- Suppport customized
notificationCenter (CallNotificationCenter/PhoneNotificationCenter)
based on protocol (CallObserver/PhoneObserver), to avoid
NSNotificationCenter flaws:
- Pass parameters via a userInfo dicionary, so type info is lost.
- Use constant string for notification name and parameter
key name. It's hard to maintain and document.
- Must deregister notifications, if not, it may cause crash.
- Add remote video/audio mute/unmute notifications. New
API CallObserver.remoteMediaDidChange() is introduced.
- Support audio-only call. MediaOption parameter is introduced for it
in API Phone.Dail()/Call.Answer().
- Support media cluster discovery.
- Support video license activation.
- Enable hardware acceleration, and support 720p video quality.
- Support toggling receiving audio and video. New
API Call.toggleReceivingVideo()/Call.toggleReceivingAudio() is
introduced for it.
- Refactor storage code logic. defaultFacingMode/defaultLoudSpeaker in
Spark.Phone are not persistent, so after restart app, these setting
doesn't exist.
- Fix logging performance issue.
- Fix missing incoming call issue when start APP from not running
status, or switch APP to foreground from background.
- Update Wme.framework, to fix SIGPIPE signal during debug mode.