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Delivery HLS

SRS supports RTMP and HLS, the most popular delivery protocol for internet.

RTMP is Adobe RTMP(Realtime Message Protocol), for low latency live streaming, and the standard protocol for internet encoder, and the best protocol for flash on PC.

HLS is Apple HLS(Http Live Streaming), for both live and vod streaming over HTTP, and the standard protocol on Apple platform.

Server deliverying HLS and RTMP can support all screen. For RTMP, see: Delivery RTMP

For information about compare RTMP and HLS, read RTMP PK HLS.

For information about how to deploy SRS to support HLS, read Usage: HLS.

Use Scenario

The main use scenario of HLS:

  • Cross Platform: Live streaming on PC is RTMP, and some as library can play HLS on flash right now. Android 3.0 can play HLS, and Apple always support HLS.
  • Industrial Strength on Apple: The most stable live streaming protocol for OSX/IOS is HLS, similar the RTMP for flash.
  • Friendly for CDN: The HLS over HTTP is friendly for CDN to delivery HLS.
  • Simple: The HLS is open protocol and there are lots of tools for ts.

In a word, HLS is the best delivery protocol when user donot care about the latency, for both PC and mobile(Android and IOS).

Delivering Streams

The table bellow describes the different protocols for PC and mobile platform.

Delivery Platform Protocol Inventor Description
RTMP Windows Flash RTMP Adobe The RTMP is used to delivery low latency stream over internet, especially for the web explorer application for flash on PC. The RTMP allows you to publish stream to server very stable and for a long time.
HLS Apple/
HTTP Apple/
HLS lantency >= 10s. Android3+ supports HLS. All Apple platforms support HLS.
HDS - HTTP Adobe HDS is a protocol similar to HLS, develped by Adobe. HDS is complex and no benifits, so SRS never support it.
DASH - HTTP - Dash(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP), developed by some company similar to HLS. It's a new protocol, and SRS maybe support it when it already used by many users.


HLS is a http m3u8 url, which can be play in Apple Safari directly. For example:

The m3u8 url must embed in HTML5 for Android. For example:

<!-- livestream.html -->
<video width="640" height="360"
        autoplay controls autobuffer 

The m3u8 of HLS is a play list actually. For example:


The important data item can be configed in SRS config file:

  • EXT-X-TARGETDURATION: It's calc by SRS automatically. The EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tag specifies the maximum media segment duration. The EXTINF duration of each media segment in the Playlist file, when rounded to the nearest integer, MUST be less than or equal to the target duration. This tag MUST appear once in a Media Playlist file. It applies to the entire Playlist file.
  • EXTINF: It's calc by SRS automatically, and the max value is configed in SRS hls_fragment. The EXTINF tag specifies the duration of a media segment. It applies only to the media segment that follows it, and MUST be followed by a media segment URI. Each media segment MUST be preceded by an EXTINF tag.
  • Number of ts in m3u8: The hls_window in seconds specifies how many ts files in m3u8, and SRS will delete the old ts files.
  • Name of ts filename: For example, livestream-67.ts, SRS will increase the number, the next ts for instance is livestream-68.ts.

For example, the hls_fragment is 10s, and the hls_window is 60s, then there about 60/10=6 ts files i m3u8, and the old ts files are automatically deleted by SRS.

HLS Workflow

The workflow of HLS:

  1. Encoder, for example, FFMPEG or FMLE, publish RTMP stream to SRS, and the codec of stream must be H.264+AAC(Use transcode for other codecs).
  2. SRS demux RTMP then mux mpegts and write to ts file, update the m3u8.
  3. Client, for example, the IPhone or VLC, access m3u8 provides by any web server, for instance, SRS embeded HTTP server, or nginx.

Note: SRS only need to config the HLS on vhost, and SRS will create the dir by app name.



vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        # whether the hls is enabled.
        # if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish.
        # default: off
        enabled         on;
        # the hls output path.
        # the app dir is auto created under the hls_path.
        # for example, for rtmp stream:
        #   rtmp://
        # where hls_path is /hls, srs will create the following files:
        #   /hls/live       the app dir for all streams.
        #   /hls/live/livestream.m3u8   the HLS m3u8 file.
        #   /hls/live/livestream-1.ts   the HLS media/ts file.
        # in a word, the hls_path is for vhost.
        # default: ./objs/nginx/html
        hls_path        /data/nginx/html;
        # the hls fragment in seconds, the duration of a piece of ts.
        # default: 10
        hls_fragment    10;
        # the hls window in seconds, the number of ts in m3u8.
        # default: 60
        hls_window      60;


  • enabled:是否开启HLS,on/off,默认off。
  • hls_path:HLS的m3u8和ts文件保存的路径。SRS会自动加上app和stream名称。譬如:
HLS配置路径:hls_path        /data/nginx/html;
  • hls_fragment:秒,指定ts切片的最小长度。实际上ts文件的长度由以下公式决定:
ts文件时长 = max(hls_fragment, gop_size)
那么,最终ts的时长为max(5, 10) = 10秒。这也是为什么有些流配置了hls_fragment,但是ts时长仍然比这个大的原因。
  • hls_window:秒,指定HLS窗口大小,即m3u8中ts文件的时长之和,超过总时长后,丢弃第一个m3u8中的第一个切片,直到ts的总时长在这个配置项范围之内。即SRS保证下面的公式:
hls_window >= sum(m3u8中每个ts的时长)

