This file is used to list changes made in each version of the mysql_chef_gem cookbook.
- Expand the chefspec helper and remove the report that’s useless
- Update chefignore file for policyfiles
- Update apache2 license string
- Remove double entries
- Fix some faulty instructions
- Testing updates
- Require Chef 12.1
- Updated the readme's list of supported platforms to match current tested platforms
- Added testing of all PRs using Kitchen-Docker in Travis
- Updated Test Kitchen suites to test the most recent platforms / MySQL releases available
- Depend mysql cookbook 6.0+ which was needed by the providers
- Removed Chef 10 backwards compatibility. This cookbook requires 11+
- Expanded the requirements and license sections of the readme to match other Chef managed cookbooks
- Added oracle as a supported platform in the metadata
- Added long_description to the metadata
- Added issues_url and source_url to the metadata for Supermarket
- Updated the .gitignore file
- Expanded platforms tested in Test Kitchen
- Added the standard Chef Rubocop config
- Updated Travis CI to use ChefDK for testing deps
- Updated testing and development deps in the Gemfile
- Updated Testing and Contributing docs
- Added maintainers.toml and maintainers.rb files
- Added Travis status and cookbook version badges to the readme
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Added a chefignore file to limit what files are uploaded to the Chef server
- Updating source in Berksfile
- Switching to include_recipe from recipe_eval
- Reverting to using vendor packages instead of the connector tarball
- Adding support for linking against MariaDB libraries
- Removing recipe that contained a single resource
- Removed dependency on mysql cookbook
- Switched to using the MySQL connector libraries tarball from a webserver rather than system development package
- Added serverspec tests
- Updated the README
- Reverting installation of ruby dev packages
- Fixing some bugs in the README
- Adding more development packages
Initial Release
- Initial release