diff --git a/ansible.cfg b/ansible.cfg
index 257a642..7f30524 100644
--- a/ansible.cfg
+++ b/ansible.cfg
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 log_path = $HOME/ansible/ansible.log
-library = ./library
-module_utils = ./module_utils
 roles_path = ./
 forks = 20
diff --git a/cephadm-clients.yml b/cephadm-clients.yml
index 3385695..e655881 100644
--- a/cephadm-clients.yml
+++ b/cephadm-clients.yml
@@ -32,31 +32,31 @@
     - run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-        - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-          import_role:
+        - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+          ansible.builtin.import_role:
             name: ceph_defaults
-        - name: fail if the fsid parameter is missing
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if the fsid parameter is missing
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: >
               You must supply an 'fsid' parameter for the corresponding ceph cluster
           when: fsid is undefined
-        - name: fail if admin group doesn't exist or is empty
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if admin group doesn't exist or is empty
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: |
               You must define a group [admin] in your inventory which provides the
               keyring that you want to distribute
           when: "'admin' not in groups or groups['admin'] | length < 1"
-        - name: fail if client_group is NOT in the inventory
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if client_group is NOT in the inventory
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: >
               Variable client_group '{{ client_group }}' is not defined in the inventory
           when: client_group not in groups
-        - name: fail if keyring variable is missing
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if keyring variable is missing
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: |
               You must supply a 'keyring' variable that defines the path to the key
               that you want to distribute to your client machines
@@ -69,38 +69,38 @@
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: check fsid is present on {{ inventory_hostname }}
-      stat:
+    - name: Check fsid is present on {{ inventory_hostname }}
+      ansible.builtin.stat:
         path: /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}
       register: fsid_stat
-    - name: fail if fsid is not present
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if fsid is not present
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: >
           The given fsid ({{ fsid }}), is not present in /var/lib/ceph on {{ inventory_hostname }}
         - not fsid_stat.stat.exists | bool
         - not fsid_stat.stat.isdir | bool
-    - name: check keyring status on {{ inventory_hostname }}
-      stat:
+    - name: Check keyring status on {{ inventory_hostname }}
+      ansible.builtin.stat:
         path: "{{ keyring }}"
       register: keyring_stat
-    - name: fail if keyring not found on {{ inventory_hostname }}
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if keyring not found on {{ inventory_hostname }}
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: >
           The keyring path provided '{{ keyring }}' can not be found on {{ inventory_hostname }}
       when: not keyring_stat.stat.exists | bool
-    - name: check conf is OK to use
-      stat:
+    - name: Check conf is OK to use
+      ansible.builtin.stat:
         path: "{{ conf }}"
       register: conf_stat
       when: conf is defined
-    - name: fail if conf supplied is not on {{ inventory_hostname }}
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if conf supplied is not on {{ inventory_hostname }}
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: |
           The conf file '{{ conf }}' can not be found on {{ inventory_hostname }}
@@ -115,26 +115,26 @@
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: slurp the keyring
-      slurp:
+    - name: Slurp the keyring
+      ansible.builtin.slurp:
         src: "{{ keyring }}"
       register: client_keyring
       no_log: true
-    - name: slurp the conf if it's supplied
-      slurp:
+    - name: Slurp the conf if it's supplied
+      ansible.builtin.slurp:
         src: "{{ conf }}"
       register: ceph_config
         - conf is defined
         - conf | length > 0
-    - name: create minimal conf as a default
-      command: cephadm shell -- ceph config generate-minimal-conf
+    - name: Create minimal conf as a default
+      ansible.builtin.command: cephadm shell -- ceph config generate-minimal-conf
       register: minimal_ceph_config
       when: conf is undefined
@@ -145,26 +145,26 @@
   gather_facts: true
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: install ceph-common on rhel
-      command: dnf install --allowerasing --assumeyes ceph-common
+    - name: Install ceph-common on rhel
+      ansible.builtin.command: dnf install --allowerasing --assumeyes ceph-common
       changed_when: false
       register: result
       until: result is succeeded
       when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat'
-    - name: install ceph client prerequisites if needed
-      package:
+    - name: Install ceph client prerequisites if needed
+      ansible.builtin.package:
         name: "{{ ceph_client_pkgs }}"
         state: present
       register: result
       until: result is succeeded
-    - name: copy configuration and keyring files to the clients
-      copy:
+    - name: Copy configuration and keyring files to the clients
+      ansible.builtin.copy:
         content: "{{ item.content }}"
         dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
         owner: ceph
diff --git a/cephadm-distribute-ssh-key.yml b/cephadm-distribute-ssh-key.yml
index e5881ac..cde2b0d 100644
--- a/cephadm-distribute-ssh-key.yml
+++ b/cephadm-distribute-ssh-key.yml
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: fail if admin_node is not defined
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if admin_node is not defined
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: "You must set the variable admin_node"
       run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
       when: admin_node is undefined
-    - name: get ssh public key from a file on the Ansible controller host
+    - name: Get ssh public key from a file on the Ansible controller host
       when: cephadm_pubkey_path is defined
-        - name: get details about {{ cephadm_pubkey_path }}
-          stat:
+        - name: Get details about {{ cephadm_pubkey_path }}
+          ansible.builtin.stat:
             path: "{{ cephadm_pubkey_path }}"
           register: cephadm_pubkey_path_stat
           delegate_to: localhost
           run_once: true
-        - name: fail if {{ cephadm_pubkey_path }} doesn't exist
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if {{ cephadm_pubkey_path }} doesn't exist
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "{{ cephadm_pubkey_path }} doesn't exist or is invalid."
           run_once: true
           delegate_to: localhost
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@
             - not cephadm_pubkey_path_stat.stat.exists | bool
               or not cephadm_pubkey_path_stat.stat.isfile | bool
-    - name: get the cephadm ssh pub key
-      command: "cephadm shell {{ '--fsid ' + fsid if fsid is defined else '' }} ceph cephadm get-pub-key"
+    - name: Get the cephadm ssh pub key
+      ansible.builtin.command: "cephadm shell {{ '--fsid ' + fsid if fsid is defined else '' }} ceph cephadm get-pub-key"
       changed_when: false
       run_once: true
       register: cephadm_get_pub_key
       delegate_to: "{{ admin_node }}"
       when: cephadm_pubkey_path is undefined
-    - name: allow ssh public key for {{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }} account
-      authorized_key:
+    - name: Allow ssh public key for {{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }} account
+      ansible.posix.authorized_key:
         user: "{{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }}"
         key: "{{ lookup('file', cephadm_pubkey_path) if cephadm_pubkey_path is defined else cephadm_get_pub_key.stdout }}"
-    - name: set cephadm ssh user to {{ cephadm_ssh_user }}
-      command: "cephadm shell {{ '--fsid ' + fsid if fsid is defined else '' }} ceph cephadm set-user {{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }}"
+    - name: Set cephadm ssh user to {{ cephadm_ssh_user }}
+      ansible.builtin.command: "cephadm shell {{ '--fsid ' + fsid if fsid is defined else '' }} ceph cephadm set-user {{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }}"
       changed_when: false
       run_once: true
       delegate_to: "{{ admin_node }}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cephadm-preflight.yml b/cephadm-preflight.yml
index 617f740..1f256c1 100644
--- a/cephadm-preflight.yml
+++ b/cephadm-preflight.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 # ansible-playbook -i <inventory host file> cephadm-preflight.yml --extra-vars "ceph_origin=rhcs"
-- name: variables validations
+- name: Variables validations
   ansible.builtin.import_playbook: validate/preflight.yml
 - hosts: all
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@
       - ceph-radosgw
       - rbd-mirror
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: redhat family of OS related tasks
+    - name: Redhat family of OS related tasks
       when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat'
-        - name: rhcs related tasks
+        - name: Rhcs related tasks
           when: ceph_origin == 'rhcs'
-            - name: enable red hat ceph storage tools repository
-              rhsm_repository:
+            - name: Enable red hat ceph storage tools repository
+              community.general.rhsm_repository:
                 name: "rhceph-{{ ceph_rhcs_version }}-tools-for-rhel-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}-{{ ansible_facts['architecture'] }}-rpms"
-            - name: disable older rhceph repositories if any on RHEL{{ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']}}
+            - name: Disable older rhceph repositories if any on RHEL{{ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']}}
               when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8'
-              rhsm_repository:
+              community.general.rhsm_repository:
                 name: "{{ repos_4_to_disable + repos_5_to_disable }}"
                 state: absent
-            - name: disable older rhceph repositories if any on RHEL{{ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']}}
+            - name: Disable older rhceph repositories if any on RHEL{{ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']}}
               when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '9'
-              rhsm_repository:
+              community.general.rhsm_repository:
                 name: "{{ repos_5_to_disable + repos_6_to_disable }}"
                 state: absent
-        - name: enable ceph package repositories
+        - name: Enable ceph package repositories
           when: ceph_origin in ['community', 'ibm']
-            - name: set_fact _ceph_repo
-              set_fact:
+            - name: Set_fact _ceph_repo
+              ansible.builtin.set_fact:
                   name: ceph_stable
                   description: "{{ 'Ceph Stable repo' if ceph_origin == 'community' else 'IBM Ceph repo' }}"
@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
                   baseurl: "{{ ceph_community_repo_baseurl if ceph_origin == 'community' else ceph_ibm_repo_baseurl }}"
                   paths: "{{ [ 'noarch', '$basearch' ] if ceph_origin == 'community' else [ '$basearch' ] }}"
-            - name: configure ceph repository key
-              rpm_key:
+            - name: Configure ceph repository key
+              ansible.builtin.rpm_key:
                 key: "{{ _ceph_repo.rpm_key }}"
                 state: present
               register: result
               until: result is succeeded
-            - name: configure ceph stable repository
-              yum_repository:
+            - name: Configure ceph stable repository
+              ansible.builtin.yum_repository:
                 name: "ceph_stable_{{ item }}"
                 description: "{{ _ceph_repo.description }} - {{ item }}"
                 gpgcheck: true
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
               until: result is succeeded
               loop: "{{ _ceph_repo.paths }}"
-        - name: enable repo from shaman - dev
+        - name: Enable repo from shaman - dev
           when: ceph_origin == 'shaman'
-            - name: fetch ceph development repository
-              uri:
+            - name: Fetch ceph development repository
+              ansible.builtin.uri:
                   {{ ceph_dev_branch }}/\
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
                 return_content: true
               register: ceph_dev_yum_repo
-            - name: configure ceph development repository
