Data processing and analysis of cross-sectional microbiome
Monzó et al., Dietary restriction mitigates the age-associated decline in mouse B cell receptor repertoire diversity, Cell Reports (2023),
It calls to R script "dada2_F245.Rmd".
This script runs the dada2 pipeline until taxa annotation, generating intermediate files for later analysis, QC and processing comparisons.
Rscript dada2_F245.Rmd
jupyter notebook depth_plotting_F2.ipynb
Script "dada2_F1_abphylo.R" calculates basic tables for analysis of alpha and beta diversity
Rscript dada2_F2_abphylo.R --path ~/workspace/16S_final/CM_16S_cross-sectionalF245/ --nochim ../analysis/seqtab_merge3/CLEAN_merged_seqtabNochim_20210215.rds --taxa ../analysis/seqtab_merge3/CLEAN_taxonomy_merged_20210215.rds --metadata ../metadata/metadata_ready2.csv --count_tab ../analysis/seqtab_merge3/mergedQC/CLEAN_ASVs_counts_merged_20210215.tsv
Alpha and beta diversity plotting and basic per-timepoint stats are run as ipythons, as it makes it easier to keep track of the plots as they are being generated.
jupyter notebook alpha_diversity_F2.ipynb
jupyter notebook beta_diversity_F2.ipynb
Rscript deseq_timepoints.Rmd
jupyter notebook Num_DiffAb_ASVs.ipynb