. 本文档旨在比较代码计数器的性能和准确性. polyglot
所有性能和精度的比较均在15英寸MacBook Pro上完成,配备2.7GHz Intel Core i7处理器和运行macOS High Sierra 10.13.6的16GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 RAM. 所有基准测试均使用hyperfine.
- Tokei版本: 8.0.0
- Cloc版本: 1.76
- Loc版本: 0.4.1
- Scc版本: 1.7.0
针对四个大型开源存储库执行了性能基准测试;虚幻引擎4 (隐藏在免费注册后面) ,Rust,CPython,和Redis. 为了清楚起见,提出了两个版本的图表,因为cloc的速度指数高于其他版本,所以它们带 有和没有 cloc.
知识库 | 提交哈希 |
CPython | 3738fadc670274ecc4649f51b52a93602820a375 |
Redis | 39c70e728b5af0c50989ffbc05e568099f3e081b |
rust | 727eabd68143e968d8826ee29b8ea7792d29fa96 |
虚幻引擎4 | 8696faa54bf2f89ca50d34e6fb3dcc461a810185 |
命令 | 执行[ms] | 最小...最大[ms] |
tokei |
162.6±6.1 | 157.0 ... 184.8 |
scc |
349.0±6.9 | 341.9 ... 365.4 |
loc |
100.8±6.1 | 93.5 ... 119.0 |
cloc |
3889.4±327.6 | 3769.4 ... 4820.8 |
命令 | 执行[ms] | 最小...最大[ms] |
tokei |
32.7±1.4 | 30.0 ... 36.2 |
scc |
50.5±1.3 | 48.3 ... 53.3 |
loc |
29.4±5.0 | 23.3 ... 45.9 |
cloc |
1288.4±6.3 | 1276.1 ... 1296.5 |
程序 | 执行[ms] | 最小...最大[ms] |
tokei |
257.3±8.1 | 244.3 ... 270.2 |
scc |
316.9±13.8 | 302.2 ... 345.7 |
loc |
246.4±11.2 | 222.7 ... 263.1 |
cloc |
6864.0±57.4 | 6805.3 ... 6996.4 |
命令 | 执行[ms] | 最小...最大[ms] |
tokei |
2705.3±105.8 | 2584.4 ... 2874.6 |
scc |
5308.6±238.5 | 5036.4 ... 5655.3 |
loc |
2350.0±152.9 | 2208.1 ... 2687.9 |
cloc |
72389.9±12385.2 | 58032.0 ... 97798.6 |
对于代码计数器而言,重要的不仅仅是更快,而且要准确. 下面是一个小的Rust文件,其中有许多边缘案例来自Tokei的测试套件. 第一行是人类预期的行数,注释,代码和空白,作为代码计数器样本的样本,我们将使用上面提到的四个存储库,来显示报告的行数的表.
// 39 lines 32 code 2 comments 5 blanks
/* /**/ */
fn main() {
let start = "/*";
loop {
if x.len() >= 2 && x[0] == '*' && x[1] == '/' { // found the */
fn foo() {
let this_ends = "a \"test/*.";
let this_does_not = /* a /* nested */ comment " */
"*/another /*test
fn foobar() {
let does_not_start = // "
"until here,
test"; // a quote: "
let also_doesnt_start = /* " */
"until here,
test"; // another quote: "
fn foo() {
let a = 4; // /*
let b = 5;
let c = 6; // */
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Rust 1 39 32 2 5
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks Complexity
Rust 1 34 28 1 5 5
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
Rust 1 39 5 10 24
Language files blank comment code
Rust 1 5 10 24
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Assembly 7 2134 1839 37 258
Autoconf 12 4298 2581 893 824
Batch 29 1750 1461 0 289
C 318 401463 306070 45481 49912
C Header 352 147814 123096 10189 14529
C Shell 1 37 21 7 9
C++ 5 4174 3181 262 731
CSS 1 6 0 4 2
D 5 82 73 1 8
Fish 1 75 47 15 13
HTML 9 1635 1538 0 97
JavaScript 2 200 169 13 18
Lisp 1 692 502 81 109
Makefile 1 5 4 0 1
Module-Definition 8 1385 1349 14 22
MSBuild 9 900 744 72 84
Objective C 7 794 635 61 98
Prolog 1 24 24 0 0
Python 1834 753782 590076 53996 109710
ReStructuredText 984 289166 289166 0 0
Shell 4 549 301 149 99
SVG 8 11 9 0 2
Plain Text 135 89183 89183 0 0
VBScript 1 1 0 1 0
XML 4 19 17 2 0
Total 3739 1700179 1412086 111278 176815
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks Complexity
Python 1845 757463 592457 54831 110175 88978
