admin_registration.json is for the users of the app - in your case, the midwives, nurses, or doctors who would be entering data into the app.
individual_registration.js is for the patient registration
trichiasis_surgury.json is an example of the patient encounter form.
Here is an example of some of the markup from trichiasis_surgery.js:
"_id": "Trichiasis Surgery",
"_rev": "2-5c44d63968d07e1c9f97605d3d1de2e0",
"id": "Trichiasis Surgery",
"noClientPush": "true",
"enabled": "true",
"required": "false",
"safeLabel": "trichiasisSurgery",
"questions": [
"id": "21",
"_id": "21",
"label": "Location where service was provided",
"type": "select",
"repeatable": "false",
"select-options": "Household, School, Community, Clinic/hospital",
"validation": "",
"required": "false",
"safeLabel": "serviceLocation"
"id": "345",
"_id": "345",
"label": "Date",
"type": "date",
"repeatable": "false",
"validation": "",
"required": "true",
"safeLabel": "theDate"
Rename the file and the '_id' and 'id' fields to whatever your form is about. Remove the '_rev' field - it is created by couchdb and is changed with each version. Name the safeLabel the same as your db table name (no spaces).
Note the different types of field types: input, select, date-time, checkbox, header, and subheader. The last two types - header and subheader - are display only, to denote different sections in a form. I currently do not use the repeatable or validation fields.
If your app needs translations, you'll need to have the translation files in the i18n directory. Each label and select option will need a translation:
"Home": "Início"
"Sync": "Sinc"
"Scanner": "Scan"
Select label and options. Note that select options have a "::"" between the label and the option:
"Followupdate": "Data de Visita de Acompanhamento"
"Followupdate::1 week": "1 semana"
"Followupdate::2 weeks": "2 semanas"
"Followupdate::1 month": "1 mês"