Running in firebase.
Deploy using firebase deploy --only functions
If the action on google home stops working go to and test it there
Actions on google to see the google home integration, dialogflow for the more generic voice configuration.
Calculations taken from:
Current weather observations taken from:
// hook.req is a Node.js http.IncomingMessage var host =; // hook.res is a Node.js httpServer.ServerResponse
//said 19, was 22. Our thermometer read 26. 5pm.
23.5 ducts,
outside: 28c/45% => 20 wb => 8c dif => 5.6 change => 22.5 moorabn: 24c/54% => 18 wb => 6c dif => 4.2 change => 20 scorsby: 28c/30% => 17 wb => 11c dif => 7.7 chnge => 20