ReStructuredText 985 289233 204773 0 84460 0
C Header 353 143235 122361 8571 12303 3980
C 318 371150 292140 38196 40814 66793
Plain Text 147 89284 86652 0 2632 0
Batch 29 1750 1461 0 289 603
YAML 13 852 734 0 118 0
Autoconf 12 4298 2581 893 824 638
HTML 10 1839 1736 3 100 0
MSBuild 9 899 744 81 74 4
Module-Definition 8 1385 1349 14 22 18
SVG 8 11 9 0 2 0
Objective C 7 789 635 57 97 71
Assembly 7 2134 1839 37 258 28
D 5 81 73 1 7 4
XML 5 132 76 0 56 0
License 5 346 281 0 65 0
C++ 5 4169 3179 259 731 663
ASP.NET 4 11 11 0 0 0
Makefile 4 308 216 38 54 15
m4 2 415 318 53 44 0
JavaScript 2 200 169 13 18 21
C Shell 1 37 21 7 9 13
Prolog 1 24 24 0 0 0
CSS 1 4 0 4 0 0
IDL 1 12 11 0 1 0
Fish 1 75 47 15 13 9
Shell 1 172 109 23 40 7
Patch 1 18 16 0 2 0
Markdown 1 30 19 0 11 0
CSV 1 345 345 0 0 0
Lisp 1 692 502 81 109 0
Total 3793 1671393 1314888 103177 253328 161845
Estimated Cost to Develop $50,866,110
Estimated Schedule Effort 68.286305 months
Estimated People Required 88.236762
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
Python 1843 753596 109682 60636 583278
C 318 401463 49912 46468 305083
reStructuredText 984 289166 84441 0 204725
C/C++ Header 352 147814 14529 10007 123278
Plain Text 147 89183 2619 0 86564
C++ 5 4174 731 262 3181
Makefile 5 2274 275 267 1732
Assembly 7 2134 258 310 1566
HTML 10 1635 97 0 1538
Batch 29 1750 289 0 1461
Autoconf 9 2200 575 636 989
Objective-C 7 794 98 61 635
Lisp 1 692 109 81 502
JavaScript 2 200 18 13 169
Bourne Shell 1 172 40 23 109
INI 1 171 42 27 102
D 5 82 8 1 73
Prolog 1 24 0 0 24
C Shell 1 37 9 7 21
XML 5 19 0 2 17
CSS 1 6 2 4 0
Total 3734 1697586 263734 118805 1315047
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.76 T=3.84 s (703.1 files/s, 352799.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Python 1810 110244 135433 512014
C 318 49893 46475 305095
C/C++ Header 353 14677 10288 123542
Bourne Shell 13 2806 2403 17559
m4 3 513 150 5322
C++ 5 731 262 3181
HTML 10 100 11 1736
WiX source 51 159 39 1690
Assembly 7 258 395 1481
DOS Batch 29 289 87 1374
Windows Module Definition 8 22 14 1349
MSBuild script 27 44 4 679
YAML 13 118 78 656
Objective C 7 98 61 635
Lisp 1 109 81 502
Pascal 3 110 261 333
Windows Resource File 7 40 47 289
make 3 53 38 212
WiX string localization 11 28 0 188
JavaScript 2 18 13 169
PowerShell 2 25 37 122
INI 1 42 27 102
XML 5 56 2 76
D 5 8 1 73
Fish Shell 1 13 15 47
IDL 2 1 0 35
C Shell 1 9 7 21
Markdown 1 11 0 19
CSS 1 2 4 0
Visual Basic 1 0 1 0
SUM: 2701 180477 196234 978501
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Autoconf 18 10821 8469 1326 1026
Batch 1 28 26 0 2
C 249 143671 103080 24170 16421
C Header 199 27534 17960 6204 3370
C++ 4 286 224 14 48
C++ Header 1 9 5 3 1
CSS 2 107 91 0 16
HTML 5 9658 6721 9 2928
Lua 19 414 306 53 55
Makefile 9 1031 722 100 209
Markdown 8 1886 1886 0 0
Python 2 219 162 17 40
Ruby 8 722 580 69 73
Shell 40 1195 790 254 151
TCL 98 16815 13861 982 1972
Plain Text 1 23 23 0 0
XSL 1 10 10 0 0
YAML 1 36 28 4 4
Total 666 214465 154944 33205 26316
