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Visualization APIs

Joshua Selsky edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 19 revisions

The out-of-the-box visualization APIs dispatch to opencpu in order to generate statistical plots using R. When a request is sent to a visualization API, it is proxied by ohmage to opencpu. opencpu then calls back into ohmage and uses survey_response/read to retrieve data to plot.

What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing the number of survey responses for each survey within a particular campaign.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign to aggregate survey responses from.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) aggregate = An integer indicating how many days worth of data to aggregate into one point (or bar in a bar chart).

Example POST

POST /app/viz/survey_response_count/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30&aggregate=5"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing the number of survey responses for each survey by privacy state within a particular campaign.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign to aggregate survey responses from.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) aggregate = An integer indicating how many days worth of data to aggregate into one point (or bar in a bar chart).

Example POST

POST /app/viz/survey_responses_privacy_state/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30&aggregate=5"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing the number of survey responses for each survey within a particular campaign as a time series.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign to aggregate survey responses from.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

Example POST

POST /app/viz/survey_responses_privacy_state_time/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing a count of prompt responses for an individual prompt.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) prompt_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign containing the above prompt_id.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

Example POST

POST /app/viz/prompt_distribution/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30&prompt_id=sleepTime"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing a time series of prompt responses for an individual prompt.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) prompt_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign containing the above prompt_id.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) aggregate = An integer indicating how many days worth of data to aggregate into one point (or bar in a bar chart).

Example POST

POST /app/viz/prompt_timeseries/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30&prompt_id=snackCost"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing a time series of a single user's prompt responses for an individual prompt.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) user = The username of the user whose data should appear in the plot.
  • (r) prompt_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign containing the prompt and to which the user belongs.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

Example POST

POST /app/viz/user_timeseries/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&start_date=2012-03-01&end_date=2012-03-30&prompt_id=snackCost&user=winston.churchill"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing a scatter plot of two different prompts.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) prompt_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) prompt2_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign containing the prompts.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

Example POST

POST /app/viz/scatter_plot/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&prompt_id1=whoDidYouSnackWith&prompt_id2=snackHealthQuality"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Returns a PNG image showing a 2D density plot of two different prompts. The plot below contains the same data as the scatter plot example above.



Access Rules

The access rules are the same as those used for survey_response/read.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = The authentication token for the requester. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.
  • (r) client = A short description of the software client making the request.
  • (r) prompt_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) prompt2_id = The prompt ID of indicating which data to plot.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The URN of the campaign containing the prompts.
  • (r) width = The desired width of the resulting image.
  • (r) height = The desired height of the resulting image.
  • (o) privacy_state = "shared" to plot only shared responses.
  • (o) start_date = A start date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • (o) end_date = A end date for the time range of the request. It must be of the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

Example POST

POST /app/viz/2d_density/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


cURL Example

curl -v -d "auth_token=token&campaign_urn=urn:some:campaign&client=ohmage-gwt&width=800&length=600&prompt_id1=whoDidYouSnackWith&prompt_id2=snackHealthQuality"

Output Format


The requested plot is returned as an PNG image in the HTTP stream.


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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