This project makes available a sample ERC-20 contract (SimpleERC20
) that may be deployed to a given network.
You may build the common-contracts
project as follows:
cd common-contracts
yarn && yarn build
Usually, DApps that require these contracts will specify their deployment within their corresponding docker-compose.override.yml
Additionally, the project can be deployed manually on the local development network by running yarn deploy
. Manual deployment to other supported testnets can be done by executing yarn deploy:<network>
This is a simple contract to perform operations with fungible tokens.
To use it, you must first retrieve the contract address from the deployment data. For the local development network, execute the following command:
ERC_20=$(jq '.address' ./deployments/localhost/SimpleERC20.json | \
sed "s/[\",]//g")
With that in place, you can make transactions such as transferring tokens between accounts:
cast send $ERC_20 \
"transfer(address,uint256)(bool)" \
0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 \
1000 \
--mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk" \
--mnemonic-index 0 \
--rpc-url "http://localhost:8545"
The balance of an address can also be queried with the following command:
cast call $ERC_20 \
"balanceOf(address)(uint32)" \
0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 \
--rpc-url "http://localhost:8545"