diff --git a/config/storybook-preset-carbon/carbon-theme-addon/src/components/Panel.js b/config/storybook-preset-carbon/carbon-theme-addon/src/components/Panel.js
index ee6a885abc25..f46b9fe0e996 100644
--- a/config/storybook-preset-carbon/carbon-theme-addon/src/components/Panel.js
+++ b/config/storybook-preset-carbon/carbon-theme-addon/src/components/Panel.js
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ export const CarbonThemePanel = ({ api, active }) => {
diff --git a/packages/elements/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/PublicAPI-test.js.snap b/packages/elements/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/PublicAPI-test.js.snap
index e86e29a48050..fc4f3848bb57 100644
--- a/packages/elements/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/PublicAPI-test.js.snap
+++ b/packages/elements/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/PublicAPI-test.js.snap
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ Array [
+ "g80",
diff --git a/packages/react/.storybook/styles.scss b/packages/react/.storybook/styles.scss
index dd55b9508d34..1ea3d00692ff 100644
--- a/packages/react/.storybook/styles.scss
+++ b/packages/react/.storybook/styles.scss
@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ $prefix: 'bx';
+ :root[storybook-carbon-theme='g80'] {
+ @include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g80, true) {
+ @include emit-component-tokens($tag-colors);
+ @include emit-component-tokens($notification-colors);
+ }
+ }
:root[storybook-carbon-theme='g90'] {
@include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g90, true) {
@include emit-component-tokens($tag-colors);
diff --git a/packages/themes/src/g80.js b/packages/themes/src/g80.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..854463d76d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/themes/src/g80.js
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2018, 2018
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+import { adjustLightness } from './tools';
+import {
+ // Blue
+ blue30,
+ blue40,
+ blue50,
+ blue60,
+ blue70,
+ blue80,
+ // Gray
+ gray10,
+ gray30,
+ gray40,
+ gray50,
+ gray60,
+ gray70,
+ gray80,
+ gray100,
+ // Support
+ green40,
+ green50,
+ yellow30,
+ red30,
+ red40,
+ red60,
+ red80,
+ purple40,
+ // Constants
+ white,
+ // Tools
+ rgba,
+} from '@carbon/colors';
+// New color tokens
+// TO-DO: remove fallback color when v11 is released and assign carbon colors to new tokens
+export const background = gray80;
+export const layer = gray70;
+export const layerAccent = gray60;
+export const field = gray70;
+export const backgroundInverse = gray10;
+export const backgroundBrand = blue60;
+export const interactive = blue40;
+export const borderSubtle = gray60;
+export const borderStrong = gray40;
+export const borderInverse = gray10;
+export const borderInteractive = blue50;
+export const textPrimary = gray10;
+export const textSecondary = gray30;
+export const textPlaceholder = gray60;
+export const textHelper = gray40;
+export const textError = red30;
+export const textOnColor = white;
+export const textInverse = gray100;
+export const linkPrimary = blue40;
+export const linkSecondary = blue30;
+export const linkVisited = purple40;
+export const linkInverse = blue60;
+export const iconPrimary = gray10;
+export const iconSecondary = gray30;
+export const iconOnColor = white;
+export const iconInverse = gray100;
+export const supportError = red40;
+export const supportSuccess = green40;
+export const supportWarning = yellow30;
+export const supportInfo = blue50;
+export const supportErrorInverse = red60;
+export const supportSuccessInverse = green50;
+export const supportWarningInverse = yellow30;
+export const supportInfoInverse = blue60;
+export const overlay = rgba(gray100, 0.7);
+export const toggleOff = gray50;
+export const buttonPrimary = blue60;
+export const buttonSecondary = gray60;
+export const buttonTertiary = white;
+export const buttonDangerPrimary = red60;
+export const buttonDangerSecondary = red40;
+export const buttonSeparator = gray100;
+export const backgroundActive = gray70;
+export const layerActive = gray60;
+export const buttonDangerActive = red80;
+export const buttonPrimaryActive = blue80;
+export const buttonSecondaryActive = gray70;
+export const buttonTertiaryActive = gray30;
+export const focus = white;
+export const focusInset = gray100;
+export const focusInverse = blue60;
+export const highlight = blue70;
+export const backgroundHover = adjustLightness(background, +6);
+export const layerHover = adjustLightness(layer, +7);
+export const fieldHover = adjustLightness(field, +7);
+export const backgroundInverseHover = adjustLightness(backgroundInverse, -5);
+export const linkPrimaryHover = blue30;
+export const buttonDangerHover = adjustLightness(buttonDangerPrimary, -8);
+export const buttonPrimaryHover = adjustLightness(buttonPrimary, -8);
+export const buttonSecondaryHover = adjustLightness(buttonSecondary, -7);
+export const buttonTertiaryHover = white;
+export const backgroundSelected = gray70;
+export const backgroundSelectedHover = adjustLightness(backgroundSelected, +7);
+export const layerSelected = gray60;
+export const layerSelectedHover = adjustLightness(layerSelected, -6);
+export const layerSelectedInverse = gray10;
