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[SC-3909][SQL] Closure translation part 1: Byte code parser
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## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds the byte code parser for the closure translation optimization. It translates Java closure like MapFunction, or FilterFunction to an intermediate format:`Node` tree.

For example, closure `(v: Int) => { v > 0 }` will be translated to `Node` tree:


## How was this patch tested?

Unit test.

Author: Sean Zhong <[email protected]>

Closes apache#49 from clockfly/closure_parser_part1.
  • Loading branch information
clockfly authored and yhuai committed Aug 12, 2016
1 parent 224fffe commit c43c07e
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.closure

class ClosureTranslationException(
message: String,
ex: Throwable = null)
extends Exception(message, ex)

class ByteCodeParserException(message: String) extends ClosureTranslationException(message, null)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.closure

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.classTag

import org.apache.xbean.asm5.Type
import org.apache.xbean.asm5.Type._

* DSL to construct the Node tree
* This class does constant folding optimization during constructing of the Node tree to remove
* unnecessary code branches that if-jump instruction creates.
object DSL {
def plus(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a + b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a + b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a + b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a + b)
case _ => Arithmetic("+", left, right, left.dataType)

def minus(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a - b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a - b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a - b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a - b)
case _ => Arithmetic("-", left, right, left.dataType)

// multiply
def mul(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a * b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a * b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a * b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a * b)
case _ => Arithmetic("*", left, right, left.dataType)

// divide
def div(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a / b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a / b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a / b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a / b)
case _ => Arithmetic("/", left, right, left.dataType)

// remainder
def rem(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a % b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a % b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a % b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a % b)
case _ => Arithmetic("%", left, right, left.dataType)

def bitwiseAnd(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a & b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a & b)
case _ => Arithmetic("&", left, right, left.dataType)

def bitwiseOr(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a | b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a | b)
case _ => Arithmetic("|", left, right, left.dataType)

def bitwiseXor(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a ^ b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a ^ b)
case _ => Arithmetic("^", left, right, left.dataType)

def compareEqual(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a), Constant(b)) => Constant(a == b)
case _ => Arithmetic("==", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

def compareNotEqual(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a), Constant(b)) => Constant(!(a == b))
case _ => Arithmetic("!=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

// less than
def lt(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a < b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a < b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a < b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a < b)
case _ => Arithmetic("<", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

// greater than
def gt(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a > b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a > b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a > b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a > b)
case _ => Arithmetic(">", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

// less than or equals to
def le(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a <= b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a <= b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a <= b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a <= b)
case _ => Arithmetic("<=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

// greater than or equals to
def ge(left: Node, right: Node): Node = {
(left, right) match {
case (Constant(a: Int), Constant(b: Int)) => Constant(a >= b)
case (Constant(a: Float), Constant(b: Float)) => Constant(a >= b)
case (Constant(a: Long), Constant(b: Long)) => Constant(a >= b)
case (Constant(a: Double), Constant(b: Double)) => Constant(a >= b)
case _ => Arithmetic(">=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)

def not(node: Node): Node = {
node match {
case Constant(bool: Boolean) => Constant(!bool)
case Arithmetic(">", left, right, _) => Arithmetic("<=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic("<", left, right, _) => Arithmetic(">=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic(">=", left, right, _) => Arithmetic("<", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic("<=", left, right, _) => Arithmetic(">", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic("==", left, right, _) => Arithmetic("!=", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic("!=", left, right, _) => Arithmetic("==", left, right, BOOLEAN_TYPE)
case Arithmetic("!", left, _, _) => left
// Not is encoded as an Arithmetic with the second operand ignored
case _ => Arithmetic("!", node, Constant(false), BOOLEAN_TYPE)

def cast[T: ClassTag](node: Node): Node = {
DSL.cast(node, getType(classTag[T].runtimeClass))

def cast(node: Node, dataType: Type): Node = dataType match {
case dataType if dataType == node.dataType => node
case FLOAT_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toFloat)
case Constant(double: Double) => Constant(double.toFloat)
case Constant(l: Long) => Constant(l.toFloat)
case Cast(inner, DOUBLE_TYPE) if inner.dataType == FLOAT_TYPE => inner
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toDouble)
case Constant(float: Float) => Constant(float.toDouble)
case Constant(l: Long) => Constant(l.toDouble)
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
case LONG_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toLong)
case Constant(float: Float) => Constant(float.toLong)
case Constant(double: Double) => Constant(double.toLong)
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
case INT_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(bool: Boolean) => if (bool) Constant(1) else Constant(0)
case Constant(float: Float) => Constant(float.toInt)
case Constant(double: Double) => Constant(double.toInt)
case Constant(long: Long) => Constant(long.toInt)
case Constant(byte: Byte) => Constant(byte.toInt)
case Constant(short: Short) => Constant(short.toInt)
case Constant(char: Char) => Constant(char.toInt)
case Cast(inner, LONG_TYPE) if inner.dataType == INT_TYPE => inner
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
case BYTE_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toByte)
case Cast(inner, INT_TYPE) if inner.dataType == BYTE_TYPE => inner
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
case SHORT_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toShort)
case Cast(inner, INT_TYPE) if inner.dataType == SHORT_TYPE => inner
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
case CHAR_TYPE =>
node match {
case Constant(i: Int) => Constant(i.toChar)
case Cast(inner, INT_TYPE) if inner.dataType == CHAR_TYPE => inner
case other => Cast(other, dataType)
node match {
case Constant(0) => Constant(false)
case Constant(1) => Constant(true)
case Cast(inner, INT_TYPE) if inner.dataType == BOOLEAN_TYPE => inner
case If(condition, left, right, _) =>
ifElse(condition, cast(left, dataType), cast(right, dataType))
case node =>
Cast(node, dataType)
case _ =>
Cast(node, dataType)

def ifElse(condition: Node, trueNode: => Node, falseNode: => Node): Node = condition match {
case Constant(true) => trueNode
case Constant(false) => falseNode
case _ =>
val trueStatement = trueNode
val falseStatement = falseNode
(trueStatement, falseStatement) match {
case (Constant(true), Constant(false)) => condition
case (Constant(false), Constant(true)) => not(condition)
case _ if trueStatement == falseStatement => trueStatement
case (Constant(null), right) => If(condition, Constant(null), right, right.dataType)
case (left, Constant(null)) => If(condition, left, Constant(null), left.dataType)
case (left, right) if left.dataType != right.dataType =>
throw new ByteCodeParserException(
s"If node (left = $left, right = $right) 's left branch's data type " +
"${left.dataType} mismatches with right branch's data type ${right.dataType}.")
case _ => If(condition, trueStatement, falseStatement, trueStatement.dataType)

// Creates an Argument Node to represent the closure input argument.
def arg[T: ClassTag]: Argument = arg(Type.getType(classTag[T].runtimeClass))

def arg(dataType: Type): Argument = Argument(dataType)

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