus string
for _, productType := range result.Listavailableproducttypesresponse.ProductTypes {
if strings.EqualFold(productType.TemplateId, imageId) {
guestOS = productType.TemplateDesc
imgStatus = productType.ProductState
if !strings.EqualFold(guestOS, "") {
return guestOS, imgStatus, nil
} else {
return "", "", errors.New("Failed to Find the Product Types in the Zone!!")
The original source code, gopherstack is a CloudStack Go SDK.
< Original code Licensed under the MIT >