-              copy:
+            - name: Configure ceph development repository
+              ansible.builtin.copy:
                 content: "{{ ceph_dev_yum_repo.content }}"
                 dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph-dev.repo
                 owner: root
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
                 mode: '0644'
                 backup: true
-            - name: remove ceph_stable repositories
-              yum_repository:
+            - name: Remove ceph_stable repositories
+              ansible.builtin.yum_repository:
                 name: '{{ item }}'
                 file: ceph_stable
                 state: absent
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@
                 - ceph_stable
                 - ceph_stable_noarch
-        - name: enable custom repo
+        - name: Enable custom repo
           when: ceph_origin == 'custom'
-            - name: set_fact ceph_custom_repositories
-              set_fact:
+            - name: Set_fact ceph_custom_repositories
+              ansible.builtin.set_fact:
-                  - name: ceph_custom
+                  - name: Ceph_custom
                     description: Ceph custom repo
                     gpgcheck: "{{ 'yes' if custom_repo_gpgkey is defined else 'no' }}"
                     state: "{{ custom_repo_state | default('present') }}"
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
                     priority: '2'
               when: ceph_custom_repositories is undefined
-            - name: setup custom repositories
-              yum_repository:
+            - name: Setup custom repositories
+              ansible.builtin.yum_repository:
                 name: "{{ item.name }}"
                 description: "{{ item.description }}"
                 state: "{{ item.state | default(omit) }}"
@@ -164,43 +164,43 @@
               until: result is succeeded
               loop: "{{ ceph_custom_repositories }}"
-        - name: install epel-release
+        - name: Install epel-release
           when: ansible_facts['distribution'] != 'RedHat'
-            - name: enable required CentOS repository for epel
-              command: dnf config-manager --set-enabled "{{ 'powertools' if ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8' else 'crb' }}"
+            - name: Enable required CentOS repository for epel
+              ansible.builtin.command: dnf config-manager --set-enabled "{{ 'powertools' if ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8' else 'crb' }}"
               changed_when: false
-            - name: install package
-              package:
+            - name: Install package
+              ansible.builtin.package:
                 name: epel-release
                 state: present
               register: result
               until: result is succeeded
-        - name: remove remaining local services ceph packages
-          dnf:
+        - name: Remove remaining local services ceph packages
+          ansible.builtin.dnf:
             name: "{{ packages_to_uninstall }}"
             state: absent
             autoremove: false
-        - name: install ceph-common on rhel
-          package:
+        - name: Install ceph-common on rhel
+          ansible.builtin.package:
             name: ceph-common
             state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages | bool) | ternary('latest', 'present') }}"
           register: result
           until: result is succeeded
-        - name: install prerequisites packages on servers
-          package:
+        - name: Install prerequisites packages on servers
+          ansible.builtin.package:
             name: "{{ ceph_pkgs + infra_pkgs }}"
             state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages | bool) | ternary('latest', 'present') }}"
           register: result
           until: result is succeeded
           when: group_names != [client_group]
-        - name: install prerequisites packages on clients
-          package:
+        - name: Install prerequisites packages on clients
+          ansible.builtin.package:
             name: "{{ ceph_client_pkgs }}"
             state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages | bool) | ternary('latest', 'present') }}"
           register: result
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
           when: group_names == [client_group]
-        - name: ensure chronyd is running
-          service:
+        - name: Ensure chronyd is running
+          ansible.builtin.service:
             name: chronyd
             state: started
             enabled: true
@@ -217,76 +217,76 @@
     - name: Ubuntu related tasks
       when: ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Ubuntu'
-        - name: enable repo from download.ceph.com
+        - name: Enable repo from download.ceph.com
-            - name: prevent ceph certificate error
-              apt:
+            - name: Prevent ceph certificate error
+              ansible.builtin.apt:
                 name: ca-certificates
                 state: latest
                 update_cache: true
               register: result
               until: result is succeeded
-            - name: configure ceph community repository stable key
-              apt_key:
+            - name: Configure ceph community repository stable key
+              ansible.builtin.apt_key:
                 url: "{{ ceph_stable_key }}"
                 state: present
-            - name: configure Ceph community repository
+            - name: Configure Ceph community repository
               when: ceph_origin == 'community'
-              apt_repository:
+              ansible.builtin.apt_repository:
                 repo: "deb https://download.ceph.com/debian-{{ ceph_release }}/ {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] }} main"
                 state: present
                 filename: ceph
                 update_cache: false
-            - name: configure Ceph testing repository
+            - name: Configure Ceph testing repository
               when: ceph_origin == 'testing'
-              apt_repository:
+              ansible.builtin.apt_repository:
                 repo: "deb https://download.ceph.com/debian-testing/ {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] }} main"
                 state: present
                 filename: ceph
                 update_cache: false
-            - name: configure Ceph custom repositories
+            - name: Configure Ceph custom repositories
               when: ceph_origin == 'custom'
-              apt_repository:
+              ansible.builtin.apt_repository:
                 repo: "deb {{ item.baseurl }}/ {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] }} {{ item.components }}"
                 state: "{{ item.state | default(omit) }}"
                 filename: ceph_custom
                 update_cache: false
               loop: "{{ ceph_custom_repositories }}"
-        - name: install prerequisites packages
-          apt:
+        - name: Install prerequisites packages
+          ansible.builtin.apt:
             name: "{{ ['python3','chrony'] + ceph_pkgs }}"
             state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages | bool) | ternary('latest', 'present') }}"
             update_cache: true
           register: result
           until: result is succeeded
-        - name: ensure chronyd is running
-          service:
+        - name: Ensure chronyd is running
+          ansible.builtin.service:
             name: chronyd
             state: started
             enabled: true
-        - name: install container engine
+        - name: Install container engine
-            - name: install podman
+            - name: Install podman
               when: ansible_facts['distribution_version'] is version('20.10', '>=')
-              apt:
+              ansible.builtin.apt:
                 name: podman
                 state: present
                 update_cache: true
               register: result
               until: result is succeeded
-            - name: install docker
+            - name: Install docker
               when: ansible_facts['distribution_version'] is version('20.10', '<')
-                - name: uninstall old version packages
-                  apt:
+                - name: Uninstall old version packages
+                  ansible.builtin.apt:
                     name: "{{ item }}"
                     state: absent
@@ -296,20 +296,20 @@
                     - containerd
                     - runc
-                - name: configure docker repository key
-                  apt_key:
+                - name: Configure docker repository key
+                  ansible.builtin.apt_key:
                     url: "https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg"
                     state: present
-                - name: setup docker repository
-                  apt_repository:
+                - name: Setup docker repository
+                  ansible.builtin.apt_repository:
                     repo: "deb https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] }} stable"
                     state: present
                     filename: docker
                     update_cache: false
-                - name: install docker
-                  apt:
+                - name: Install docker
+                  ansible.builtin.apt:
                     name: "{{ item }}"
                     state: present
                     update_cache: true
@@ -320,6 +320,6 @@
                     - docker-ce-cli
                     - containerd.io
-- name: set insecure container registry in /etc/containers/registries.conf
+- name: Set insecure container registry in /etc/containers/registries.conf
   ansible.builtin.import_playbook: cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml
   when: set_insecure_registries | default(false) | bool
diff --git a/cephadm-purge-cluster.yml b/cephadm-purge-cluster.yml
index de3c411..2469fa9 100644
--- a/cephadm-purge-cluster.yml
+++ b/cephadm-purge-cluster.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # ansible-playbook -i <inventory host file> cephadm-purge-cluster.yml -e fsid=<your fsid> -e infra_pkgs_purge=<infra packages to uninstall>
-- name: check local prerequisites are in place
+- name: Check local prerequisites are in place
   hosts: all
   gather_facts: false
   become: true
@@ -22,70 +22,70 @@
     - run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-        - name: fail if fsid was not provided
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if fsid was not provided
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: |
               You must provide the cluster fsid to be purged.
               e.g. ansible-playbook -i <inventory host file> cephadm-purge-cluster.yml -e fsid=<your fsid>
           when: fsid is undefined
-        - name: fail if admin group doesn't exist or is empty
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if admin group doesn't exist or is empty
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: |
               You must define a group [admin] in your inventory and add a node where
               admin keyring is present at /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
           when: "'admin' not in groups or groups['admin'] | length < 1"
-- name: check keyring is present on the admin host
+- name: Check keyring is present on the admin host
   hosts: admin[0]
   gather_facts: false
   any_errors_fatal: true
-    - name: check /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
-      stat:
+    - name: Check /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
+      ansible.builtin.stat:
         path: /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
       register: admin_keyring_stat
-    - name: fail if /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring is not present
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring is not present
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: >
           You must have /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring present on {{ inventory_hostname }}
       when: not admin_keyring_stat.stat.exists | bool
-- name: check cluster hosts have cephadm and the required fsid {{ fsid }}
+- name: Check cluster hosts have cephadm and the required fsid {{ fsid }}
   hosts: all,!{{ client_group }}
   gather_facts: false
   become: true
   any_errors_fatal: true
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: check cephadm binary is available
-      command: which cephadm
+    - name: Check cephadm binary is available
+      ansible.builtin.command: which cephadm
       register: cephadm_exists
       changed_when: false
       failed_when: false
-    - name: fail if cephadm is not available
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if cephadm is not available
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: |
           The cephadm binary is missing on {{ inventory_hostname }}. To purge the cluster you must have cephadm installed
           on ALL ceph hosts. Install manually or use the preflight playbook.
