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Address Discovery (Sequential)
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KtorZ authored Mar 13, 2019
2 parents 63e9070 + d0b1c37 commit b554949
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Showing 6 changed files with 493 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cardano-wallet.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ test-suite unit
Expand Down
17 changes: 1 addition & 16 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ module Cardano.Wallet
, availableUTxO

-- * Helpers
, invariant
, txOutsOurs
, utxoFromTx
) where
Expand All @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive
, UTxO (..)
, balance
, excluding
, invariant
, restrictedBy
, restrictedTo
, txIns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,21 +163,6 @@ totalUTxO wallet@(Wallet _ pending s) =

-- * Helpers

-- | Check whether an invariants holds or not.
-- >>> invariant "not empty" [1,2,3] (not . null)
-- [1, 2, 3]
-- >>> invariant "not empty" [] (not . null)
-- *** Exception: not empty
:: String -- ^ A title / message to throw in case of violation
-> a
-> (a -> Bool)
-> a
invariant msg a predicate =
if predicate a then a else error msg

-- | Return all transaction outputs that are ours. This plays well within a
-- 'State' monad.
Expand Down
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/AddressDiscovery.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2019 IOHK
-- License: MIT
-- This module contains primitives necessary to perform address discovery. So
-- far, we're only interested in address following a sequential derivation
-- scheme as specified in BIP-0044.
-- Later, we may introduce backward-compatibility with random address scheme
-- from the legacy Cardano wallets.

module Cardano.Wallet.AddressDiscovery
( -- * Sequential Derivation

-- ** Address Pool Gap
, MkAddressPoolGapError (..)
, defaultAddressPoolGap
, mkAddressPoolGap

-- ** Address Pool
, AddressPool
, gap
, addresses
, changeChain
, accountPubKey
, mkAddressPool
, lookupAddress
) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Crypto.Wallet
( XPub )
import Cardano.Wallet.AddressDerivation
( ChangeChain (..)
, Depth (..)
, DerivationType (..)
, Index
, Key
, deriveAddressPublicKey
, keyToAddress
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive
( Address, invariant )
import Control.DeepSeq
( NFData )
import Data.Function
( (&) )
import Data.List
( sortOn )
import Data.Map.Strict
( Map )
import Data.Word
( Word8 )
import GHC.Generics
( Generic )

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

Sequential Derivation
Discovery of addresses in the sequential derivation as specified by BIP-44.
The management of _accounts_ is left-out for this implementation focuses on
a single account. In practice, one wants to manage a set of pools, one per

-- ** Address Pool Gap

-- | Maximum number of consecutive undiscovered addresses allowed
newtype AddressPoolGap = AddressPoolGap
{ getAddressPoolGap :: Word8 }
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord)

instance NFData AddressPoolGap

instance Bounded AddressPoolGap where
minBound = AddressPoolGap 10
maxBound = AddressPoolGap 100

instance Enum AddressPoolGap where
fromEnum (AddressPoolGap g) = fromEnum g
toEnum g
| AddressPoolGap (toEnum g) < minBound @AddressPoolGap =
error "AddressPoolGap.toEnum: bad argument"
| AddressPoolGap (toEnum g) > maxBound @AddressPoolGap =
error "AddressPoolGap.toEnum: bad argument"
| otherwise =
AddressPoolGap (toEnum g)

-- | Smart constructor for 'AddressPoolGap'
mkAddressPoolGap :: Word8 -> Either MkAddressPoolGapError AddressPoolGap
mkAddressPoolGap !g
| g >= getAddressPoolGap minBound &&
g <= getAddressPoolGap maxBound = Right $ AddressPoolGap g
| otherwise = Left $ ErrGapOutOfRange g

-- | Possible errors when casting to an 'AddressPoolGap'
newtype MkAddressPoolGapError = ErrGapOutOfRange Word8
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A default 'AddressPoolGap', as suggested in BIP-0044
defaultAddressPoolGap :: AddressPoolGap
defaultAddressPoolGap =
AddressPoolGap 20