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks Complexity
C 249 132592 100360 16629 15603 24928
C Header 199 24522 16851 4606 3065 1514
TCL 98 16815 13838 1005 1972 1605
Shell 36 1100 706 253 141 135
Lua 20 524 384 71 69 66
Autoconf 18 10821 8469 1326 1026 965
gitignore 11 151 135 0 16 0
Makefile 9 1031 722 100 209 50
Markdown 8 1886 1363 0 523 0
Ruby 8 716 574 69 73 103
C++ 5 310 244 15 51 31
HTML 5 9647 6717 5 2925 0
YAML 4 273 254 0 19 0
License 3 66 55 0 11 0
CSS 2 107 91 0 16 0
Python 2 219 160 19 40 61
Plain Text 1 23 16 0 7 0
Batch 1 28 26 0 2 3
Smarty Template 1 44 43 0 1 5
C++ Header 1 9 5 3 1 0
m4 1 562 393 53 116 0
Total 682 201446 151406 24154 25886 29466
Estimated Cost to Develop $5,257,091
Estimated Schedule Effort 28.825317 months
Estimated People Required 21.603600
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
C 249 143671 16421 24255 102995
C/C++ Header 200 27543 3371 6080 18092
Tcl 98 16815 1972 1005 13838
Autoconf 17 10252 966 1311 7975
HTML 5 9658 2928 12 6718
Markdown 8 1886 523 0 1363
Makefile 10 1600 269 115 1216
Bourne Shell 36 1103 141 253 709
Ruby 8 722 73 69 580
Lua 20 414 55 53 306
C++ 4 286 48 14 224
Python 2 219 40 19 160
CSS 2 107 16 0 91
YAML 1 36 4 4 28
Batch 1 28 2 0 26
Plain Text 1 23 7 0 16
Total 662 214363 26836 33190 154337
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.76 T=1.12 s (585.8 files/s, 200325.9 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C 248 16420 24255 102995
C/C++ Header 200 3369 6080 18094
Bourne Shell 42 2398 1488 14556
Tcl/Tk 98 1972 1002 13841
HTML 5 2928 12 6718
m4 2 279 147 2430
Markdown 7 459 0 1203
make 9 209 100 722
Ruby 8 73 67 582
Lua 20 69 71 385
YAML 4 19 4 250
C++ 5 51 16 244
Python 2 40 52 127
CSS 2 16 0 91
Bourne Again Shell 1 13 4 85
DOS Batch 1 2 0 26
XSLT 1 0 0 10
SUM: 655 28317 33298 162359
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Assembly 1 3 3 0 0
Autoconf 1 96 74 9 13
Batch 2 19 6 9 4
C 45 1307 800 336 171
C Header 2 236 195 20 21
C++ 8 3298 2615 269 414
CSS 6 2714 2229 88 397
Dockerfile 49 1955 1419 163 373
Happy 1 1992 1753 0 239
JavaScript 29 3325 2552 457 316
JSON 27 3921 3921 0 0
Makefile 196 2931 2152 335 444
Markdown 191 19588 19588 0 0
Python 24 6104 4618 453 1033
Rust 10938 972528 597964 255211 119353
Shell 60 2901 1716 823 362
SVG 2 2 2 0 0
Plain Text 15 715 715 0 0
TOML 71 1416 1140 104 172
XSL 2 58 44 8 6
XML 1 88 77 11 0
YAML 1 268 171 72 25
Total 11672 1025465 643754 258368 123343
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks Complexity
Rust 10937 971395 595420 257017 118958 44656
Makefile 196 2931 2152 335 444 120
Markdown 191 19588 15748 0 3840 0
TOML 71 1416 1140 104 172 1
Shell 55 2764 1641 783 340 102
Dockerfile 49 1955 1419 163 373 107
C 45 1306 800 336 170 157
JavaScript 29 3317 2552 453 312 566
JSON 27 3921 3921 0 0 0
Python 23 6082 4581 474 1027 1206
Plain Text 15 715 578 0 137 0
Puppet 10 360 305 7 48 2
ASP.NET 8 45 45 0 0 2
C++ 8 3296 2616 266 414 188
CSS 6 2684 2227 73 384 0
gitignore 5 117 115 0 2 0