         - cephadm_exists.rc
-    - name: check fsid directory given is valid across the cluster
-      stat:
+    - name: Check fsid directory given is valid across the cluster
+      ansible.builtin.stat:
         path: /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}
       register: fsid_exists
-    - name: fail if the fsid directory is missing
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if the fsid directory is missing
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: |
           The fsid directory '/var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}' can not be found on {{ inventory_hostname }}
           Is the fsid correct?
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
         - not fsid_exists.stat.exists | bool
-- name: confirm whether user really wants to purge the cluster
+- name: Confirm whether user really wants to purge the cluster
   hosts: all
   gather_facts: false
   become: false
-    - name: ireallymeanit
+    - name: Ireallymeanit
       prompt: |
         Are you sure you want to purge the cluster with fsid={{ fsid }} ?
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
       private: no
-    - name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to purge cluster
+    - name: Exit playbook, if user did not mean to purge cluster
       run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-      fail:
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: |
             Exiting cephadm-purge-cluster playbook, cluster was NOT purged.
             To purge the cluster, either say 'yes' at the prompt or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes`
@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
       when: ireallymeanit != 'yes'
-- name: disable cephadm operations
+- name: Disable cephadm operations
   hosts: "admin[0]"
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: disable cephadm
-      command: "cephadm shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph mgr module disable cephadm"
+    - name: Disable cephadm
+      ansible.builtin.command: "cephadm shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph mgr module disable cephadm"
       changed_when: false
@@ -134,35 +134,35 @@
   gather_facts: false
   any_errors_fatal: true
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: purge ceph daemons
-      command: "cephadm rm-cluster --force --zap-osds --fsid {{ fsid }}"
+    - name: Purge ceph daemons
+      ansible.builtin.command: "cephadm rm-cluster --force --zap-osds --fsid {{ fsid }}"
       changed_when: false
-- name: remove ceph packages
+- name: Remove ceph packages
   hosts: all
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
   any_errors_fatal: true
-    - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-      import_role:
+    - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+      ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: remove ceph packages on ceph nodes
-      package:
+    - name: Remove ceph packages on ceph nodes
+      ansible.builtin.package:
         name: "{{ ceph_pkgs | union(infra_pkgs | intersect(infra_pkgs_purge | default([]))) }}"
         state: absent
       register: result
       until: result is succeeded
       when: group_names != [client_group]
-    - name: remove ceph packages on client nodes
-      package:
+    - name: Remove ceph packages on client nodes
+      ansible.builtin.package:
         name: ceph-common
         state: absent
       register: result
diff --git a/cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml b/cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml
index 1d8b22b..5bd26ca 100644
--- a/cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml
+++ b/cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
 # ansible-playbook -i hosts cephadm-set-container-insecure-registries.yml -e insecure_registry=localhost:5000
-- name: variables validations
+- name: Variables validations
   ansible.builtin.import_playbook: validate/insecure-registries.yml
 - hosts: all
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: fail if insecure_registry is undefined
-      fail:
+    - name: Fail if insecure_registry is undefined
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: "'insecure_registry' is undefined"
       when: insecure_registry is undefined
-    - name: add registry as insecure registry in registries.conf
-      blockinfile:
+    - name: Add registry as insecure registry in registries.conf
+      ansible.builtin.blockinfile:
         path: "{{ registries_conf_path | default('/etc/containers/registries.conf') }}"
         state: present
         marker: "# {mark} cephadm-ansible managed : {{ insecure_registry }}"
diff --git a/library/__init__.py b/library/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/library/ceph_config.py b/library/ceph_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7a52b7..0000000
--- a/library/ceph_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_shell, fatal  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_shell, fatal  # type: ignore
-import datetime
-import json
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: ceph_config
-short_description: set ceph config
-version_added: "2.10"
-    - Set Ceph config options.
-    fsid:
-        description:
-            - the fsid of the Ceph cluster to interact with.
-        required: false
-    image:
-        description:
-            - The Ceph container image to use.
-        required: false
-    action:
-        description:
-            - whether to get or set the parameter specified in 'option'
-        required: false
-        default: 'set'
-    who:
-        description:
-            - which daemon the configuration should be set to
-        required: true
-    option:
-        description:
-            - name of the parameter to be set
-        required: true
-    value:
-        description:
-            - value of the parameter
-        required: true if action is 'set'
-    - Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: set osd_memory_target for osd.0
-  ceph_config:
-    action: set
-    who: osd.0
-    option: osd_memory_target
-    value: 5368709120
-- name: set osd_memory_target for host ceph-osd-02
-  ceph_config:
-    action: set
-    who: osd/host:ceph-osd-02
-    option: osd_memory_target
-    value: 5368709120
-- name: get osd_pool_default_size value
-  ceph_config:
-    action: get
-    who: global
-    option: osd_pool_default_size
-    value: 1
-RETURN = '''#  '''
-def set_option(module: "AnsibleModule",
-               who: str,
-               option: str,
-               value: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_shell(module)
-    cmd.extend(['ceph', 'config', 'set', who, option, value])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    return rc, cmd, out.strip(), err
-def get_config_dump(module: "AnsibleModule") -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_shell(module)
-    cmd.extend(['ceph', 'config', 'dump', '--format', 'json'])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if rc:
-        fatal(message=f"Can't get current configuration via `ceph config dump`.Error:\n{err}", module=module)
-    out = out.strip()
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def get_current_value(who: str, option: str, config_dump: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Union[str, None]:
-    for config in config_dump:
-        if config['section'] == who and config['name'] == option:
-            return config['value']
-    return None
-def main() -> None:
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec=dict(
-            who=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            action=dict(type='str', required=False, choices=['get', 'set'], default='set'),
-            option=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            value=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            fsid=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            image=dict(type='str', required=False)
-        ),
-        supports_check_mode=True,
-        required_if=[['action', 'set', ['value']]]
-    )
-    # Gather module parameters in variables
-    who = module.params.get('who')
-    option = module.params.get('option')
-    value = module.params.get('value')
-    action = module.params.get('action')
-    if module.check_mode:
-        module.exit_json(
-            changed=False,
-            stdout='',
-            cmd=[],
-            stderr='',
-            rc=0,
-            start='',
-            end='',
-            delta='',
-        )
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    changed = False
-    rc, cmd, out, err = get_config_dump(module)
-    config_dump = json.loads(out)
-    current_value = get_current_value(who, option, config_dump)
-    if action == 'set':
-        if value.lower() == current_value:
-            out = 'who={} option={} value={} already set. Skipping.'.format(who, option, value)
-        else:
-            rc, cmd, out, err = set_option(module, who, option, value)
-            changed = True
-    else:
-        if current_value is None:
-            out = ''
-            err = 'No value found for who={} option={}'.format(who, option)
-        else:
-            out = current_value
-    exit_module(module=module, out=out, rc=rc,
-                cmd=cmd, err=err, startd=startd,
-                changed=changed)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/library/ceph_orch_apply.py b/library/ceph_orch_apply.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b40be6..0000000
--- a/library/ceph_orch_apply.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
-__metaclass__ = type
-import datetime
-import yaml
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: ceph_orch_apply
-short_description: apply service spec
-version_added: "2.9"
-    - apply a service spec
-    fsid:
-        description:
-            - the fsid of the Ceph cluster to interact with.
-        required: false
-    image:
-        description:
-            - The Ceph container image to use.
