mvn package
Note: The following two jars may not be found in the maven repository. You need to modify pom.xml to solve the dependency problem during compilation, you may refer to the comment in pom.xml.
- libchubaofs-xx-SNAPSHOT.jar, building from chubaofs/java
- hadoop-common-3.0.0-tests.jar, from hadoop bin package(hadoop-3.3.0/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-3.3.0-tests.jar)
When using the SDK, you need to use one so and two jars and two profiles.
One so:
-, building from chubaofs/libsdk, used in cfs-site.xml.
Two jars:
- chubaofs-hadoop-xx-SNAPSHOT.jar
- libchubaofs-xx-SNAPSHOT.jar
Two profiles:
- core-site.xml
- cfs-site.xml
- Put the two jars to $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/common
- Put the two profiles to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
- Put the two jars to $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/common
- Put the two profiles to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
- Start the yarn servers.
- Put the two jars to $HBASE_HOME/lib.
- Put the two profiles to $HBASE_HOME/conf.
- Modify conf/hbase-site.xml
- Start hbase。
Just replace hdfs:// with cfs://
The unit tests.
The scirpt is sbin/unit_test
Mapreduce Benchmark
The following cases are passed: dfsio/mrbench/nnbench/terasort You may view detailed test parameters in the sbin/mr_bench
- HBase Benchmark
The following cases are passed: randomWrite/sequentialWrite/randomRead/sequentialRead/checkAndDelete You may view detailed test parameters in the sbin/hbase_bench
Note: The above tests are done in a cluster of 4 dockers, each uses 4 cpus and 8GB memory.