+export const borderSubtleSelected = gray50;
+export const layerDisabled = gray70;
+export const fieldDisabled = gray70;
+export const borderDisabled = gray70;
+export const textDisabled = gray50;
+export const buttonDisabled = gray50;
+export const iconDisabled = gray50;
+export const textOnColorDisabled = gray30;
+export const iconOnColorDisabled = gray30;
+export const layerSelectedDisabled = gray30;
+export const skeletonBackground = adjustLightness(background, +6);
+export const skeletonElement = gray60;
+// Old tokens needed to pass tests //
+export const interactive01 = backgroundBrand;
+export const interactive02 = buttonSecondary;
+export const interactive03 = buttonTertiary;
+export const interactive04 = interactive;
+export const uiBackground = background;
+export const ui01 = layer;
+export const ui02 = gray70;
+export const ui03 = layerAccent;
+export const ui04 = borderStrong;
+export const ui05 = borderInverse;
+export const text01 = textPrimary;
+export const text02 = textSecondary;
+export const text03 = textPlaceholder;
+export const text04 = textOnColor;
+export const text05 = textHelper;
+export const icon01 = iconPrimary;
+export const icon02 = iconSecondary;
+export const icon03 = iconOnColor;
+export const link01 = linkPrimary;
+export const link02 = linkSecondary;
+export const inverseLink = linkInverse;
+export const field01 = field;
+export const field02 = gray60;
+export const inverse01 = textInverse;
+export const inverse02 = backgroundInverse;
+export const support01 = supportError;
+export const support02 = supportSuccess;
+export const support03 = supportWarning;
+export const support04 = supportInfo;
+export const inverseSupport01 = supportErrorInverse;
+export const inverseSupport02 = supportSuccessInverse;
+export const inverseSupport03 = supportWarningInverse;
+export const inverseSupport04 = supportInfoInverse;
+export const overlay01 = overlay;
+export const danger01 = buttonDangerPrimary;
+export const danger02 = buttonDangerSecondary;
+// Interaction states
+export const inverseFocusUi = focusInverse;
+export const hoverPrimary = buttonPrimaryHover;
+export const activePrimary = buttonPrimaryActive;
+export const hoverPrimaryText = linkPrimaryHover;
+export const hoverSecondary = buttonSecondaryHover;
+export const activeSecondary = buttonSecondaryActive;
+export const hoverTertiary = buttonTertiaryHover;
+export const activeTertiary = buttonTertiaryActive;
+export const hoverUI = backgroundHover;
+export const hoverLightUI = '#5E5E5E';
+export const activeUI = backgroundActive;
+export const activeLightUI = gray50;
+export const selectedUI = backgroundSelected;
+export const selectedLightUI = gray50;
+export const inverseHoverUI = backgroundInverseHover;
+export const hoverSelectedUI = layerSelectedHover;
+export const hoverDanger = buttonDangerHover;
+export const activeDanger = buttonDangerActive;
+export const hoverRow = layerHover;
+export const visitedLink = linkVisited;
+export const disabled01 = layerDisabled;
+export const disabled02 = textDisabled;
+export const disabled03 = textOnColorDisabled;
+export const decorative01 = gray60;
+export const skeleton01 = skeletonBackground;
+export const skeleton02 = skeletonElement;
+export {
+ // Type
+ caption01,
+ label01,
+ helperText01,
+ bodyShort01,
+ bodyLong01,
+ bodyShort02,
+ bodyLong02,
+ code01,
+ code02,
+ heading01,
+ productiveHeading01,
+ heading02,
+ productiveHeading02,
+ productiveHeading03,
+ productiveHeading04,
+ productiveHeading05,
+ productiveHeading06,
+ productiveHeading07,
+ expressiveHeading01,
+ expressiveHeading02,
+ expressiveHeading03,
+ expressiveHeading04,
+ expressiveHeading05,
+ expressiveHeading06,
+ expressiveParagraph01,
+ quotation01,
+ quotation02,
+ display01,
+ display02,
+ display03,
+ display04,
+ // Layout
+ // Spacing
+ spacing01,
+ spacing02,
+ spacing03,
+ spacing04,
+ spacing05,
+ spacing06,
+ spacing07,
+ spacing08,
+ spacing09,
+ spacing10,
+ spacing11,
+ spacing12,
+ spacing13,
+ // Fluid spacing
+ fluidSpacing01,
+ fluidSpacing02,
+ fluidSpacing03,
+ fluidSpacing04,
+ // Layout
+ // Deprecated -- Remove in v11
+ layout01,
+ layout02,
+ layout03,
+ layout04,
+ layout05,
+ layout06,
+ layout07,
+ // Containers
+ container01,
+ container02,
+ container03,
+ container04,
+ container05,
+ // Icon sizes
+ iconSize01,
+ iconSize02,
+} from './white';
+// Deprecated ☠️
+export const brand01 = interactive01;
+export const brand02 = interactive02;
+export const brand03 = interactive03;
+export const active01 = activeUI;
+export const hoverField = hoverUI;
+export const danger = danger01;
diff --git a/packages/themes/src/index.js b/packages/themes/src/index.js
index 97cfc13942f8..0afbd96e0241 100644
--- a/packages/themes/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/themes/src/index.js
@@ -10,15 +10,17 @@ export * from './white';
import * as g10 from './g10';
import * as g100 from './g100';
import * as white from './white';
+import * as g80 from './g80';
import * as g90 from './g90';
import * as v9 from './v9';
import { tokens, formatTokenName, unstable__meta } from './tokens';
-export { g10, g90, g100, white, v9 };
+export { g10, g80, g90, g100, white, v9 };
export { tokens, formatTokenName, unstable__meta };
export const themes = {
+ g80,