-        required: false
-    spec:
-        description:
-            - The service spec to apply
-        required: true
-    - Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: apply osd spec
-  ceph_orch_apply:
-    spec: |
-      service_type: osd
-      service_id: osd
-      placement:
-        label: osds
-      spec:
-        data_devices:
-          all: true
-def parse_spec(spec: str) -> Dict:
-    """ parse spec string to yaml """
-    yaml_spec = yaml.safe_load(spec)
-    return yaml_spec
-def retrieve_current_spec(module: AnsibleModule, expected_spec: Dict) -> Dict:
-    """ retrieve current config of the service """
-    service: str = expected_spec["service_type"]
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['ls', service, '--format=yaml'])
-    out = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if isinstance(out, str):
-        # if there is no existing service, cephadm returns the string 'No services reported'
-        return {}
-    else:
-        return yaml.safe_load(out[1])
-def apply_spec(module: "AnsibleModule",
-               data: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['apply', '-i', '-'])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd, data=data)
-    if rc:
-        raise RuntimeError(err)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def change_required(current: Dict, expected: Dict) -> bool:
-    """ checks if the current config differs from what is expected """
-    if not current:
-        return True
-    for key, value in expected.items():
-        if key in current:
-            if current[key] != value:
-                return True
-            continue
-        else:
-            return True
-    return False
-def run_module() -> None:
-    module_args = dict(
-        spec=dict(type='str', required=True),
-        fsid=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        docker=dict(type=bool,
-                    required=False,
-                    default=False),
-        image=dict(type='str', required=False)
-    )
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec=module_args,
-        supports_check_mode=True
-    )
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    spec = module.params.get('spec')
-    if module.check_mode:
-        exit_module(
-            module=module,
-            out='',
-            rc=0,
-            cmd=[],
-            err='',
-            startd=startd,
-            changed=False
-        )
-    # Idempotency check
-    expected = parse_spec(module.params.get('spec'))
-    current_spec = retrieve_current_spec(module, expected)
-    if change_required(current_spec, expected):
-        rc, cmd, out, err = apply_spec(module, spec)
-        changed = True
-    else:
-        rc = 0
-        cmd = []
-        out = ''
-        err = ''
-        changed = False
-    exit_module(
-        module=module,
-        out=out,
-        rc=rc,
-        cmd=cmd,
-        err=err,
-        startd=startd,
-        changed=changed
-    )
-def main() -> None:
-    run_module()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/library/ceph_orch_daemon.py b/library/ceph_orch_daemon.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 303d193..0000000
--- a/library/ceph_orch_daemon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from typing import List, Tuple
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import retry, exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch, fatal  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import retry, exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch, fatal  # type: ignore
-import datetime
-import json
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: ceph_orch_daemon
-short_description: stop/start daemon
-version_added: "2.9"
-    - Start, stop or restart ceph daemon
-    fsid:
-        description:
-            - the fsid of the Ceph cluster to interact with.
-        required: false
-    image:
-        description:
-            - The Ceph container image to use.
-        required: false
-    state:
-        description:
-            - The desired state of the service specified in 'name'.
-              If 'started', it ensures the service is started.
-              If 'stopped', it ensures the service is stopped.
-              If 'restarted', it will restart the service.
-        required: True
-    daemon_id:
-        description:
-            - The id of the service.
-        required: true
-    daemon_type:
-        description:
-            - The type of the service.
-        required: true
-    - Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: start osd.0
-  ceph_orch_daemon:
-    state: started
-    daemon_id: 0
-    daemon_type: osd
-- name: stop mon.ceph-node0
-  ceph_orch_daemon:
-    state: stopped
-    daemon_id: ceph-node0
-    daemon_type: mon
-RETURN = '''#  '''
-def get_current_state(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                      daemon_type: str,
-                      daemon_id: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['ps', '--daemon_type',
-                daemon_type, '--daemon_id',
-                daemon_id, '--format', 'json',
-                '--refresh'])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def update_daemon_status(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                         action: str,
-                         daemon_name: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['daemon', action, daemon_name])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def validate_updated_status(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                            action: str,
-                            daemon_type: str,
-                            daemon_id: str) -> None:
-    rc, cmd, out, err = get_current_state(module, daemon_type, daemon_id)
-    expected_state = 1 if action == 'start' else 0
-    if not json.loads(out)[0]['status'] == expected_state:
-        raise RuntimeError("Status for {}.{} isn't reported as expected.".format(daemon_type, daemon_id))
-def main() -> None:
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec=dict(
-            state=dict(type='str',
-                       required=True,
-                       choices=['started', 'stopped', 'restarted']),
-            daemon_id=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            daemon_type=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            docker=dict(type=bool,
-                        required=False,
-                        default=False),
-            fsid=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            image=dict(type='str', required=False)
-        ),
-        supports_check_mode=True,
-    )
-    # Gather module parameters in variables
-    state = module.params.get('state')
-    daemon_id = module.params.get('daemon_id')
-    daemon_type = module.params.get('daemon_type')
-    daemon_name = "{}.{}".format(daemon_type, daemon_id)
-    if module.check_mode:
-        module.exit_json(
-            changed=False,
-            stdout='',
-            cmd=[],
-            stderr='',
-            rc=0,
-            start='',
-            end='',
-            delta='',
-        )
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    changed = False
-    rc, cmd, out, err = get_current_state(module, daemon_type, daemon_id)
-    if rc or not json.loads(out):
-        if not err:
-            err = 'osd id {} not found'.format(daemon_id)
-        fatal("Can't get current status of {}: {}".format(daemon_name, err), module)
-    is_running = json.loads(out)[0]['status'] == 1
-    current_state = 'started' if is_running else 'stopped'
-    action = 'start' if state == 'started' else 'stop'
-    if state == current_state:
-        out = "{} is already {}, skipping.".format(daemon_name, state)
-    else:
-        rc, cmd, out, err = update_daemon_status(module, action, daemon_name)
-        validate_updated_status(module, action, daemon_type, daemon_id)
-        changed = True
-    if state == 'restarted':
-        action = 'restart'
-        changed = True
-        rc, cmd, out, err = update_daemon_status(module, action, daemon_name)
-    if rc:
-        fatal("Can't {} {}: {}".format(action, daemon_name, err))
-    exit_module(module=module, out=out, rc=rc,
-                cmd=cmd, err=err, startd=startd,
-                changed=changed)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/library/ceph_orch_host.py b/library/ceph_orch_host.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b58cb..0000000
--- a/library/ceph_orch_host.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd_orch
-import datetime
-import json
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: ceph_orch_host
-short_description: add/remove hosts
-version_added: "2.9"
-    - Add or remove hosts from ceph orchestration.
-    fsid:
-        description:
-            - the fsid of the Ceph cluster to interact with.
-        required: false
-    name:
-        description:
-            - name of the host
-        required: true
-    image:
-        description:
-            - The Ceph container image to use.
-        required: false
-    address:
-        description:
-            - address of the host
-        required: true when state is present
-    set_admin_label:
-        description:
-            - enforce '_admin' label on the host specified
-              in 'name'
-        required: false
-        default: false
-    labels:
-        description:
-            - list of labels to apply on the host
-        required: false
-        default: []
-    state:
-        description:
-            - if set to 'present', it will ensure the name specified
-              in 'name' will be present.
-            - if set to 'absent', it will remove the host specified in
-              'name'.
-            - if set to 'drain', it will schedule to remove all daemons
-              from the host specified in 'name'.
-        required: false
-        default: present
-    - Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: add a host
-  ceph_orch_host:
-    name: my-node-01
-    address:
-- name: add a host
-  ceph_orch_host:
-    name: my-node-02
-    labels:
-      - mon
-      - mgr
-      - grp013
-    address:
-- name: remove a host
-  ceph_orch_host:
-    name: my-node-01
-    state: absent
-def get_current_state(module: "AnsibleModule") -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['host', 'ls', '--format', 'json'])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if rc:
-        raise RuntimeError(err)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def update_label(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                 action: str,
-                 host: str,
-                 label: str = '') -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['host', 'label', action,
-                host, label])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if rc:
-        raise RuntimeError(err)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def update_host(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                action: str,
-                name: str,
-                address: str = '',
-                labels: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_orch(module)
-    cmd.extend(['host', action, name])
-    if action == 'add' and address:
-        cmd.append(address)
-    if labels:
-        cmd.extend(["--labels", ",".join(labels)])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if rc:
-        raise RuntimeError(err)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def main() -> None:
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec=dict(
-            name=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            address=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            set_admin_label=dict(type=bool, required=False, default=False),
-            labels=dict(type='list', required=False, default=[]),
-            state=dict(type='str',
-                       required=False,
-                       choices=['present', 'absent', 'drain'],
-                       default='present'),
-            docker=dict(type=bool,
-                        required=False,
-                        default=False),
-            fsid=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            image=dict(type='str', required=False)
-        ),
-        supports_check_mode=True
-    )
-    name = module.params.get('name')
-    address = module.params.get('address')
-    set_admin_label = module.params.get('set_admin_label')
-    labels = module.params.get('labels')
-    state = module.params.get('state')
-    if state == 'absent':
-        state = 'rm'
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    changed = False
-    cmd = ['cephadm']
-    if module.check_mode:
-        exit_module(
-            module=module,
-            out='',
-            rc=0,
-            cmd=[],
-            err='',
-            startd=startd,
-            changed=False
-        )
-    rc, cmd, out, err = get_current_state(module)
-    current_state = json.loads(out)
-    current_names = [name['hostname'] for name in current_state]
-    if state == 'present':
-        if set_admin_label and '_admin' not in labels:
-            labels.append('_admin')
-        if name in current_names:
-            current_state_host = [host for host in current_state if host['hostname'] == name][0]
-            differences = set(labels) ^ set(current_state_host['labels'])
-            if differences:
-                _out = []
-                for diff in differences:
-                    if diff in current_state_host['labels']:
-                        action = 'rm'
-                    else:
-                        action = 'add'
-                    rc, cmd, out, err = update_label(module, action, current_state_host['hostname'], diff)
-                    _out.append(diff)
-                exit_module(rc=rc,
-                            startd=startd,
-                            module=module,
-                            cmd=cmd,
-                            out=f"Label(s) updated: {','.join(_out)}",
-                            err=err,
-                            changed=True)
-            out = '{} is already present, skipping.'.format(name)
-        else:
-            rc, cmd, out, err = update_host(module, 'add', name, address, labels)
-            if not rc:
-                changed = True
-    if state in ['rm', 'drain']:
-        if name not in current_names:
-            out = '{} is not present, skipping.'.format(name)
-        else:
-            rc, cmd, out, err = update_host(module, state, name)
-            changed = True
-    exit_module(
-        module=module,
-        out=out,
-        rc=rc,
-        cmd=cmd,
-        err=err,
-        startd=startd,
-        changed=changed
-    )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/library/cephadm_bootstrap.py b/library/cephadm_bootstrap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b4b2d0..0000000
--- a/library/cephadm_bootstrap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module
-import datetime
-import os
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: cephadm_bootstrap
-short_description: Bootstrap a Ceph cluster via cephadm
-version_added: "2.8"
-    - Bootstrap a Ceph cluster via cephadm
-    mon_ip:
-        description:
-            - Ceph monitor IP address.
