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Translate concepts from gear-game-research into gear-game-project. Further research:
- DONE - Asteroids, Bonus 2: requestAnimationFrame (vs using setInterval)
- DONE - Github: how to cut a branch to work on another feature, revisit Screwdoku project - sort of.
- Refresher on basic gear trigonometry
- Graph all gears per set.
class GameView
- MOVES defines direction of WASD movement
- constructor(game, ctx): binds keypress eventListeners.
- start(): sets interval of updating each item's move() and draw()
class Game
- Load all images
- gearList // adding a new gear, can only be added if does not collide with another gear, and connects with at least one existing gear. New gear
class MovingObject
- Define Player < MovingObject class
- Define Gear < MovingObject class
- pos
- radius
- subdivisions // e.g. split into 6 arms
- startingSubDivision // e.g. start at arm 4 of 6
- connectedGears[]
- Run button, running on a gear will speed rotation of connected gear, to activate gears that slow return to "deactivated" state
Intro modal: welcome to the weird world of gears! What the heck is going on?? Move with WASD to start...and find out...
What makes you tick
git branching and merging: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4470523/create-a-branch-in-git-from-another-branch
Math.min(a, b) could be useful to ensure "snapping" of gears to ensure proper bridging of paths, in additional to explicitly defining tolerances. Discovery: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame
Rotating Coordinate Systems. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HcDl_gyeMs
[UNUSED] Refresher on gear trigonometry. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKpedwnJQVk
Gear icon. Source: https://www.freeiconspng.com/images/gear-icon
Possible tutorial reference on top-down game dev: https://youtu.be/C4_iRLlPNFc
Possible collision detection implemention / backup based on color sampling (not ideal): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6735470/get-pixel-color-from-canvas-on-mousemove
Inverse trig review. Source: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/trig-finding-angle-right-triangle.html