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178 lines (123 loc) · 7.34 KB
  • Start Date: 2018-10-13
  • RFC PR: emberjs#388
  • Ember Issue: (leave this empty)

Add new basic template helpers to Ember


Add new built-in template helpers to perform basic boolean operations and comparisons in templates, identical to some of the helpers in ember-truth-helpers.

This is a resurrection of RFC #152 that was opened over by @martndemus two years ago, updated to reflect the new start of the things in Ember, with the glimmer VM powering our templates.


It is a very common necessity to almost every Ember app to perform certain operations like compare by equality, negate a value or perform boolean operations, and often the most convenient place to do it is right in the templates. Because of that, ember-truth-helpers is probably the single most installed addon that exists, either directly by apps or indirectly by other addons that those apps use.

The fact that this addon is so popular is very telling and Ember.js should consider moving into the core of the templating engine at least some of those helpers.

A second reason is that I believe it would help making Ember more approachable by newcomers that have some experience in other frameworks. One of the most shocking moments that developers that are familiar with React, Vue or Angular experience when trying Ember is that they cannot, at least out of the box, perform the most basic logical comparisons and operation they are so used to in JSX or Vue/Angular templates.

A third reason is that if we implement those super common helpers in the Glimmer VM, that would open a important vector of low level optimization.

Consider the following template:

{{#if (and @featureEnabled this.expensiveComputedProperty @model.asyncEDRelationship.length)}}
  {{!-- some logic --}}
  {{!-- some other logic --}}

Because of the way Ember helpers work, all their input parameters are eagerly evaluated by the Glimmer VM and passed to the helpers. This might include computationally expensive computed properties, or hitting code paths that trigger network requests.

Implementing helpers like and or or at a lower lever would allow those helpers to be evaluated in short circuit, so if @featureEnabled is false, neither of the following arguments will ever evaluated.

Going one step further into the optimizing compiler world, if every invocation of the component with this template receives @featureEnabled={{false}}, the compiler could even completely remove the conditional and the truthy branch of the if from compiled output.

The last reason is that if the RFC #367 eventually gets merged, these helpers are the perfect candidates to create adoption friction in the community because of how pervasive its usage it in so many templates, forcing them to explicitly importing them on most templates or adding them to the proposed prelude.hbs file.

Detailed design

The process consists on deciding what helpers from ember-truth-helpers we consider the most important and move them into Ember.js itself or even the Glimmer VM, in a fully backwards compatible way.

I propose to add to core at least:

  • eq
  • not-eq
  • not
  • and
  • or
  • gt and gte
  • lt and lte

Those helpers are very low lever and generally useful in both Ember and Glimmer.

I propose to not add:

  • is-array (uses Ember.isArray)
  • is-empty (uses Ember.isEmpty)
  • is-equal (uses Ember.isEqual)
  • xor (not very common)

When this feature is implemented, we would update ember-truth-helpers to automatically remove the promoted helpers from the code when the Ember is above a certain version number.

The implementation details of each helper:


  • Unary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly one argument.
  • Equivalent of !<argument>


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> === <arg2>


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> !== <arg2>


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> > <arg2>
  • Lazy: If the first argument is null or undefined, the second argument is never evaluated


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> >= <arg2>
  • Lazy: If the first argument is null or undefined, the second argument is never evaluated


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> < <arg2>
  • Lazy: If the first argument is null or undefined, the second argument is never evaluated


  • Binary operation. Throws an error if not called with exactly two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> <= <arg2>
  • Lazy: If the first argument is null or undefined, the second argument is never evaluated


  • Binary or greater operation. Throws an error if called with less than two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> && <arg2> && ... && <argN>. That means it returns the last truthy value or the first falsy value.
  • Definition of truthiness: The same the && operator has in javascript.
  • Lazy: It starts evaluating arguments in order and short-circuits as soon as one of them is falsy.


  • Binary or greater operation. Throws an error if called with less than two arguments.
  • Equivalent of <arg1> || <arg2> || ... || <argN>. That means it returns the first truthy value or the last value.
  • Definition of truthiness: The same the || operator has in javascript.
  • Lazy: It starts evaluating arguments in order and short-circuits as soon as one of them is truthy.

How we teach this

The introduction of these helpers does not impact the current mental model for Ember applications.

In addition to API and Guides documentation with illustrative examples of usage of the various helpers, and explanation of their short circuiting nature might be warranted.


We are increasing the public API of the framework, and every line of code is a liability, although those helpers are extremely straightforward.


An alternative path would be to include ember-truth-helpers in the default blueprint for apps and addons. However, this alternative loses strength due to the fact that it is not possible to implement short circuiting helpers in Ember's userspace, and because even if an addon is added by default, user can still choose to remove it, so addons would not just be able to rely on them.

Unresolved questions

The main unresolved question is what helpers we deem worthy of being moved into the core, and also if we want any other helpers not mentioned above.

In particular, I'm sitting on the fence about not-eq. It is not really necessary, in the same way {{unless foo}} can also be expressed as {{#if (not foo)}}, but it may be convenient.

Other helpers that come to mind that could also be worth adding:

  • add, subtract, and other arithmetic operators.
  • {{#await promise as |value|}} to render a block conditionally if a promise resolves or fails.

If there is interest in them, I advocate creating standalone RFCS for each one of them.