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Interop With Third Party Components

If you want to use a reactjs component in your scalajs-react project then you must define a wrapper for js component.


Let say we have a JS component , Name : AwesomeJSComp , props ..

  propTypes: {
    numberOfLines: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    onPress: React.PropTypes.func, // function with zero args
    suppressHighlighting: React.PropTypes.bool,
    testID: React.PropTypes.string,

To create a wrapper first we must map js types to scala types

  numberOfLines: Int,
  onPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined,
  suppressHighlighting: js.UndefOr[Bool] = js.undefined,
  testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined

make sure you have js.UndefOr[T] for non required fields.we also need a method which converts our scala fields to js.Object

 def toJS = {
  val p = js.Dynamic.literal()
  onPress.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("onPress")(v))
  suppressHighlighting.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("suppressHighlighting")(v))
  testID.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("testID")(v))

that's it, now we have all required bits , just composing bits is pending.lets do that

case class AwesomeJSCompWrapper( numberOfLines: Int,
                                  onPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined,
                                  suppressHighlighting: js.UndefOr[Bool] = js.undefined,
                                  testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined) {
  def toJS = {
    val p = js.Dynamic.literal()
    onPress.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("onPress")(v))
    suppressHighlighting.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("suppressHighlighting")(v))
    testID.foreach(v => p.updateDynamic("testID")(v))

   def apply(children : ReactNode*) = {
    val f = React.createFactory(js.Dynamic.Global.AwesomeJSComp) // access real js component , make sure you wrap with createFactory (this is needed from 0.13 onwards)
    f(toJS, children: _*)


hola you successfully created wrapper! :)

To use this add original js comp source to jsDependencies in sbt build file/or what ever build tool you use.

now you can use AwesomeJSCmpWrapper like a normal component

def render() = View(key= "1")(AwesomeJSCmpWrapper(numberOfLines = 3,testID = "id"))


Some times we may want to call public(exposed) methods of mounted react component's , we use refs to achieve this

Lets assume that our AwesomeJSComp has public method hideMe()

JS World :

    // pseudo code
    <AwesomeJSComp ref = "awesomecomp",..props > </AwesomeJSComp>

   function test() {

Scala World :

To achieve same thing in scala world ,add a new field ref to our AwesomeJSCompWrapper and then create a facade for public methods of AwesomeJSComp

trait AwesomeJSCompWrapperM extends js.Object {
  def hideMe() : Unit = js.native

  ... more public methods

scala example :

object Parent {
 class Component extends ReactComponent[Unit, Unit] {
   def render() = View(key = "4")(AwesomeJSCompWrapperM(ref = storeChildRef _))
   var childRef: AwesomeJSCompWrapperM = _
   def storeChildRef(cref: AwesomeJSCompWrapperM) = {
     childRef = cref // store reference to use later
     childRef.hideMe() // invoke actions
 def apply(key: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, ref: js.Function1[Component,_] = null) =
   makeElementNoProps[Component](key = key, ref = ref)

##Real World Examples