[x] - run npm install [x] - run server [x] - run client [x] - place images in public/images folder [x] - modify server/modules/data.js to include and id, title, description, and path for each of my images. (refer to full stack treats assignment) [x] - each id should be a unique number
[x] - Import useState && useEffect [x] - Import axios [x] - Import GalleryList [x] - Set up axios.get route [] - re-render on each click [x] - Place GalleryList component in return statement w/ props
[x] - Create component called GalleryList [x] - default export [x] - import GalleryItem [x] - Gallery item to loop through array of img in App
[x] - Create component called GalleryItem [x] - default export [x] - import useState [x] - import axios [x] - set up function for adding likes [x] - set up function for switching to description on click [x] - set up PUT function [x] - build return statement for component