- Issue: <link to issue>
- Status: Provisional|Implementable|Completed|Deferred|Rejected|Withdrawn|Replaced
(See status definitions here.)
(1-2 sentence summary of the proposal.)
(Primary goals of this proposal.)
(What is out of scope for this proposal.)
(Can link to external doc -- but we should bias towards copying the content into the EP as online documents are easier to lose -- e.g. owner messes up the permissions, accidental deletion)
(Details of API or interfaces, analysis of customer workflow impact, impacts to installation, etc. )
(Describe the use cases for this enhancement. )
(How this enhancement will be tested, any complexities, performance tests, etc. )
(Potential assets, mitigations, justification for why security is unchanged, not threatened, and not impacted. )
(List other design alternatives and why we did not go in that direction. )
(Add any additional document links. Again, we should try to avoid too much content not in version control to avoid broken links. )