This is a bash script that was written to overcome the complexities of building pyOptSparse with IPOPT. It downloads and installs dependencies, IPOPT itself, and pyOptSparse. It was designed with support for OpenMDAO in mind. The variables at the beginning of the script can be adjusted to download different package versions.
By default, the script uses MUMPS, but if HSL or PARDISO are available, it can use those.
Depending on which options are chosen, it may perform some minor patching to allow the build to succeed.
The script expects gcc, g++, and gfortran to be available (unless -i is used). It also checks for python and pip, asking for confirmation if they appear to be a system installation rather than a personal one / virtual environment.
./ [-a] [-b branch] [-d] [-f] [-g] [-h] [-i] [-l linear_solver]
[-n] [-p prefix] [-s snopt_dir] [-t hsl_tar_file]
-a Include ParOpt. Default: no ParOpt
-b branch pyOptSparse git branch. Default: v2.1.5
-d Do not erase the build directory after completion.
-f Skip Python system vs. personal installation check.
-g Skip compiler functionality check.
-h Display usage and exit.
-i Use Intel compiler suite instead of GNU.
-l linear_solver One of mumps, hsl (see -t), or pardiso. Default: mumps
-n Prepare, but do NOT build/install pyOptSparse.
Default: build & install
-p prefix Where to install. Default: ~/ipopt
Note: If older versions are already installed in
this dir, the build may fail. If it does, rename
the directory or remove the old versions.
-s snopt_dir Include SNOPT from snopt_dir. Default: no SNOPT
-t hsl_tar_file If hsl is specified with -l, use this as the path
to the tar file with the HSL source.
e.g. -t ../../coinhsl-archive-2014.01.17.tar.gz
When using HSL as the linear solver, the source code tar file can
be obtained from
If PARDISO is selected as the linear solver, the Intel compiler suite
with MKL must be available.
./ -l pardiso
./ -l hsl -t ../../coinhsl-archive-2014.01.17.tar.gz