-        required: true
-    image:
-        description:
-            - Ceph container image.
-        required: false
-    docker:
-        description:
-            - Use docker instead of podman.
-        required: false
-    fsid:
-        description:
-            - Ceph FSID.
-        required: false
-    pull:
-        description:
-            - Pull the Ceph container image.
-        required: false
-        default: true
-    dashboard:
-        description:
-            - Deploy the Ceph dashboard.
-        required: false
-        default: true
-    dashboard_user:
-        description:
-            - Ceph dashboard user.
-        required: false
-    dashboard_password:
-        description:
-            - Ceph dashboard password.
-        required: false
-    monitoring:
-        description:
-            - Deploy the monitoring stack.
-        required: false
-        default: true
-    firewalld:
-        description:
-            - Manage firewall rules with firewalld.
-        required: false
-        default: true
-    allow_overwrite:
-        description:
-            - allow overwrite of existing –output-* config/keyring/ssh files.
-        required: false
-        default: false
-    registry_url:
-        description:
-            - URL for custom registry.
-        required: false
-    registry_username:
-        description:
-            - Username for custom registry.
-        required: false
-    registry_password:
-        description:
-            - Password for custom registry.
-        required: false
-    registry_json:
-        description:
-            - JSON file with custom registry login info (URL,
-              username, password).
-        required: false
-    ssh_user:
-        description:
-            - SSH user used for cephadm ssh to the hosts.
-        required: false
-    ssh_config:
-        description:
-            - SSH config file path for cephadm ssh client.
-        required: false
-    allow_fqdn_hostname:
-        description:
-            - Allow hostname that is fully-qualified.
-        required: false
-        default: false
-    cluster_network:
-        description:
-            - subnet to use for cluster replication, recovery and heartbeats.
-        required: false
-    - Dimitri Savineau <dsavinea@redhat.com>
-    - Teoman ONAY <tonay@ibm.com>
-- name: bootstrap a cluster via cephadm (with default values)
-  cephadm_bootstrap:
-    mon_ip:
-- name: bootstrap a cluster via cephadm (with custom values)
-  cephadm_bootstrap:
-    mon_ip:
-    fsid: 3c9ba63a-c7df-4476-a1e7-317dfc711f82
-    image: quay.ceph.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-main-devel
-    dashboard: false
-    monitoring: false
-    firewalld: false
-- name: bootstrap a cluster via cephadm with custom image via env var
-  cephadm_bootstrap:
-    mon_ip:
-  environment:
-    CEPHADM_IMAGE: quay.ceph.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-main-devel
-RETURN = '''#  '''
-def run_module() -> None:
-    backward_compat = dict(
-        dashboard=dict(type='bool', required=False, remove_in_version='4.0.0'),
-        firewalld=dict(type='bool', required=False, remove_in_version='4.0.0'),
-        monitoring=dict(type='bool',
-                        required=False,
-                        remove_in_version='4.0.0'),
-        pull=dict(type='bool', required=False, remove_in_version='4.0.0'),
-        dashboard_password=dict(type='str',
-                                required=False,
-                                no_log=True),
-        dashboard_user=dict(type='str', required=False),
-    )
-    cephadm_params = dict(
-        docker=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        image=dict(type='str', required=False),
-    )
-    cephadm_bootstrap_downstream_only = dict(
-        call_home_config=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        call_home_icn=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ceph_call_home_contact_email=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ceph_call_home_contact_first_name=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ceph_call_home_contact_last_name=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ceph_call_home_contact_phone=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ceph_call_home_country_code=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        deploy_cephadm_agent=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        enable_ibm_call_home=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        enable_storage_insights=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        storage_insights_config=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        storage_insights_tenant_id=dict(type='str', required=False),
-    )
-    cephadm_bootstrap_params = dict(
-        allow_fqdn_hostname=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        allow_mismatched_release=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        allow_overwrite=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        apply_spec=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        cluster_network=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        config=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        dashboard_crt=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        dashboard_key=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        dashboard_password_noupdate=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        fsid=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        initial_dashboard_password=dict(type='str',
-                                        required=False,
-                                        no_log=True),
-        initial_dashboard_user=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        log_to_file=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        mgr_id=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        mon_addrv=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        mon_id=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        mon_ip=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        no_cleanup_on_failure=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        no_minimize_config=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        orphan_initial_daemons=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        output_config=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        output_dir=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        output_keyring=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        output_pub_ssh_key=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        registry_json=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        registry_password=dict(type='str', required=False, no_log=True),
-        registry_url=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        registry_username=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        shared_ceph_folder=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        single_host_defaults=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_admin_label=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_dashboard=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        skip_firewalld=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        skip_monitoring_stack=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False),
-        skip_mon_network=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_ping_check=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_prepare_host=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_pull=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        skip_ssh=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        ssh_config=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ssh_private_key=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ssh_public_key=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ssh_signed_cert=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ssh_user=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        ssl_dashboard_port=dict(type='str', required=False),
-        with_centralized_logging=dict(type='bool', required=False),
-        **cephadm_bootstrap_downstream_only,
-    )
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec={**cephadm_params,
-                       **cephadm_bootstrap_params,
-                       **backward_compat},
-        supports_check_mode=True,
-        mutually_exclusive=[
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_url'),
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_username'),
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_password'),
-            ('mon_addrv', 'mon_ip'),
-        ],
-        required_together=[
-            ('registry_url', 'registry_username', 'registry_password'),
-            ('initial_dashboard_user', 'initial_dashboard_password'),
-        ],
-        required_one_of=[('mon_ip', 'mon_addrv'),
-                         ],
-    )
-    fsid = module.params.get('fsid')
-    allow_overwrite = module.params.get('allow_overwrite')
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    cmd: list[str] = []
-    data_dir = '/var/lib/ceph'
-    ceph_conf = 'ceph.conf'
-    ceph_keyring = 'ceph.client.admin.keyring'
-    ceph_pubkey = 'ceph.pub'
-    def extend_append(command: str, params: dict) -> list:
-        cmd: list[str] = []
-        cmd.append(command)
-        for k in params:
-            if module.params.get(k):
-                if params[k]['type'] == 'bool':
-                    cmd.append('--' + k.replace('_', '-'))
-                else:
-                    cmd.extend(['--' + k.replace('_', '-'),
-                                module.params.get(k)])
-        return cmd
-    if fsid:
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir, fsid)):
-            out = f'A cluster with fsid {fsid} is already deployed.'
-            exit_module(
-                rc=0,
-                startd=startd,
-                module=module,
-                cmd=cmd,
-                out=out,
-                changed=False
-            )
-    for f in [ceph_conf,
-              ceph_keyring,
-              ceph_pubkey]:
-        if not allow_overwrite:
-            path: str = os.path.join(data_dir, f)
-            if os.path.exists(path):
-                out = f'{path} already exists, skipping.'
-                exit_module(
-                    rc=0,
-                    startd=startd,
-                    module=module,
-                    cmd=cmd,
-                    out=out,
-                    changed=False
-                )
-    # Build cephadm with parameters
-    cmd = extend_append('cephadm', cephadm_params)
-    # Extends with boostrap parameters
-    cmd.extend(extend_append('bootstrap', cephadm_bootstrap_params))
-    # keep backward compatibility
-    for k in backward_compat:
-        result = module.params.get(k)
-        if result is not None:
-            if k == 'pull' and not result:
-                if '--skip-pull' not in cmd:
-                    cmd.append('--skip-pull')
-            elif k == 'monitoring' and not result:
-                if '--skip-monitoring-stack' not in cmd:
-                    cmd.append('--skip-monitoring-stack')
-            elif k == 'firewalld' and not result:
-                if '--skip-firewalld' not in cmd:
-                    cmd.append('--skip-firewalld')
-            elif k == 'dashboard':
-                if result:
-                    if 'dashboard-user' not in cmd:
-                        cmd.extend(['--dashboard-user',
-                                    module.params.get('dashboard_user'),
-                                    '--dashboard-password',
-                                    module.params.get('dashboard_password'),
-                                    ])
-                else:
-                    if '--skip-dashboard' not in cmd:
-                        cmd.append('--skip-dashboard')
-    if module.check_mode:
-        exit_module(
-            module=module,
-            out='',
-            rc=0,
-            cmd=cmd,
-            err='',
-            startd=startd,
-            changed=False
-        )
-    else:
-        rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-        exit_module(
-            module=module,
-            out=out,
-            rc=rc,
-            cmd=cmd,
-            err=err,
-            startd=startd,
-            changed=True
-        )
-def main() -> None:
-    run_module()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/library/cephadm_registry_login.py b/library/cephadm_registry_login.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8be0f..0000000
--- a/library/cephadm_registry_login.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Red Hat
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-from typing import List, Tuple
-    from ansible.module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd, fatal  # type: ignore
-except ImportError:
-    from module_utils.ceph_common import exit_module, build_base_cmd, fatal
-import datetime
-    'metadata_version': '1.1',
-    'status': ['preview'],
-    'supported_by': 'community'
-module: cephadm_registry_login
-short_description: Log in to container registry
-version_added: "2.9"
-    - Call cephadm registry-login command for logging in to container registry
-    state:
-        description:
-            - log in or log out from the registry.