部署分发HLS的实例,参考:Usage: HLS


SRS支持分发HLS纯音频流,当RTMP流没有视频,且音频为aac(可以使用转码转为aac,参考Usage: Transcode2HLS),SRS只切片音频。

若RTMP流中已经有视频和音频,需要支持纯音频HLS流,可以用转码将视频去掉,参考:转码: 禁用流。然后分发音频流。

分发纯音频流不需要特殊配置,和HLS分发一样,参考:Usage: HLS








vhost {
    transcode {
        enabled     on;
        ffmpeg      ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
        engine hls {
            enabled         on;
            vfilter {
            vcodec          libx264;
            vbitrate        500;
            vfps            20;
            vwidth          768;
            vheight         320;
            vthreads        2;
            vprofile        baseline;
            vpreset         superfast;
            vparams {
                g           100;
            acodec          libaacplus;
            abitrate        45;
            asample_rate    44100;
            achannels       2;
            aparams {
            output          rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
















// @see: ngx_rtmp_mpegts.c
// TODO: support full mpegts feature in future.
class SrsMpegtsWriter
    static int write_frame(int fd, SrsMpegtsFrame* frame, SrsCodecBuffer* buffer)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        if (!buffer->bytes || buffer->size <= 0) {
            return ret;
        char* last = buffer->bytes + buffer->size;
        char* pos = buffer->bytes;
        bool first = true;
        while (pos < last) {
            static char packet[188];
            char* p = packet;
            // sync_byte; //8bits
            *p++ = 0x47;
            // pid; //13bits
            *p++ = (frame->pid >> 8) & 0x1f;
            // payload_unit_start_indicator; //1bit
            if (first) {
                p[-1] |= 0x40;
            *p++ = frame->pid;
            // transport_scrambling_control; //2bits
            // adaption_field_control; //2bits, 0x01: PayloadOnly
            // continuity_counter; //4bits
            *p++ = 0x10 | (frame->cc & 0x0f);
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                if (frame->key) {
                    p[-1] |= 0x20; // Both Adaption and Payload
                    *p++ = 7;    // size
                    *p++ = 0x50; // random access + PCR
                    p = write_pcr(p, frame->dts - SRS_HLS_DELAY);
                // PES header
                // packet_start_code_prefix; //24bits, '00 00 01'
                *p++ = 0x00;
                *p++ = 0x00;
                *p++ = 0x01;
                *p++ = frame->sid;
                // pts(33bits) need 5bytes.
                u_int8_t header_size = 5;
                u_int8_t flags = 0x80; // pts
                // dts(33bits) need 5bytes also
                if (frame->dts != frame->pts) {
                    header_size += 5;
                    flags |= 0x40; // dts
                // 3bytes: flag fields from PES_packet_length to PES_header_data_length
                int pes_size = (last - pos) + header_size + 3;
                if (pes_size > 0xffff) {
                    * when actual packet length > 0xffff(65535),
                    * which exceed the max u_int16_t packet length,
                    * use 0 packet length, the next unit start indicates the end of packet.
                    pes_size = 0;
                // PES_packet_length; //16bits
                *p++ = (pes_size >> 8);
                *p++ = pes_size;
                // PES_scrambling_control; //2bits, '10'
                // PES_priority; //1bit
                // data_alignment_indicator; //1bit
                // copyright; //1bit
                // original_or_copy; //1bit	
                *p++ = 0x80; /* H222 */
                // PTS_DTS_flags; //2bits
                // ESCR_flag; //1bit
                // ES_rate_flag; //1bit
                // DSM_trick_mode_flag; //1bit
                // additional_copy_info_flag; //1bit
                // PES_CRC_flag; //1bit
                // PES_extension_flag; //1bit
                *p++ = flags;
                // PES_header_data_length; //8bits
                *p++ = header_size;

                // pts; // 33bits
                p = write_pts(p, flags >> 6, frame->pts + SRS_HLS_DELAY);
                // dts; // 33bits
                if (frame->dts != frame->pts) {
                    p = write_pts(p, 1, frame->dts + SRS_HLS_DELAY);
            int body_size = sizeof(packet) - (p - packet);
            int in_size = last - pos;
            if (body_size <= in_size) {
                memcpy(p, pos, body_size);
                pos += body_size;
            } else {
                p = fill_stuff(p, packet, body_size, in_size);
                memcpy(p, pos, in_size);
                pos = last;
            // write ts packet
            if (::write(fd, packet, sizeof(packet)) != sizeof(packet)) {
                ret = ERROR_HLS_WRITE_FAILED;
                srs_error("write ts file failed. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
        return ret;

Winlin 2014.11

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