Name | Type | Description | Notes |
terminal | int | Product or terminal Id. | |
cvc2 | string | cvc2. Mandatory if no JetToken provided | [optional] |
jet_token | string | Temporary token provided from PAYCOMET. Mandatory if no card provided. | [optional] |
expiry_year | string | Expiry year. Mandatory if no JetToken provided | [optional] |
expiry_month | string | Expiry month. Mandatory if no JetToken provided. | [optional] |
pan | string | Card number. Mandatory if no JetToken provided | [optional] |
order | string | Reference, will be included in callback. | [optional] |
product_description | string | Concept, will be included in callback. | [optional] |
language | string | Language for callback translation. | [optional] [default to 'es'] |
notify | int | Configure POST notification of the card tokenization result (possible values: 1 - force notify, 2 - not notify). Default product value will be used if notify is not informed | [optional] |