-        default: login
-        required: false
-    docker:
-        description:
-            - Use docker instead of podman.
-        required: false
-    registry_url:
-        description:
-            - The url of the registry
-        required: true
-    registry_username:
-        description:
-            - The username to log in
-        required: true when state is 'login'
-    registry_password:
-        description:
-            - The corresponding password to log in.
-        required: true when state is 'login'
-    registry_json:
-        description:
-            - The path to a json file. This file must be present on remote hosts
-              prior to running this task.
-              *not supported yet*.
-    - Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: log in to quay.io registry
-  cephadm_registry_login:
-    registry_url: quay.io
-    registry_username: my_login
-    registry_password: my_password
-- name: log out from quay.io registry
-  cephadm_registry_login:
-    state: logout
-    registry_url: quay.io
-RETURN = '''#  '''
-def build_base_container_cmd(module: "AnsibleModule", action: str = 'login') -> List[str]:
-    docker = module.params.get('docker')
-    container_binary = 'podman'
-    if docker:
-        container_binary = 'docker'
-    cmd = [container_binary, action]
-    return cmd
-def is_logged(module: "AnsibleModule") -> bool:
-    registry_url = module.params.get('registry_url')
-    registry_username = module.params.get('registry_username')
-    cmd = build_base_container_cmd(module)
-    cmd.extend(['--get-login', registry_url])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
-    if not rc and out.strip() == registry_username:
-        return True
-    return False
-def do_login_or_logout(module: "AnsibleModule", action: str = 'login') -> Tuple[int, List[str], str, str]:
-    registry_url = module.params.get('registry_url')
-    registry_username = module.params.get('registry_username')
-    registry_password = module.params.get('registry_password')
-    cmd = build_base_container_cmd(module, action)
-    if action == 'login':
-        cmd.extend(['--username', registry_username, '--password-stdin', registry_url])
-    else:
-        cmd.extend([registry_url])
-    rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd, data=registry_password)
-    return rc, cmd, out, err
-def main() -> None:
-    module = AnsibleModule(
-        argument_spec=dict(
-            state=dict(type='str', required=False, default='login', choices=['login', 'logout']),
-            docker=dict(type=bool,
-                        required=False,
-                        default=False),
-            registry_url=dict(type='str', required=True),
-            registry_username=dict(type='str', required=False),
-            registry_password=dict(type='str', required=False, no_log=True),
-            registry_json=dict(type='str', required=False)
-        ),
-        supports_check_mode=True,
-        mutually_exclusive=[
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_url'),
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_username'),
-            ('registry_json', 'registry_password'),
-        ],
-        # Note: the following might be needed when registry_json will be implemented
-        # required_together=[
-        #     ('registry_url', 'registry_username', 'registry_password')
-        # ],
-        required_if=[
-            ['state', 'login', ['registry_username', 'registry_password']],
-            ['state', 'logout', ['registry_url']]
-        ]
-    )
-    startd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    changed = False
-    cmd = build_base_cmd(module)
-    cmd.append('registry-login')
-    state = module.params.get('state')
-    registry_url = module.params.get('registry_url')
-    registry_username = module.params.get('registry_username')
-    registry_json = module.params.get('registry_json')
-    if module.check_mode:
-        exit_module(
-            module=module,
-            out='',
-            rc=0,
-            cmd=[],
-            err='',
-            startd=startd,
-            changed=False
-        )
-    if registry_json:
-        fatal('This feature is not supported yet.', module)
-    current_status = is_logged(module)
-    action = None
-    skip_msg = {
-        'login': f'Already logged in to {registry_url} with {registry_username}.',
-        'logout': f'Already logged out from {registry_url}.'
-    }
-    action_msg = {
-         'login': f'Couldn\'t log in to {registry_url} with {registry_username}.',
-         'logout': f'Couldn\'t log out from {registry_url}.'
-    }
-    if state == 'login' and not current_status or state == 'logout' and current_status:
-        action = state
-    else:
-        out = skip_msg[state]
-        rc = 0
-        err = ''
-        cmd = []
-    if action:
-        rc, cmd, out, err = do_login_or_logout(module, action)
-        if rc:
-            msg = f'{action_msg[state]}\nCmd: {cmd}\nErr: {err}'
-            fatal(msg, module)
-        else:
-            changed = True
-    exit_module(
-        module=module,
-        out=out,
-        rc=rc,
-        cmd=cmd,
-        err=err,
-        startd=startd,
-        changed=changed
-    )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/module_utils/__init__.py b/module_utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/module_utils/ceph_common.py b/module_utils/ceph_common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cc19df4..0000000
--- a/module_utils/ceph_common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-import datetime
-import time
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Dict, Callable, Type, TypeVar
-    from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule  # type: ignore
-ExceptionType = TypeVar('ExceptionType', bound=BaseException)
-def retry(exceptions: Type[ExceptionType], retries: int = 20, delay: int = 1) -> Callable:
-    def decorator(f: Callable) -> Callable:
-        def _retry(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
-            _tries = retries
-            while _tries > 1:
-                try:
-                    print("{}".format(_tries))
-                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
-                except exceptions:
-                    time.sleep(delay)
-                    _tries -= 1
-            print("{} has failed after {} tries".format(f, retries))
-            return f(*args, **kwargs)
-        return _retry
-    return decorator
-def build_base_cmd(module: "AnsibleModule") -> List[str]:
-    cmd = ['cephadm']
-    docker = module.params.get('docker')
-    image = module.params.get('image')
-    if docker:
-        cmd.append('--docker')
-    if image:
-        cmd.extend(['--image', image])
-    return cmd
-def build_base_cmd_shell(module: "AnsibleModule") -> List[str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd(module)
-    fsid = module.params.get('fsid')
-    cmd.append('shell')
-    if fsid:
-        cmd.extend(['--fsid', fsid])
-    return cmd
-def build_base_cmd_orch(module: "AnsibleModule") -> List[str]:
-    cmd = build_base_cmd_shell(module)
-    cmd.extend(['ceph', 'orch'])
-    return cmd
-def exit_module(module: "AnsibleModule",
-                rc: int, cmd: List[str],
-                startd: datetime.datetime,
-                out: str = '',
-                err: str = '',
-                changed: bool = False,
-                diff: Dict[str, str] = dict(before="", after="")) -> None:
-    endd = datetime.datetime.now()
-    delta = endd - startd
-    result = dict(
-        cmd=cmd,
-        start=str(startd),
-        end=str(endd),
-        delta=str(delta),
-        rc=rc,
-        stdout=out.rstrip("\r\n"),
-        stderr=err.rstrip("\r\n"),
-        changed=changed,
-        diff=diff
-    )
-    module.exit_json(**result)
-def fatal(message: str, module: "AnsibleModule") -> None:
-    '''
-    Report a fatal error and exit
-    '''
-    if module:
-        module.fail_json(msg=message, rc=1)
-    else:
-        raise Exception(message)
diff --git a/requirements.yml b/requirements.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403e37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+  - ceph.automation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rocksdb-resharding.yml b/rocksdb-resharding.yml