-- ** Address Pool

-- | An 'AddressPool' which keeps track of sequential addresses within a given
-- Account and change chain. See 'mkAddressPool' to create a new or existing
-- pool:
-- >>> mkAddressPool xpub gap changeChain mempty
-- AddressPool { }
data AddressPool = AddressPool
{ accountPubKey
:: !(Key 'AccountK XPub)
-- ^ Corresponding key for the pool (a pool is tied to only one account)
, gap
:: !AddressPoolGap
-- ^ The actual gap for the pool. This can't change for a given pool.
, changeChain
:: !ChangeChain
-- ^ Whether this pool tracks addrs on the internal or external chain
, indexedAddresses
:: !(Map Address (Index 'Soft 'AddressK))
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance NFData AddressPool

-- | Get all addresses in the pool, sorted from the first address discovered,
-- up until the next one.
-- In practice, we always have:
-- > mkAddressPool key g cc (addresses pool) == pool
addresses :: AddressPool -> [Address]
addresses = map fst . sortOn snd . Map.toList . indexedAddresses

-- | Create a new Address pool from a list of addresses. Note that, the list is
-- expected to be ordered in sequence (first indexes, first in the list).
-- The pool will grow from the start if less than @g :: AddressPoolGap@ are
-- given, such that, there are always @g@ undiscovered addresses in the pool.
:: Key 'AccountK XPub
-> AddressPoolGap
-> ChangeChain
-> [Address]
-> AddressPool
mkAddressPool key g cc addrs = AddressPool
{ accountPubKey = key
, gap = g
, changeChain = cc
, indexedAddresses = nextAddresses key g cc minBound <>
Map.fromList (zip addrs [minBound..maxBound])

-- | Lookup an address in the pool. When we find an address in a pool, the pool
-- may be amended if the address was discovered near the edge. It is also
-- possible that the pool is not amended at all - this happens in the case that
-- an address is discovered 'far' from the edge.
:: Address
-> AddressPool
-> (Maybe (Index 'Soft 'AddressK), AddressPool)
lookupAddress !target !pool =
case Map.lookup target (indexedAddresses pool) of
Just ix ->
(Just ix, extendAddressPool ix pool)
Nothing ->
(Nothing, pool)

-- | If an address is discovered near the edge, we extend the address sequence,
-- otherwise we return the pool untouched.
:: Index 'Soft 'AddressK
-> AddressPool
-> AddressPool
extendAddressPool !ix !pool
| isOnEdge = pool { indexedAddresses = indexedAddresses pool <> next }
| otherwise = pool
edge = Map.size (indexedAddresses pool)
isOnEdge = edge - fromEnum ix <= fromEnum (gap pool)
next = if ix == maxBound then mempty else nextAddresses
(accountPubKey pool)
(gap pool)
(changeChain pool)
(succ ix)

-- | Compute the pool extension from a starting index
:: Key 'AccountK XPub
-> AddressPoolGap
-> ChangeChain
-> Index 'Soft 'AddressK
-> Map Address (Index 'Soft 'AddressK)
nextAddresses !key (AddressPoolGap !g) !cc !fromIx =
[fromIx .. min maxBound toIx]
& map (\ix -> (newAddress ix, ix))
& Map.fromList
toIx = invariant
"nextAddresses: toIx should be greater than fromIx"
(toEnum $ fromEnum fromIx + fromEnum g - 1)
(>= fromIx)
newAddress = keyToAddress . deriveAddressPublicKey key cc
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Primitive
-- * Generic
, Hash (..)
, ShowFmt (..)
, invariant
) where

import Prelude
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,3 +304,19 @@ newtype ShowFmt a = ShowFmt a

instance Buildable a => Show (ShowFmt a) where
show (ShowFmt a) = fmt (build a)

-- | Check whether an invariants holds or not.
-- >>> invariant "not empty" [1,2,3] (not . null)
-- [1, 2, 3]
-- >>> invariant "not empty" [] (not . null)
-- *** Exception: not empty
:: String -- ^ A title / message to throw in case of violation
-> a
-> (a -> Bool)
-> a
invariant msg a predicate =
if predicate a then a else error msg

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