Patch 4 137 124 0 13 0
Batch 2 19 6 9 4 1
C Header 2 236 195 20 21 10
YAML 2 664 609 0 55 0
SVG 2 2 2 0 0 0
License 2 695 570 0 125 0
Autoconf 1 96 74 9 13 0
Assembly 1 3 3 0 0 0
LEX 1 360 322 0 38 0
Happy 1 1992 1753 0 239 0
XML 1 80 77 3 0 0
Total 11694 1026176 638995 260052 127129 47118
Estimated Cost to Develop $23,843,371
Estimated Schedule Effort 51.202420 months
Estimated People Required 55.160961
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
Rust 10938 972528 119353 257285 595890
Markdown 191 19588 3840 0 15748
Python 23 6085 1029 630 4426
JSON 27 3921 0 0 3921
C++ 8 3298 414 268 2616
JavaScript 29 3325 316 457 2552
Makefile 199 3041 461 344 2236
CSS 6 2714 397 87 2230
Bourne Shell 55 2766 341 783 1642
Yacc 1 1992 239 135 1618
Toml 71 1416 172 104 1140
C 45 1307 171 336 800
Plain Text 15 715 137 0 578
C/C++ Header 2 236 21 20 195
YAML 1 268 25 72 171
XML 1 88 0 11 77
Batch 2 19 4 9 6
Assembly 1 3 0 0 3
Total 11615 1023310 126920 260541 635849
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.76 T=7.85 s (1466.7 files/s, 130415.4 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Rust 10788 118944 255512 595199
Markdown 191 3840 0 15748
Python 24 1033 1126 3945
JSON 27 0 0 3921
C++ 8 413 268 2617
JavaScript 28 314 448 2546
CSS 6 397 87 2230
make 192 440 335 2131
Bourne Shell 58 359 762 1730
yacc 1 239 135 1618
Dockerfile 49 373 163 1419
TOML 71 172 104 1140
C 40 169 323 788
YAML 2 55 113 496
WiX source 3 42 30 361
lex 1 38 0 322
C/C++ Header 2 21 20 195
Puppet 7 43 82 166
XML 1 0 11 77
XSLT 2 6 8 44
Windows Resource File 3 14 31 19
DOS Batch 2 4 9 6
Assembly 1 0 0 3
SUM: 11507 126916 259567 636721
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
ASP.NET 12 12737 2248 8556 1933
Autoconf 185 126415 105366 9171 11878
BASH 2 354 280 38 36
Batch 217 6794 4863 525 1406
C 3928 1730150 1110011 356089 264050
C Header 38707 8614972 5067244 2317451 1230277
CMake 1378 137324 83976 36494 16854
C# 1799 489470 362137 72312 55021
C++ 14789 6617808 4855563 638643 1123602
C++ Header 6863 1446785 1029508 218492 198785
CSS 28 24345 21413 537 2395
HTML 1053 154367 143718 1630 9019
Java 98 23089 16223 4101 2765
JavaScript 222 90698 71561 10287 8850
JSON 142 71356 71356 0 0
Makefile 360 24610 12696 7264 4650
Markdown 78 14774 14774 0 0
Module-Definition 165 27216 24434 453 2329
MSBuild 95 11785 11316 463 6
Objective C 325 78887 53269 14421 11197
Objective C++ 139 41798 30898 4430 6470
Perl 44 9033 6505 1193 1335
Python 3775 1237391 947198 103874 186319
Shell 386 153390 116471 19913 17006
Plain Text 4307 3260946 3260946 0 0
XAML 9 2256 2061 82 113
XML 639 134161 129186 2503 2472
Total 79745 24542911 17555221 3828922 3158768
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks Complexity
C Header 38740 8152989 4993858 2013293 1145838 186799
C++ 14801 6555240 4834555 628656 1092029 723818
C++ Header 6926 1439558 1013892 238746 186920 70952
Plain Text 4369 3265607 3184635 0 80972 0
C 3968 1519740 1079896 215851 223993 235498
