Displays temperatur, CO2 level and humidity on the display
Connects to Wifi and prints out the IP address
The values can also be read with http e.g. with curl http://192.168.1.x
- ESP32 with display and battery managment system https://mikroshop.ch/?gruppe=3&artikel=1820
- CO2 Sensor: Seeed Gove SCD30 http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-CO2_Temperature_Humidity_Sensor-SCD30/
CO2 Sensor | Color | ESP32 Pin |
GND | Black | GND |
Vcc | Red | Vcc |
SDA | White | Pin 5 |
SDL | Yellow | Pin 4 |
More details:
Display example usage, Wifi scaner: https://github.com/hackffm/ESP32_OLED_WifiScanner/blob/master/ESP32_OLED_WifiScanner.ino
Wiring http://www.areresearch.net/2018/01/how-to-use-ttgo-esp32-module-with-oled.html
CO2 sensor: http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-CO2_Temperature_Humidity_Sensor-SCD30/
Simple Arduino IDE program to display the values from the sensors
Select Board: Tools => Board => ESP32 Ardunio => WEMOS LOLIN32
Select Baud rate: Tools => Upload Speed => 115200
Select typical Port: Tools => /dev/ttyUSB0
Select Upload
Press Boot button on the board to enable flashing