diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/.storybook/main.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/.storybook/main.ts
index b206309f45f..abc912ed04f 100644
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/.storybook/main.ts
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/.storybook/main.ts
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ const stories = glob.sync(
+ '../src/**/search.mdx',
+ '../src/**/search.stories.ts',
+ '../src/**/select.mdx',
+ '../src/**/select.stories.ts',
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ecaf42a43a4..00000000000
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * @license
- *
- * Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2023
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-import { html } from 'lit';
-import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
-import { boolean, number, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
-import textNullable from '../../../.storybook/knob-text-nullable';
-import { INPUT_SIZE } from '../text-input/text-input';
-import './search-skeleton';
-import storyDocs from './search-story.mdx';
-import { prefix } from '../../globals/settings';
-import '../layer';
-import '../../../.storybook/templates/with-layer';
-const sizes = {
-const widthSliderOptions = {
- range: true,
- min: 300,
- max: 800,
- step: 50,
-export const Default = () => {
- return html`
- `;
-export const Disabled = () => {
- return html`
- `;
-export const Expandable = () => {
- return html`
- `;
-export const ExpandableWithLayer = () => {
- return html`
- `;
-export const WithLayer = () => {
- return html`
- `;
-export const Playground = (args) => {
- const {
- autoComplete,
- closeButtonLabelText,
- colorScheme,
- disabled,
- labelText,
- placeholder,
- playgroundWidth,
- size,
- role,
- type,
- value,
- onInput,
- } = args?.[`${prefix}-search`] ?? {};
- const mainDiv = document.querySelector('#main-content');
- if (mainDiv) {
- (mainDiv as HTMLElement).style.width = `${playgroundWidth}px`;
- }
- return html`
- `;
-Playground.parameters = {
- knobs: {
- [`${prefix}-search`]: () => ({
- autoComplete: textNullable('Autocomplete (autocomplete)', 'off'),
- closeButtonLabelText: textNullable(
- 'The label text for the close button (close-button-label-text)',
- 'Clear search input'
- ),
- disabled: boolean('Disabled (disabled)', false),
- labelText: textNullable('Label text (label-text)', 'Search'),
- placeholder: textNullable(
- 'Placeholder text (placeholder)',
- 'Placeholder text'
- ),
- playgroundWidth: number('Playground width', 300, widthSliderOptions),
- role: textNullable('The role of the (role)', 'searchbox'),
- size: select('Search size (size)', sizes, null),
- type: textNullable('The type of the (type)', 'text'),
- value: textNullable('Value (value)', 'Default value'),
- }),
- },
-export default {
- title: 'Components/Search',
- parameters: {
- ...storyDocs.parameters,
- },
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.mdx b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.mdx
similarity index 83%
rename from packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.mdx
rename to packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.mdx
index 7677aad5c2e..86f1aa8c1d4 100644
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search-story.mdx
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.mdx
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-import { Props, Description } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
+import { ArgsTable, Meta, Markdown } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { cdnJs, cdnCss } from '../../globals/internal/storybook-cdn';
+import * as SearchStories from './search.stories';
# Search
@@ -24,8 +27,8 @@ Here's a quick example to get you started.
import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/search/index.js';
+{`${cdnJs({ components: ['search'] })}`}
### HTML
@@ -47,4 +50,4 @@ Note: For `boolean` attributes, `true` means simply setting the attribute (e.g.
``) and `false` means not setting the attribute (e.g.
`` without `light` attribute).
