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[ADP-3198] Remove record representation of erafun (#4224)
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- [x] simplify EraFun creation and destruction by switching from real
record to pattern record
- [x] add a bidirectional pattern for AllEraValue values
  • Loading branch information
paolino authored Nov 13, 2023
2 parents 88d0fff + 9c320e3 commit 7d23323
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Showing 2 changed files with 139 additions and 87 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/read/lib/Cardano/Wallet/Read/Block/Gen/Build.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,7 +339,8 @@ data MkAddress where
-- a simple chainF example
exampleChainF :: ChainF Gen MkAddress ()
exampleChainF = do
byron 0 -- a new byron block at slot 0, with following txs, block 0
byron 0
byron 5 -- a new byron block at slot 0, with following txs, block 0
aby1 <- address WalletByronAddress
tx1 <- tx $ do
input (Index 0) (txid 'a') -- from outside
Expand Down
223 changes: 137 additions & 86 deletions lib/read/lib/Cardano/Wallet/Read/Eras/EraFun.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2020-2022 IOHK
Expand All @@ -26,7 +25,17 @@
-- just cache and reuse the compositions
module Cardano.Wallet.Read.Eras.EraFun
( -- * Types.
EraFun (..)
( EraFun
, byronFun
, shelleyFun
, allegraFun
, maryFun
, alonzoFun
, babbageFun
, conwayFun
, EraFunSel

-- * Composition.
, (*.**)
Expand All @@ -41,16 +50,19 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Read.Eras.EraFun
-- * higher order record encoding
, runAllEraValue
, AllEraValue
, mkAllEraValue
, EraFunSel
( AllEraValue
, AllEraValueP
, byronVal
, shelleyVal
, allegraVal
, maryVal
, alonzoVal
, babbageVal
, conwayVal

import Prelude hiding
( id
, (.)

import Cardano.Api
( AllegraEra
, AlonzoEra
Expand All @@ -74,87 +86,91 @@ import Control.Category
import Generics.SOP
( (:.:) (..)
, I (..)
, K (..)
, NP
, Proxy (Proxy)
, productTypeFrom
, productTypeTo
, unComp
, unK
import Generics.SOP.Classes
import Generics.SOP.NP
( collapse_NP
( NP (..)
, collapse_NP
, map_NP
, pure_NP
, trans_NP
, zipWith_NP
import Generics.SOP.NS
( ap_NS
import Generics.SOP.TH
( deriveGeneric
import GHC.Generics
( (:*:) (..)

-- | A record of functions indexed by all known eras. This is the natural way
-- of defining the vector.
data EraFun f g = EraFun
{ byronFun :: f ByronEra -> g ByronEra
, shelleyFun :: f ShelleyEra -> g ShelleyEra
, allegraFun :: f AllegraEra -> g AllegraEra
, maryFun :: f MaryEra -> g MaryEra
, alonzoFun :: f AlonzoEra -> g AlonzoEra
, babbageFun :: f BabbageEra -> g BabbageEra
, conwayFun :: f ConwayEra -> g ConwayEra

deriveGeneric ''EraFun
import Prelude hiding
( id
, (.)

-- | A function that selects a field from any 'EraFun'.
type EraFunSel era = forall f g. EraFun f g -> f era -> g era

-- | A function where domain and codomain are indexed by an era type.
type Fun f g era = f era -> g era

-- | A product of functions indexed by KnownEras.
type EraFunI f g = NP (f -.-> g) KnownEras

-- | A product of functions indexed by KnownEras expressed as record
pattern EraFun
:: Fun f g ByronEra
-- ^ Byron era function
-> Fun f g ShelleyEra
-- ^ Shelley era function
-> Fun f g AllegraEra
-- ^ Allegra era function
-> Fun f g MaryEra
-- ^ Mary era function
-> Fun f g AlonzoEra
-- ^ Alonzo era function
-> Fun f g BabbageEra
-- ^ Babbage era function
-> Fun f g ConwayEra
-- ^ Conway era function
-> EraFun f g
pattern EraFun
{ byronFun
, shelleyFun
, allegraFun
, maryFun
, alonzoFun
, babbageFun
, conwayFun
} =
( Fn byronFun
:* Fn shelleyFun
:* Fn allegraFun
:* Fn maryFun
:* Fn alonzoFun
:* Fn babbageFun
:* Fn conwayFun
:* Nil

-- | Type of vector functions that cover all eras.
newtype EraFun f g = MkEraFun {fromEraFun :: EraFunI f g}

-- | Apply an 'EraFun' to an 'EraValue'.
-- Because EraValue is a value in a specific era, the application will choose
-- the correct function from the vector.
-- In case of repeated application use this function curried on the 'EraFun'
-- argument, this will avoid the recomputation of the core
applyEraFun :: EraFun f g -> EraValue f -> EraValue g
applyEraFun f =
g = fromEraFun f -- curry friendly
\(EraValue v) -> EraValue $ ap_NS g v

class CR f g x y where
unC :: I x -> (f -.-> g) y
instance CR f g (f era -> g era) era where
unC (I f) = Fn f

-- Promote an 'EraFun'.
fromEraFun :: forall f g. EraFun f g -> EraFunI f g
fromEraFun = trans_NP (Proxy @(CR f g)) unC . productTypeFrom

class DR f g x y where
unD :: (f -.-> g) x -> I y
instance DR f g era (f era -> g era) where
unD (Fn f) = I f