Python 3823 1258597 961660 108034 188903 178928
C# 1790 495297 363280 76586 55431 40223
CMake 1395 137792 83799 37093 16900 8172
HTML 1065 179304 155477 13501 10326 0
XML 641 149271 145848 989 2434 0
Makefile 378 26797 13825 7874 5098 818
Objective C 325 76867 53170 12748 10949 6074
Shell 238 152504 110731 24819 16954 18967
JavaScript 222 89613 70526 10684 8403 26425
Batch 218 6798 4866 525 1407 782
Autoconf 185 126415 105366 9171 11878 16329
Module-Definition 165 27216 24434 453 2329 420
JSON 146 71515 71468 0 47 0
Objective C++ 139 41120 30879 3816 6425 2290
Java 98 22476 16214 3577 2685 2000
MSBuild 95 11712 11277 430 5 0
Markdown 78 14774 11210 0 3564 0
XCode Config 64 2354 317 1764 273 0
License 57 4943 4160 0 783 0
Perl 44 9031 6421 1275 1335 1005
CSS 28 23900 21330 321 2249 0
Expect 19 2269 2170 46 53 2
gitignore 14 510 401 61 48 0
ASP.NET 12 12653 2248 10038 367 266
XAML 9 2200 2064 39 97 0
XML Schema 2 4 4 0 0 0
Total 80054 23879066 17379981 3420390 3078695 1519768
Estimated Cost to Develop $764,974,728
Estimated Schedule Effort 191.283130 months
Estimated People Required 473.723654
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
C/C++ Header 45595 9974068 1416252 2524523 6033293
C++ 14801 6617808 1123602 641666 4852540
Plain Text 4643 3284144 82784 0 3201360
C 3958 1730150 264050 349650 1116450
Python 3823 1236825 186229 120015 930581
C# 1809 486880 54678 75623 356579
HTML 1065 154367 9019 1647 143701
Makefile 797 171037 19979 20166 130892
XML 640 134161 2472 2523 129166
Bourne Shell 238 152708 16982 24827 110899
JSON 142 71356 47 0 71309
JavaScript 222 90698 8850 11124 70724
Objective-C 325 78887 11197 14417 53273
Objective-C++ 139 41798 6470 4986 30342
CSS 28 24345 2395 537 21413
Java 98 23089 2765 4152 16172
Markdown 78 14774 3564 0 11210
INI 269 13472 1766 720 10986
Perl 43 9026 1334 1275 6417
Batch 217 6794 1406 467 4921
ASP.NET 12 12737 1933 8580 2224
Total 78942 24329124 3217774 3806898 17304452
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.76 T=61.98 s (964.6 files/s, 288865.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C++ 13439 1050589 581040 4631284
C/C++ Header 31672 1047219 1750961 4399521
C 3922 264936 350701 1121458
Python 3165 172022 226580 732442
C# 1749 52489 76609 334906
HTML 1031 10116 1985 162198
XML 618 2401 2285 140406
MSBuild script 198 6 481 111352
CMake 1350 16535 36540 81666
JavaScript 213 8772 11060 67595
Bourne Shell 298 9876 13933 62513
Objective C 325 11197 14417 53273
JSON 134 41 0 51854
Objective C++ 117 5529 3857 27409
INI 256 5218 935 24151
CSS 24 2210 483 20619
Windows Module Definition 136 1934 395 20206
make 518 6584 9626 19298
Java 98 2765 4100 16224
Markdown 75 3424 0 10814
Pascal 20 662 5900 6597
Perl 42 1330 1211 6429
HLSL 60 1229 631 5265
DOS Batch 198 1380 700 4482
Windows Resource File 62 1023 1368 3754
ASP.NET 7 538 7 2687
GLSL 10 558 482 2445
XAML 9 113 82 2061
Expect 17 51 46 1368
Smalltalk 13 117 7 887
Ant 3 44 167 407
Bourne Again Shell 4 49 78 305
SAS 1 14 22 32
SUM: 59784 2680971 3096689 12125908