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.stories.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..446e5c9ef92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/search/search.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * @license
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2024
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+import { html } from 'lit';
+import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
+import { INPUT_SIZE } from '../text-input/text-input';
+import './search-skeleton';
+import storyDocs from './search.mdx';
+import '../layer';
+import '../../../.storybook/templates/with-layer';
+import './index';
+const sizes = {
+const args = {
+ autoComplete: 'off',
+ closeButtonLabelText: 'Clear search input',
+ disabled: false,
+ labelText: 'Search',
+ placeholder: 'Placeholder text',
+ playgroundWidth: 300,
+ role: 'searchbox',
+ size: null,
+ type: 'text',
+ value: 'Default value',
+const argTypes = {
+ autoComplete: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Specify an optional value for the autocomplete
property on the underlying <input>
, defaults to "off".',
+ },
+ closeButtonLabelText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Specify a label to be read by screen readers on the "close" button.',
+ },
+ disabled: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description:
+ 'Specify whether the <input>
should be disabled.',
+ },
+ labelText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description: 'Provide the label text for the Search icon.',
+ },
+ placeholder: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Provide an optional placeholder text for the Search. Note: if the label and placeholder differ, VoiceOver on Mac will read both.',
+ },
+ playgroundWidth: {
+ control: { type: 'range', min: 300, max: 800, step: 50 },
+ description: 'Playground width',
+ },
+ role: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Specify the role for the underlying <input>
, defaults to searchbox
+ },
+ size: {
+ control: 'select',
+ description: 'Specify the size of the Search.',
+ options: sizes,
+ },
+ type: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Optional prop to specify the type of the <input>
+ },
+ value: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description: 'Specify the value of the <input>
+ },
+export const Default = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+export const Disabled = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+export const Expandable = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+export const ExpandableWithLayer = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+export const WithLayer = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+export const Playground = {
+ args,
+ argTypes,
+ render: (args) => {
+ const {
+ autoComplete,
+ closeButtonLabelText,
+ colorScheme,
+ disabled,
+ labelText,
+ placeholder,
+ playgroundWidth,
+ size,
+ role,
+ type,
+ value,
+ onInput,
+ } = args ?? {};
+ const mainDiv = document.querySelector('#main-content');
+ if (mainDiv) {
+ (mainDiv as HTMLElement).style.width = `${playgroundWidth}px`;
+ }
+ return html`
+ `;
+ },
+const meta = {
+ title: 'Components/Search',
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ page: storyDocs,
+ },
+ },
+export default meta;
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e55c291409..00000000000
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- * @license
- *
- * Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2023
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-import { html } from 'lit';
-import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
-import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
-import { boolean, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
-import textNullable from '../../../.storybook/knob-text-nullable';
-// Below path will be there when an application installs `carbon-web-components` package.
-// In our dev env, we auto-generate the file and re-map below path to to point to the generated file.
-// @ts-ignore
-import { prefix } from '../../globals/settings';
-import { INPUT_SIZE } from '../text-input/text-input';
-import './select';
-import './select-item-group';
-import './select-item';
-import './select-skeleton';
-import '../form/form-item';
-import '../layer';
-import '../../../.storybook/templates/with-layer';
-import storyDocs from './select-story.mdx';
-const sizes = {
-export const Default = () => {
- return html`
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4
- Option 5
- `;
-export const Inline = () => {
- return html`
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4
- Option 5
- `;
-export const skeleton = () =>
- html` `;
-skeleton.parameters = {
- percy: {
- skip: true,
- },
-export const WithLayer = () => {
- return html`
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4
- Option 5
- `;
-export const Playground = (args) => {
- const {
- disabled,
- helperText,
- hideLabel,
- inline,
- invalid,
- invalidText,
- labelText,
- name,
- placeholder,
- size,
- readonly,
- warn,
- warnText,
- value,
- children = html`
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4
- Option 5
- `,
- onInput,
- } = args?.[`${prefix}-select`] ?? {};
- return html`
- ${children}
- `;
-Playground.parameters = {
- knobs: {
- [`${prefix}-select`]: () => ({
- disabled: boolean('Disabled (disabled)', false),
- helperText: textNullable(
- 'Helper text (helper-text)',
- 'Optional helper text'
- ),
- hideLabel: boolean('Hide label (hide-label)', false),
- inline: boolean('Inline (inline)', false),
- invalid: boolean('Invalid (invalid)', false),
- invalidText: textNullable('Invalid text (invalid-text)', 'Error message'),
- labelText: textNullable('Label text (label-text)', 'Select an option'),
- placeholder: textNullable(
- 'Placeholder (placeholder)',
- 'Choose an option'
- ),
- size: select('size (size)', sizes, INPUT_SIZE.MEDIUM),
- readonly: boolean('Read only (readonly)', false),
- warn: boolean('Warn (warn)', false),
- warnText: textNullable('Warn text (warn-text)', 'Warning message'),
- value: textNullable('The value of the selected item (value)', ''),
- onInput: action(`${prefix}-select-selected`),
- }),
- },
-export default {
- title: 'Components/Select',
- parameters: {
- ...storyDocs.parameters,
- },
- decorators: [
- (story) => {
- return html`${story()}
- },
- ],
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.mdx b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.mdx
similarity index 86%
rename from packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.mdx
rename to packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.mdx
index 6f0176d0686..cd2445809e2 100644
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select-story.mdx
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.mdx
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-import { Props, Description } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
+import { ArgsTable, Meta, Markdown } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { cdnJs, cdnCss } from '../../globals/internal/storybook-cdn';
+import * as SelectStories from './select.stories';
# Select
@@ -22,8 +25,8 @@ Here's a quick example to get you started.
