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222 lines (213 loc) · 8.43 KB

File metadata and controls

222 lines (213 loc) · 8.43 KB


Log item

    The base data unit used, it is defined by:

    text: one or multiple text lines
    priority: optional, depending on the source

event record

    Collection of log items matching a watchers description


    Collection of records that are flushed on ct.
    Attachment and data fields are computed per event.



    +-- instance-name
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - Instance name (an instance dedicated directory is created
    |          under @root-workdir).
    +-- root-workdir
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - The root working directory.
    +-- source
    |        type: object
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - The log source, check Source and Log Sources for details.
    +-- watchers
    |        type: object array
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - The list of event watchers.
    +-- watcher-stats
             type: bool
             mandatory: false
             default: true
             - Notify (generate a dedicated event), upon watchers status
               change (eg. killed).
    +-- type
    |       type: string
    |       mandatory: true
    |       - Identify the log source
    +-- arguments
            type: string
            mandatory: false
            - Source specific arguments
    +-- name
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: true
    +-- start_pattern
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - Reg-exp describing the start pattern of the watcher.
    +-- body_pats
    |        type: string array
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: All the items are accepted until one of:
    |                 - @end-pattern is found
    |                 - @max-items is reached
    |                 - @flush_timeout expires
    +-- end_pattern
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: The record will be terminated when one of:
    |                 - @max-items is reached
    |                 - @flush_timeout expires
    +-- validation_pattern
    |        type: string
    |        mandatory: false
    |        - Provide a pattern that
    |          a. Is mandatory to be found within the body of
    |             the record.
    |          b. Is the pattern used for the record captures.
    +-- max_items
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 1
    +-- min_level
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 0
    |        - Minimum log level accepted by this watcher
    |          (the check is done before reg-exp checks)
    +-- max_level
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 7
    |        - Maximum log level accepted by this watcher
    |          (the check is done before reg-exp checks)
    +-- max_records
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 10
    |        - Maximum number of records in a event.
    +-- flush_timeout
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 120
    |        - The maximum time a record will wait before the event flush.
    +-- event_level
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 0
    |        - LCT event level (STAT = 0, INFO = 1, ERROR = 2)
    +-- data
    |        type: object array
    |        mandatory: false
    +-- attachments
    |        type: object array
    |        mandatory: false
    +-- max_event_count
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 10
    |        - The maximum number of events that should be generated in the
    |          number of seconds specified by @max_event_interval or overall
    |          (@max_event_interval = 0).
    +-- max_event_interval
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 60
    |        - Check @max_event_count.
    +-- event_suspend_interval
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: 0
    |        - Defines a period (in second) in which the watcher
    |          should "ignore" new records after the generation of
    |          an event. The "ignored" records are saved and flushed
    |          out at the next "accepted" event.
    +-- max_suspend_records
             type: integer
             mandatory: false
             default: 0
             - Maximum number of records to be saved during suspend
               (@event_suspend_interval), if any these records will be
               dumped in suspend.txt.
    +-- id
    |        type: integer
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - Data field number.
    +-- repeat
    |        type: bool
    |        mandatory: false
    |        - One line added for each record, otherwise added for the
    |          first record only.
    +-- format
             type: string
             mandatory: true
             - The content of the field, the following escape sequences are
                %R - total number of records in event.
                %r - current event number.
                %S - number of records lost during suspend
                     (check @event_suspend_interval).
                %0 - full reg-exp capture of start/validation pattern.
                %<1...n> - n'th capture of the start/validation pattern.
    +-- exec
    |        type: bool
    |        mandatory: false
    |        default: false
    |        - The attachment will contain the output of @src command.
    +-- src
    |        type: bool
    |        mandatory: true
    |        - Path or command.
    |          The following escape sequences are supported:
    |           %0 - full reg-exp capture of start/validation pattern of
    |             the first record.
    |           %<1...n> - n'th capture of the start/validation pattern of
    |             the first record.
    +-- dst
    |        type: string
    |         mandatory: If @exec.
    |         - The attachment destination, if not @exec and @dst is not
    |           specified, the source will not be copied into the event
    |           working dir and the source path will be provided over LCT.
    |           Same escape sequence as for @src are supported.
    +-- max_run
             type: integer
             mandatory: false
             default: 10
             - The maximum amount of time the @exec command is allowed to
               run (seconds).

Log Sources


   It uses /dev/kmsg as log source.
   Supported arguments:
      "nonblock" - Process the current buffer only, do not wait for new
                   log messages.


   It uses NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT socket as log source.
   Supported arguments:
      "nonblock" - Process the current buffer only, do not wait for new
                   log messages.
Implementation details
    Null bytes recived on this socket are replaced by '\n'.
    The priority is set based on the origin of the message as follows:
            0 - Kernel messages (origin pid 0)
            1 - Userspace messages (origin pid != 0)
            2 - Undefined.


   Used to monitor android logs.
   The messages monitored will have the format '<tag>: message'.
   Supported arguments:
      "-b all" - all buffers between LOG_ID_MIN and LOG_ID_MAX
                 will be traced.
      "-b <buffer>" - where buffer is the desired buffer to be traced.
      "--nonblock"/"-d" - Start in non-blocking mode.
      If no argument will be passed, then, the "main" buffer will be