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Releases: celzero/rethink-app


25 Aug 17:23
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v0.4.2 Pre-release


  1. ANR in ScreenLockService.
  2. Limit crashes when restarting the VPN.
    2a. DNS screen: An artificial delay of 1s between DNS changes.
    2b. Home screen: As above, changing "app-modes" has an artificial delay 1s to limit crashes in LwIP stack due to rapidly restarting the VPN.
  3. Fixed incorrect median latency calculation with a simpler though brute force approach.
  4. WebView showing the BraveDNS FAQ webpage was lying around cached as a background activity. Destroying it now when user navigates away from it.
  5. ANRs in the home-screen: LiveData powers the View instead of make-shift multi-threaded implementation.
  6. Firewall now correctly works on Android 8+ (previously it worked only on Android 10+).


  1. Network monitor: A real-time running log of network activity tagged per-app with details about IP address, port, transport protocol, timestamp, and geo IP location of the server. This log is gathered from the BraveVPNService#block calls made by the outline-go-tun2socks layer on every new TCP or UDP connection.
  2. Firewall screen now correctly handles the scenario where multiple packages can have the same UID. Firewall still functions per-uid (and not per package, though it is uncommon for application packages to share UIDs).
  3. Users can now firewall System apps.
  4. About page: Tells a bit about the project, shows telegram group and github links. Added to the home-screen fragment.


  1. Firewall screen: A new look firewall screen that is more "correct" in face of any number of updates. LiveData + Room to the rescue.
  2. Various UI related changes (including text copy).


15 Aug 21:22
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v0.3 Pre-release

A stable preview release of BraveDNS android app with critical bug fixes and a couple of features.


  • Added ability for users to key-in a custom DNS endpoint.
  • Blocked dns requests now show a "red" hint against their entry.


  • Now shows trackers-blocked count instead of trackers-blocked percentage.


  • Firewall now correctly blocks traffic on device-lock instead of screen-off.
  • Renamed labels in the Universal Firewall section.
  • A "red" coloured hint against in the categories section to better indicate which categories are blocked.


  • Fixed an occasional bug that was crashing the app when the underlying VPN connection was restarted in response to screen-on / screen-off events.
  • Fixed ANR in ScreenLockService.