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Installation on Mac OS X using Macports

petrrr edited this page Jul 31, 2013 · 13 revisions

Installing MacPorts

There are several options to install MacPorts, but I recommend to use the Mac OS X Installer which is probably the standard approach. All authoritative details on installing MacPorts are found here.

  1. Install Xcode from Apple Developer Connection. The version to install will depend on your OSX version and the required components are specified on MacPorts' website.
  2. Accept the License Terms, if Xcode 4 and later was installed.
  3. Install MacPorts and add /opt/local/bin & /opt/local/sbin to your path.
  4. I recommend to run sudo port -v selfupdate before you start installing ports.

Installing ObsPy

Once MacPorts is available on your system, installing ObsPy and all dependencies is as easy as executing the following command:

sudo port install py27-obspy

The port should install and run smoothly with Python 2.7 (py27-obspy), but some limitations apply to Python 2.6. In case you encounter any problem do not hesitate to fill a ticket against the port.

Limitations with Python 2.6 (on 31/07/2013):

With Python 2.6 there seem be some issues, which I assume are not directly related to ObsPy or the port itself. If gcc >=4.5 (variants: +gcc45, +gcc46 & +gcc47) is used to compile py26-scipy and py26-obspy, the port would install without problem, but will not be completely functional.

If for some reason you need to install ObsPy with Python 2.6, use the +gcc44 variant for both py26-scipy and py26-obspy. The +gcc43 variant works as well. The default variant py26-scipy +gcc47 is currently not functional. The procedure to use is the following:

sudo port -v install py26-scipy +gcc44 
sudo port -v install py26-obspy +gcc44