-- Project out to an 'EraFun'.
toEraFun :: forall f g. EraFunI f g -> EraFun f g
toEraFun = productTypeTo . trans_NP (Proxy @(DR f g)) unD
applyEraFun (MkEraFun f) (EraValue v) = EraValue $ ap_NS f v

instance Category EraFun where
id = toEraFun $ pure_NP $ Fn id
id = MkEraFun $ pure_NP $ Fn id
f . g =
$ zipWith_NP
(\(Fn f') (Fn g') -> Fn $ f' . g')
(fromEraFun f)
Expand All @@ -166,7 +182,7 @@ infixr 9 *.**
-- output of the first one.
(*.**) :: Functor w => EraFun g h -> EraFun f (w :.: g) -> EraFun f (w :.: h)
f *.** g =
$ composeEraFunWith
(\f' g' -> Comp . fmap f' . unComp . g')
(fromEraFun f)
Expand All @@ -185,7 +201,7 @@ infixr 9 *&&&*

-- | Compose 2 EraFunI as parallel application using '(:*:)'.
(*&&&*) :: EraFun f g -> EraFun f h -> EraFun f (g :*: h)
f *&&&* g = toEraFun $ zipWith_NP r (fromEraFun f) (fromEraFun g)
f *&&&* g = MkEraFun $ zipWith_NP r (fromEraFun f) (fromEraFun g)
r (Fn f') (Fn g') = Fn $ \x -> f' x :*: g' x

Expand All @@ -194,42 +210,77 @@ newtype EraFunK src ft = EraFunK {fromEraFunK :: EraFun src (K ft)}
instance Functor (EraFunK src) where
fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> EraFunK src a -> EraFunK src b
fmap f (EraFunK g) =
EraFunK (toEraFun $ map_NP q $ fromEraFun g)
EraFunK (MkEraFun $ map_NP q $ fromEraFun g)
q :: (-.->) src (K a) era -> (-.->) src (K b) era
q (Fn h) = Fn $ \x -> K . f $ unK $ h x

instance Applicative (EraFunK src) where
pure x = EraFunK $ toEraFun $ pure_NP $ Fn $ \_ -> K x
pure x = EraFunK $ MkEraFun $ pure_NP $ Fn $ \_ -> K x
EraFunK f <*> EraFunK g =
EraFunK $ toEraFun $ zipWith_NP q (fromEraFun f) (fromEraFun g)
EraFunK $ MkEraFun $ zipWith_NP q (fromEraFun f) (fromEraFun g)
q (Fn h) (Fn j) = Fn $ \src -> K $ unK (h src) $ unK $ j src

type AllEraValue f = EraFun (K ()) f
-- | A constant era 'EraFun' wrapped to expose the semigroup instance
newtype AllEraValue f = AllEraValue {_unAllEraValue :: EraFun (K ()) f}

-- | A pattern to construct/deconstruct an 'AllEraValue'
pattern AllEraValueP
:: f ByronEra
-> f ShelleyEra
-> f AllegraEra
-> f MaryEra
-> f AlonzoEra
-> f BabbageEra
-> f ConwayEra
-> AllEraValue f
pattern AllEraValueP
{ byronVal
, shelleyVal
, allegraVal
, maryVal
, alonzoVal
, babbageVal
, conwayVal
} <-
( EraFun
{ byronFun = (mkConst -> byronVal)
, shelleyFun = (mkConst -> shelleyVal)
, allegraFun = (mkConst -> allegraVal)
, maryFun = (mkConst -> maryVal)
, alonzoFun = (mkConst -> alonzoVal)
, babbageFun = (mkConst -> babbageVal)
, conwayFun = (mkConst -> conwayVal)
conwayVal' =
$ EraFun
{ byronFun = const byronVal'
, shelleyFun = const shelleyVal'
, allegraFun = const allegraVal'
, maryFun = const maryVal'
, alonzoFun = const alonzoVal'
, babbageFun = const babbageVal'
, conwayFun = const conwayVal'

mkConst :: (K () x -> f x) -> f x
mkConst = ($ K ())

-- | Collapse an 'AllEraValue' into a list of 'EraValue'.
runAllEraValue :: AllEraValue f -> [EraValue f]
runAllEraValue v = collapse_NP $ zipWith_NP q prisms (fromEraFun v)
runAllEraValue (AllEraValue v) = collapse_NP $ zipWith_NP q prisms (fromEraFun v)
q :: MkEraValue f era -> (K () -.-> f) era -> K (EraValue f) era
q p (Fn f) = K $ inject p $ f (K ())

:: g ByronEra
-> g ShelleyEra
-> g AllegraEra
-> g MaryEra
-> g AlonzoEra
-> g BabbageEra
-> g ConwayEra
-> EraFun f g
mkAllEraValue byronZ shelleyZ allegraZ maryZ alonzoZ babbageZ conwayZ =
{ byronFun = const byronZ
, shelleyFun = const shelleyZ
, allegraFun = const allegraZ
, maryFun = const maryZ
, alonzoFun = const alonzoZ
, babbageFun = const babbageZ
, conwayFun = const conwayZ

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