index f489f5d..9aac3c7 100644
--- a/rocksdb-resharding.yml
+++ b/rocksdb-resharding.yml
@@ -22,100 +22,100 @@
 # rocksdb_sharding_parameters : the rocksdb sharding parameter to set. Default is 'm(3) p(3,0-12) O(3,0-13) L P'.
 # docker : bool to be set in order to use docker engine instead. Default is False.
-- name: rocksdb-resharding
+- name: Rocksdb-resharding
   hosts: all
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: check prerequisites
+    - name: Check prerequisites
       run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-        - name: fail if osd_id is not defined
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if osd_id is not defined
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "you must provide 'osd_id' variable"
           when: osd_id is undefined
-        - name: fail if admin_node is not defined
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if admin_node is not defined
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "you must pass 'admin_node' variable"
           when: admin_node is not defined
-        - name: fail if osd_id isn't an id
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if osd_id isn't an id
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "osd_id must be an id"
           when: not osd_id is regex('^\d+$')
-        - name: set_fact cephadm_cmd
-          set_fact:
+        - name: Set_fact cephadm_cmd
+          ansible.builtin.set_fact:
             cephadm_cmd: "cephadm {{ '--docker' if docker | default(False) | bool else '' }} shell ceph"
-    - name: test connectivity to admin node
-      ping:
+    - name: Test connectivity to admin node
+      ansible.builtin.ping:
       delegate_to: "{{ admin_node }}"
       run_once: true
-    - name: get details about the osd daemon
+    - name: Get details about the osd daemon
       delegate_to: "{{ admin_node }}"
-        - name: get cluster fsid
-          command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} fsid"
+        - name: Get cluster fsid
+          ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} fsid"
           register: fsid
           changed_when: false
           when: fsid is not defined
-        - name: set_fact fsid
-          set_fact:
+        - name: Set_fact fsid
+          ansible.builtin.set_fact:
             fsid: "{{ fsid.stdout }}"
           when: fsid.stdout is defined
-        - name: get container image currently used by osd container
-          command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} orch ps --daemon_type osd --daemon_id {{ osd_id }} --format json"
+        - name: Get container image currently used by osd container
+          ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} orch ps --daemon_type osd --daemon_id {{ osd_id }} --format json"
           changed_when: false
           register: ceph_orch_ps
           retries: 120
           delay: 1
           until: (ceph_orch_ps.stdout | from_json)[0]['status_desc'] == 'running'
-        - name: set_fact container_image, container_host
-          set_fact:
+        - name: Set_fact container_image, container_host
+          ansible.builtin.set_fact:
             container_image: "{{ (ceph_orch_ps.stdout | from_json)[0]['container_image_name'] }}"
             container_host: "{{ (ceph_orch_ps.stdout | from_json)[0]['hostname'] }}"
-        - name: stop the osd
-          ceph_orch_daemon:
+        - name: Stop the osd
+          ceph.automation.ceph_orch_daemon:
             fsid: "{{ fsid }}"
             state: stopped
             daemon_id: "{{ osd_id }}"
             daemon_type: osd
-        - name: set_fact ceph_cmd
-          set_fact:
+        - name: Set_fact ceph_cmd
+          ansible.builtin.set_fact:
             ceph_bluestore_tool_cmd: "{{ container_binary | default('podman') }} run --rm --privileged --entrypoint=ceph-bluestore-tool -v /var/run/ceph/{{ fsid }}:/var/run/ceph:z -v /var/log/ceph/{{ fsid }}:/var/log/ceph:z -v /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}/crash:/var/lib/ceph/crash:z -v /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}/osd.{{ osd_id }}:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{{ osd_id }}:z -v /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}/osd.{{ osd_id }}/config:/etc/ceph/ceph.conf:z -v /dev:/dev -v /run/udev:/run/udev -v /sys:/sys -v /var/lib/ceph/{{ fsid }}/selinux:/sys/fs/selinux:ro -v /run/lvm:/run/lvm -v /run/lock/lvm:/run/lock/lvm {{ container_image }} --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{{ osd_id }}"
-    - name: resharding operations
+    - name: Resharding operations
       delegate_to: "{{ container_host }}"
       run_once: true
-        - name: check fs consistency with fsck before resharding
+        - name: Check fs consistency with fsck before resharding
           command: "{{ ceph_bluestore_tool_cmd }} fsck"
           changed_when: false
-        - name: show current sharding
+        - name: Show current sharding
           command: "{{ ceph_bluestore_tool_cmd }} show-sharding"
           changed_when: false
-        - name: reshard
+        - name: Reshard
           command: "{{ ceph_bluestore_tool_cmd }} --sharding=\"{{ rocksdb_sharding_parameters | default('m(3) p(3,0-12) O(3,0-13) L P') }}\" reshard"
           changed_when: false
-        - name: check fs consistency with fsck after resharding
+        - name: Check fs consistency with fsck after resharding
           command: "{{ ceph_bluestore_tool_cmd }} fsck"
           changed_when: false
-    - name: restart the osd
-      ceph_orch_daemon:
+    - name: Restart the osd
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_daemon:
         fsid: "{{ fsid }}"
         state: started
         daemon_id: "{{ osd_id }}"
diff --git a/tests/functional/deploy-cluster.yml b/tests/functional/deploy-cluster.yml
index 49d1ccd..8c5b05b 100644
--- a/tests/functional/deploy-cluster.yml
+++ b/tests/functional/deploy-cluster.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-- name: load variables
+- name: Load variables
   hosts: all
   become: false
     - include_vars: deploy-cluster-vars.yml
-- name: gather facts and prepare system for cephadm
+- name: Gather facts and prepare system for cephadm
     - mons
     - mgrs
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - import_role:
+    - ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: gather and delegate facts
-      setup:
+    - name: Gather and delegate facts
+      ansible.builtin.setup:
           - 'all'
           - '!facter'
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
       run_once: true
       when: delegate_facts_host | bool
-    - name: container registry authentication
-      cephadm_registry_login:
+    - name: Container registry authentication
+      ceph.automation.cephadm_registry_login:
         registry_url: "{{ ceph_container_registry }}"
         registry_username: "{{ ceph_container_registry_username }}"
         registry_password: "{{ ceph_container_registry_password }}"
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@
         NO_PROXY: "{{ ceph_container_no_proxy }}"
       when: ceph_container_registry_auth | default(False) | bool
-- name: bootstrap the cluster
+- name: Bootstrap the cluster
   hosts: "{{ groups.get('mons')[0] }}"
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - import_role:
+    - ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: bootstrap initial cluster
-      cephadm_bootstrap:
+    - name: Bootstrap initial cluster
+      ceph.automation.cephadm_bootstrap:
         mon_ip: "{{ monitor_address }}"
         fsid: "{{ fsid if fsid is defined else omit }}"
         pull: false
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     admin_node: "{{ groups.get('admin')[0] }}"
-- name: add the other nodes
+- name: Add the other nodes
     - mons
     - mgrs
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - import_role:
+    - ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: run cephadm prepare-host
-      command: cephadm prepare-host
+    - name: Run cephadm prepare-host
+      ansible.builtin.command: cephadm prepare-host
       changed_when: false
-    - name: add hosts
-      ceph_orch_host:
+    - name: Add hosts
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_host:
         name: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
         address: "{{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] if inventory_hostname != 'ceph-node00' else omit }}"
         set_admin_label: "{{ True if inventory_hostname in groups.get('admin', []) else omit }}"
@@ -82,35 +82,35 @@
       delegate_to: "{{ groups['mons'][0] }}"
-- name: adjust service placement
+- name: Adjust service placement
   hosts: "{{ groups.get('mons')[0] }}"
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - import_role:
+    - ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: update the placement of monitor hosts
-      ceph_orch_apply:
+    - name: Update the placement of monitor hosts
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_apply:
         spec: |
           service_type: mon
           service_id: mon
             label: mons
-    - name: waiting for the monitor to join the quorum...
-      command: cephadm shell ceph quorum_status --format json
+    - name: Waiting for the monitor to join the quorum...
+      ansible.builtin.command: cephadm shell ceph quorum_status --format json
       register: ceph_health_raw
       changed_when: false
       until: (ceph_health_raw.stdout | from_json)["quorum_names"] | length == groups.get('mons', []) | length
       retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}"
       delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}"
-    - name: update the placement of manager hosts
-      command: cephadm shell ceph orch apply mgr --placement=label:mgrs
+    - name: Update the placement of manager hosts
+      ansible.builtin.command: cephadm shell ceph orch apply mgr --placement=label:mgrs
-    - name: update the placement of osd hosts
-      ceph_orch_apply:
+    - name: Update the placement of osd hosts
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_apply:
         spec: |
           service_type: osd
           service_id: osd
@@ -120,16 +120,16 @@
               all: true
-    - name: update the placement of crash hosts
-      ceph_orch_apply:
+    - name: Update the placement of crash hosts
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_apply:
         spec: |
           service_type: crash
           service_id: crash
             host_pattern: '*'
-    - name: enable the monitoring
-      command: "ceph {{ item }}"
+    - name: Enable the monitoring
+      ansible.builtin.command: "ceph {{ item }}"
       changed_when: false
         - "mgr module enable prometheus"
@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@
         - "orch apply prometheus --placement=label:monitoring"
         - "orch apply node-exporter --placement=*"
-- name: remove ceph-node5
+- name: Remove ceph-node5
   hosts: "{{ groups.get('mons')[0] }}"
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: drain ceph-node5
-      ceph_orch_host:
+    - name: Drain ceph-node5
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_host:
         state: drain
         name: ceph-node5
-    - name: remove ceph-node5
-      ceph_orch_host:
+    - name: Remove ceph-node5
+      ceph.automation.ceph_orch_host:
         state: absent
         name: ceph-node5
       retries: 20
@@ -157,23 +157,23 @@
       until: result is succeeded
       register: result
-- name: adjust service placement
+- name: Adjust service placement
   hosts: "{{ groups.get('mons')[0] }}"
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
-    - import_role:
+    - ansible.builtin.import_role:
         name: ceph_defaults
-    - name: print bootstrap details
-      debug:
+    - name: Print bootstrap details
+      ansible.builtin.debug:
         msg: "{{ bootstrap_details }}"
 # TODO(guits): address the following tasks:
-    # - name: show ceph orchestrator services
-    #   command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ls --refresh"
+    # - name: Show ceph orchestrator services
+    #   ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ls --refresh"
     #   changed_when: false
-    # - name: show ceph orchestrator daemons
-    #   command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ps --refresh"
+    # - name: Show ceph orchestrator daemons
+    #   ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ps --refresh"
     #   changed_when: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/common.py b/tests/library/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa0bd6..0000000
--- a/tests/library/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from ansible.module_utils import basic
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
-import json
-def set_module_args(args):
-    if '_ansible_remote_tmp' not in args:
-        args['_ansible_remote_tmp'] = '/tmp'
-    if '_ansible_keep_remote_files' not in args:
-        args['_ansible_keep_remote_files'] = False
-    args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args})
-    basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args)
-class AnsibleExitJson(Exception):
-    pass
-class AnsibleFailJson(Exception):
-    pass
-def exit_json(*args, **kwargs):
-    raise AnsibleExitJson(kwargs)
-def fail_json(*args, **kwargs):
-    raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs)
diff --git a/tests/library/test_ceph_orch_host.py b/tests/library/test_ceph_orch_host.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 269f335..0000000
--- a/tests/library/test_ceph_orch_host.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-from mock.mock import patch
-import pytest
-import common
-import ceph_orch_host
-class TestCephOrchHost(object):
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_absent_host_exists(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'absent',
-            'name': 'ceph-node5'
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = "Removed  host 'ceph-node5'"
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ["cephadm", "shell", "ceph", "orch", "host", "rm", "ceph-node5"]
-        assert result['stdout'] == stdout
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_absent_host_doesnt_exist(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'absent',
-            'name': 'ceph-node1'
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ""
-        stderr = "Error EINVAL: host ceph-node1 does not exist"
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert not result['changed']
-        assert result['stdout'] == 'ceph-node1 is not present, skipping.'
