The best way to kickstart a project is to use the cleverage/eav-manager-starter-kit as a template.
$ git clone my-project
$ cd my-project
$ rm -rf .git
You can also download the zip from Github.
With a standard dev environment using Docker, it should be very easy to launch the project using the readme of the starter kit.
Feel free to ditch the Docker setup completely and replace it with your own.
You need to change several files right away to match your project namespace:
Rename everything under src
that contains the ClientNamespace
or client_
You can also reorganise your code completely to remove the bundle but keep in mind that you will need to configure
Doctrine for it to look in your custom Entity
Don't hesitate to update your composer lock file, the Clever Data Manager will be locked to the current minor version so
it will always be safe to composer update
Beware that upgrading to another minor version can cause minor back-compatibility breaks in custom overrides but everything related to configuration should not introduce any new bugs.
It's recommended to keep your configuration directory well organized because you will likely have more and more configuration files in your project as it grows.
If you take a look at app/config/config.yml
you will find all imports for every config sub-folders.
You can add additional sub-folders with this syntax:
- { resource: model/* }
- { resource: model/*/* }
You should try to stick to only one configuration per file for the same reason you don't put multiple classes in the same PHP file.
Standard Symfony configuration files can be found under the app/config/application
Take a look at what's inside app/config/model
, this will give you a rough preview of what does an EAV model
configuration looks like.
The full documentation of the EAVModelBundle can be found here
Inside the app/config/datagrid
you will find the data grid configuration corresponding to each family of your
model. If you want to use the automatic datagrid configuration resolving for your primary datagrid, you need to define
your datagrid configuration with the same code as your EAV Family but you can also create as many secondary datagrid
configurations as you need and specify the datagrid code in your list action.
@todo update admin config in starter kit