This topic is about bootstrap an user to be used by Ansible in Managed Nodes.
It is recommended to use a regular user in managed nodes instead root, common user name as ansible or devops is not a good idea for production environments.
For a good traceability and secure environment compliance, consider using solutions like FreeIPA or Red Hat IDM, each administrator should use their personal accounts.
- Environment
- Hostname resolution for awx_task container
- Creating a local inventory
- Create the user
- Create the sudoers file
- Create the OpenSSH keypair
- Deploy the OpenSSH Public key
- Check privilege scalation
- Summary
Use the first topic "Operating System Installation" to install the following machines: nodea, nodeb, nodec and noded.
NOTE: if you do not want to install the managed nodes, skip all configurations related to "JT - GitHub AWX Basic" that uses basic.yml playbook in AWX Web UI, and got to the next part: AWX Workflow Use Case.
As shown the awx-api-inventory.yml playbook have the declared variable api_awx_url
, as a good practice you should use FQDN instead of IP Address.
If you do not have a DNS previously configured, you can execute the following command:
sudo docker exec awx_task sh -c "echo >> /etc/hosts"
There is a persistent way that you can make changes in your docker-compose.yml, adding extra_hosts:
vi ~/.awx/awxcompose/docker-compose.yml
awk '/task/,/' ~/.awx/awxcompose/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose -f ~/.awx/awxcompose/docker-compose.yml up -d
See extra_hosts Docker Compose documentation.
Create a initial inventory.
cat >> inventory << EOF
nodea ansible_password=centos ansible_host=
nodeb ansible_password=centos ansible_host=
nodec ansible_password=centos ansible_host=
noded ansible_password=centos ansible_host=
Create devops user on managed nodes.
ansible -i inventory all -u root -m user -a "name=devops state=present"
Allow devops to use passwordless sudo on managed nodes.
ansible -i inventory all -u root -m copy \
-a "dest=/etc/sudoers.d/devops content='devops ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'"
Create OpenSSH keypair.
ansible localhost -m file -a "path=~/.ssh mode=0700 state=directory"
ansible localhost -m openssh_keypair -a "path=~/.ssh/id_rsa size=2048"
Deploy OpenSSH Public key to managed nodes for devops user.
ansible -i inventory all -u root -m authorized_key \
-a "user=devops state=present key={{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
Check if devops user has privilege escalation permissions.
ansible -i inventory all -u devops -b -m command -a "id"
In this topic was presented:
- Create a user in Managed Nodes to be used by Ansible for Controller Node.
Next topic: AWX Workflow Use Case