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_drain(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'drain',
-            'name': 'ceph-node5'
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = """
-Scheduled to remove the following daemons from host 'ceph-node5'
-type                 id
--------------------- ---------------
-crash                ceph-node5
-osd                  3
-osd                  5
-osd                  7"""
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        cmd = ["cephadm", "shell", "ceph", "orch", "host", "drain", "ceph-node5"]
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == cmd
-        assert result['stdout'] == stdout
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_present_no_label_diff(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'present',
-            'name': 'ceph-node5'
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = "ceph-node5 is already present, skipping."
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert not result['changed']
-        assert result['stdout'] == stdout
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_present_label_diff(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'present',
-            'name': 'ceph-node5',
-            'labels': ["label1", "label2"]
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = "Label(s) updated:"
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.side_effect = [(rc, "Added label label1 to host ceph-node5", stderr),
-                                     (rc, "Added label label2 to host ceph-node5", stderr)]
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert stdout in result['stdout']
-        assert 'label1' in result['stdout']
-        assert 'label2' in result['stdout']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ceph_orch_host.get_current_state')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_state_present_label_diff_error(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json, m_get_current_state):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'state': 'present',
-            'name': 'ceph-node5',
-            'labels': ["label1", "label2"]
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = 'fake error'
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = 1, stdout, stderr
-        m_get_current_state_stdout = '[{"addr": "", "hostname": "ceph-node5", "labels": [], "status": ""}]'
-        m_get_current_state.return_value = rc, ["cephadm",
-                                                "shell",
-                                                "ceph",
-                                                "orch",
-                                                "host",
-                                                "ls",
-                                                "--format",
-                                                "json"], m_get_current_state_stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as result:
-            ceph_orch_host.main()
-            assert result == 'fake error'
diff --git a/tests/library/test_cephadm_bootstrap.py b/tests/library/test_cephadm_bootstrap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a78c59..0000000
--- a/tests/library/test_cephadm_bootstrap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-from mock.mock import patch
-import pytest
-import common
-import cephadm_bootstrap
-fake_fsid = '0f1e0605-db0b-485c-b366-bd8abaa83f3b'
-fake_image = 'quay.ceph.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-main-devel'
-fake_ip = ''
-fake_registry = 'quay.ceph.io'
-fake_registry_user = 'foo'
-fake_registry_pass = 'bar'
-fake_registry_json = 'registry.json'
-class TestCephadmBootstrapModule(object):
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.fail_json')
-    def test_without_parameters(self, m_fail_json):
-        common.set_module_args({})
-        m_fail_json.side_effect = common.fail_json
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleFailJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['msg'] == 'one of the following is required: mon_ip, mon_addrv'
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    def test_with_check_mode(self, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            '_ansible_check_mode': True
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert not result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-        assert not result['stdout']
-        assert not result['stderr']
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_failure(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = 'ERROR: cephadm should be run as root'
-        rc = 1
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 1
-        assert result['stderr'] == 'ERROR: cephadm should be run as root'
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_default_values(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = 'Bootstrap complete.'
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-        assert result['stdout'] == 'Bootstrap complete.'
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_docker(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'docker': True
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', '--docker', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_custom_image(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'image': fake_image
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', '--image', fake_image, 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_custom_fsid(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'fsid': fake_fsid
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--fsid', fake_fsid, '--mon-ip', fake_ip]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_without_pull(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'pull': False
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip, '--skip-pull']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_dashboard_user_password(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'dashboard': True,
-            'dashboard_user': 'foo',
-            'dashboard_password': 'bar'
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip, '--dashboard-user', 'foo', '--dashboard-password', 'bar']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_without_dashboard(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'dashboard': False
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip, '--skip-dashboard']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_without_monitoring(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'monitoring': False
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip, '--skip-monitoring-stack']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_without_firewalld(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'firewalld': False
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip, '--skip-firewalld']
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_registry_credentials(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'registry_url': fake_registry,
-            'registry_username': fake_registry_user,
-            'registry_password': fake_registry_pass
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip,
-                                 '--registry-password', fake_registry_pass,
-                                 '--registry-url', fake_registry,
-                                 '--registry-username', fake_registry_user]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.exit_json')
-    @patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command')
-    def test_with_registry_json_file(self, m_run_command, m_exit_json):
-        common.set_module_args({
-            'mon_ip': fake_ip,
-            'registry_json': fake_registry_json
-        })
-        m_exit_json.side_effect = common.exit_json
-        stdout = ''
-        stderr = ''
-        rc = 0
-        m_run_command.return_value = rc, stdout, stderr
-        with pytest.raises(common.AnsibleExitJson) as result:
-            cephadm_bootstrap.main()
-        result = result.value.args[0]
-        assert result['changed']
-        assert result['cmd'] == ['cephadm', 'bootstrap', '--mon-ip', fake_ip,
-                                 '--registry-json', fake_registry_json]
-        assert result['rc'] == 0
diff --git a/tests/module_utils/test_ceph_common.py b/tests/module_utils/test_ceph_common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2d223..0000000
--- a/tests/module_utils/test_ceph_common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import ceph_common
-import pytest
-from mock.mock import MagicMock
-class TestCephCommon(object):
-    def setup_method(self):
-        self.fake_module = MagicMock()
-        self.fake_params = {'foo': 'bar'}
-        self.fake_module.params = self.fake_params
-    def test_build_base_cmd_orch_with_fsid_arg(self):
-        expected_cmd = ['cephadm', 'shell', '--fsid', '123', 'ceph', 'orch']
-        self.fake_module.params = {'fsid': '123'}
-        cmd = ceph_common.build_base_cmd_orch(self.fake_module)
-        assert cmd == expected_cmd
-    def test_build_base_cmd_orch_with_image_arg(self):
-        expected_cmd = ['cephadm', '--image', 'quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:main', 'shell', 'ceph', 'orch']
-        self.fake_module.params = {'image': 'quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:main'}
-        cmd = ceph_common.build_base_cmd_orch(self.fake_module)
-        assert cmd == expected_cmd
-    def test_build_base_cmd_orch_with_docker_arg(self):
-        expected_cmd = ['cephadm', '--docker', 'shell', 'ceph', 'orch']
-        self.fake_module.params = {'docker': True}
-        cmd = ceph_common.build_base_cmd_orch(self.fake_module)
-        assert cmd == expected_cmd
-    def test_build_base_cmd_orch_no_arg(self):
-        expected_cmd = ['cephadm', 'shell', 'ceph', 'orch']
-        cmd = ceph_common.build_base_cmd_orch(self.fake_module)
-        assert cmd == expected_cmd
-    def test_fatal(self):
-        ceph_common.fatal("error", self.fake_module)
-        self.fake_module.fail_json.assert_called_with(msg='error', rc=1)
-        with pytest.raises(Exception):
-            ceph_common.fatal("error", False)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 2b8171a..84cc3e0 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -49,11 +49,14 @@ setenv=
   # only available for ansible >= 2.5
+  ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH = {envdir}/ansible_collections
 deps= -r{toxinidir}/tests/requirements.txt
 changedir= {toxinidir}/tests/functional
+  ansible-galaxy collection install -r {toxinidir}/requirements.yml -v -p {envdir}/ansible_collections
   bash {toxinidir}/tests/scripts/vagrant_up.sh --no-provision {posargs:--provider=virtualbox}
   bash {toxinidir}/tests/scripts/generate_ssh_config.sh {changedir}
diff --git a/validate/insecure-registries.yml b/validate/insecure-registries.yml
index 10a0fd5..cc6c4d2 100644
--- a/validate/insecure-registries.yml
+++ b/validate/insecure-registries.yml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 # Author: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
-- name: insecure_registries
+- name: Insecure_registries
   hosts: all
   become: false
   gather_facts: false
-    - name: fail if insecure_registry is undefined
+    - name: Fail if insecure_registry is undefined
       run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-      fail:
+      ansible.builtin.fail:
         msg: "'insecure_registry' is undefined, it must be set when 'set_insecure_registries' is 'true'."
         - set_insecure_registries | default(false) | bool
-        - insecure_registry is undefined
\ No newline at end of file
+        - insecure_registry is undefined
diff --git a/validate/preflight.yml b/validate/preflight.yml
index ac66fdb..e0d171e 100644
--- a/validate/preflight.yml
+++ b/validate/preflight.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 - ansible.builtin.import_playbook: insecure-registries.yml
   when: set_insecure_registries | default(false) | bool
-- name: preflight
+- name: Preflight
   hosts: all
   become: false
   gather_facts: false
@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@
     - run_once: true
       delegate_to: localhost
-        - name: import_role ceph_defaults
-          import_role:
+        - name: Import_role ceph_defaults
+          ansible.builtin.import_role:
             name: ceph_defaults
-        - name: fail when ceph_origin is custom with no repository defined
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail when ceph_origin is custom with no repository defined
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "You must define 'ceph_custom_repositories' or 'custom_repo_url' when ceph_origin is 'custom'"
             - ceph_origin == 'custom'
             - (custom_repo_url is undefined or custom_repo_url == '')
             - ceph_custom_repositories is undefined
-        - name: fail if baseurl is not defined for ceph_custom_repositories
-          fail:
+        - name: Fail if baseurl is not defined for ceph_custom_repositories
+          ansible.builtin.fail:
             msg: "One repository is missing a required parameter: name, description, baseurl."
           loop: "{{ ceph_custom_repositories }}"