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Adapt Wiki Style Guide

Chuck Lorenz edited this page Mar 27, 2015 · 19 revisions

[This Style Guide is a draft. It is a work in progress. Perhaps in the future, some form of style guide may be adopted by the Adapt community.]

It is not the intent of this style guide to address every situation encountered in writing a wiki. The intention is to bring a modicum of stylistic uniformity across wiki pages, making them easier to comprehend and easier for an open source community to write.


  • Code will be styled with a tick, a fenced code block, or syntax highlighting.

Command Lines:

  • Code that is presented as command lines will not start with a prompt such as $. Including it complicates using the code via copying and pasting, since the $ must be deleted.
  • Command lines will start on their own line.
  • Command lines will be styled with a tick, a fenced code block, or syntax highlighting.
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