#Going On A Bear Hunt
Leader sings a line, audience repeats
We’re all going on a hunt today,
We’re not scared!
We’ve got guns!
Bullets too!
Came across a Field!
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to go through it! (Swish, swish, swish...)
Came across a River!
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to go swim through it! (Swim, swim, swim..)
Came across a forest!
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to chop through it (Chop, chop, chop...)
Came across a mountain!
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to dig through it (Dig, dig, dig...)
Came across a cave
Dark inside
Something big
Something furry
It’s a bear!
Dig, Dig, Dig, Chop, Chop, Chop, Swim, Swim, Swim, Swish, Swish, Swish