- Upgraded to Python 3 (dropped Python 2)
- Fixed error of not setting correct header information in B/SAM.
- Fixed error of not parsing VCI file on bam/sam conversion.
- Fixed error of always generating index file
- Automtically generates file index if not found
- Fixed end of contig tree mapping
- Fixed extract transcripts
- Hotfix to solve gtf parsing problem in python 3
- Support for diploid VCF
- Reimplemented to support G2G VCI (Variant Call Information)
- Support python3
- Final release for custom haploid reconstruction
- Fixed parsing issue with GATK-generated VCF files
- Uploaded the package to Anaconda Cloud
- Fixed Travis CI fail
- Setup Travis CI for automated building
- Updated documentation
- Released to public with documentation at g2gtools.readthedocs.org
- Started github repository