// Renders a list of recent Circuit conversations.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
client | no* | Initialized on client instance | |
clientId | no* | client_id of your app 1 | |
domain | no | circuitsandbox.net | Url of Circuit system |
connected | no | omitted (false) | Attribute set by the web component to indicate if component if connected to the Circuit servers. Can be used to change the button style via CSS if connection is lost. |
numberOfConversations | no | 25 | Number attribute. Sets number of conversation to retrieve. |
1: Either a client Id or a initialized client instance must be passed.
2: See dev portal for instructions on how to get your own sandbox tenant and how to register an app to get the credentials (client_id).
Name | Type | Read/Write | Description |
client | Client | read | Circuit Client object as defined in the Circuit JS SDK. |
users | User[] | read | Array of User objects from direct conversations. |
conversation | Conversation[] | read | Array of Conversation objects. |
Name | Arguments | Description |
loaded | Client | Raised when the component has retrieved the list of conversations. |
initialized | --- | Raised when Circuit.Client is initialized. |
conversationCreated | Conversation | Raised when a new conversation is created. |
conversationUpdated | Conversation | Raised when a conversation in the list is updated. |
selected | Client and Client | Raised when a conversation is selected. |
Name | parameters | Description |
fetchConversations | --- | Fetches the most recent conversations. |
Styling can be done using css variables. Using css variables the height, width, and the style of each individual conversation can be changed.
Here are some example CSS rules:
circuit-conversations-list {
--min-width: 200px;
--max-height: 500px;
--conversation-height: 25px;
--conversation-border: 1px solid #dadada;
--conversation-padding: 2px 0;
--conversation-font: sans-serif;
--conversation-font-size: 13px;