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Chad Fowler edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 22 revisions

Please write a bio for me kthx. <3

Likes cats. Does work sometimes.

Purveyor of fine code.

World-renowned shark expert.


As maintainer of Sinatra, Konstantin Haase is an Open Source developer by heart. Ruby has become his language of choice since 2005. He regularly contributes to different widespread projects, including Rubinius, Rack, Rails and MRI. In 2012, he received the Ruby Hero Award for his outstanding contributions to the community. He now works on Open Source projects at Travis CI in Berlin, Germany.

As maintainer of his job, Chad Fowler is a world renowned shark expert. English has been his language of choice since he was birthed by his mother. He regularly mumbles on different websites. In 2012, he received the Shark Expert Title on Klout for his outstanding contributions to the seas. He now works on stuff at his job, when he's working, where he's working.

Chad is always in the right place. The above Bio is not.


The Shark Whisperer

as a generally cylindrical meat puppet, chad has contributed to great advancements in web technologies and the rubby community such as getting people to stop and think about what they're doing, cheering people up, and making people high-five until they can't bicker anymore. in his spare time, he writes code in rubby and has been accumulating karma since 2004 in preparation for his ascension into cat-heaven.

Chad is a developer based in Berlin with 62 public repositories and 344 followers.résumé Chad blogs at

Chad is a trend setting Javascripter who loves pushing code. Chad has contributed to repositories in JavaScript, Scala, Java, Ruby and Python. In particular, Chad is a serious JavaScript card

Chad is an expert emoji-ist and has a country named after him. 'nuff said.

Chad Fowler is an expert emoji-ist and has a country in Africa named after him. In 2012, he received the Shark Expert title on Klout for his outstanding contributions to the seas. HE CREATED CAPS LOCK DAY and International Unflattering Profile Picture Day (#iuppd). He is best known in the software industry as the creator of the first native Ook! language implementation.

In his spare time he is CTO at 6Wunderkinder, writes popular books on programming and career development, and has co-founded and organized the international Ruby and Rails conferences.

Is an expert computerist and overall great guy. Wait. Who is this about again?

Shitfire Ninja Guru

Accomplished keynote speaker with a positive attitude about life. Among his contributions to the computing world it is worth mentioning an Ook! interpreter in Ruby.

Chad Fowler Divisional CTO, Microsoft Venture Partner, BlueYard Capital

Chad Fowler is a CTO, speaker, author, investor, and musician. He has lived and worked all over the world, advising teams and companies, developing software, learning, and teaching. Following the acquisition of <a href=">Wunderlist, he is currently a divisional CTO with Microsoft as well as a Venture Partner with Berlin's <a href=">BlueYard Capital.

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