import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/select/index.js';
+{`${cdnJs({ components: ['select'] })}`}
### HTML
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ Note: For `boolean` attributes, `true` means simply setting the attribute (e.g.
``) and `false` means not setting the attribute (e.g.
`` without `autofocus` attribute).
## `` attributes, properties and events
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ Note: For `boolean` attributes, `true` means simply setting the attribute (e.g.
``) and `false` means not setting the attribute
(e.g. `` without `disabled` attribute).
## `` attributes, properties and events
@@ -66,4 +69,4 @@ Note: For `boolean` attributes, `true` means simply setting the attribute (e.g.
``) and `false` means not setting the attribute (e.g.
`` without `disabled` attribute).
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.stories.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f4ecf78730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * @license
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2024
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+import { html } from 'lit';
+import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
+// Below path will be there when an application installs `carbon-web-components` package.
+// In our dev env, we auto-generate the file and re-map below path to to point to the generated file.
+// @ts-ignore
+import { prefix } from '../../globals/settings';
+import { INPUT_SIZE } from '../text-input/text-input';
+import './index';
+import '../form/form-item';
+import '../layer';
+import '../../../.storybook/templates/with-layer';
+import storyDocs from './select.mdx';
+const sizes = {
+const args = {
+ disabled: false,
+ helperText: 'Optional helper text',
+ hideLabel: false,
+ inline: false,
+ invalid: false,
+ invalidText: 'Error message',
+ labelText: 'Select an option',
+ placeholder: 'Choose an option',
+ readOnly: false,
+ warn: false,
+ warnText: 'Warning message',
+ value: '',
+const argTypes = {
+ disabled: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Specify whether the control is disabled.',
+ },
+ helperText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Provide text that is used alongside the control label for additional help.',
+ },
+ hideLabel: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Specify whether the label should be hidden, or not.',
+ },
+ inline: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Specify whether you want the inline version of this control.',
+ },
+ invalid: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Specify if the currently value is invalid.',
+ },
+ invalidText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description: 'Message which is displayed if the value is invalid.',
+ },
+ labelText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Provide label text to be read by screen readers when interacting with the control.',
+ },
+ placeholder: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Placeholder text to be used with the <input>
+ },
+ size: {
+ control: 'select',
+ description: 'Specify the size of the Select Input.',
+ options: sizes,
+ },
+ readOnly: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Whether the select should be read-only.',
+ },
+ warn: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: 'Specify whether the control is currently in warning state.',
+ },
+ warnText: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description:
+ 'Provide the text that is displayed when the control is in warning state.',
+ },
+ value: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description: 'The value of the selected item.',
+ },
+ onInput: {
+ action: `${prefix}-select-selected`,
+ },
+export const Default = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ Option 1
+ Option 2
+ Option 3
+ Option 4
+ Option 5
+ `;
+ },
+export const Inline = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ Option 1
+ Option 2
+ Option 3
+ Option 4
+ Option 5
+ `;
+ },
+export const Skeleton = {
+ parameters: {
+ percy: {
+ skip: true,
+ },
+ },
+ render: () => html` `,
+export const WithLayer = {
+ render: () => {
+ return html`
+ Option 1
+ Option 2
+ Option 3
+ Option 4
+ Option 5
+ `;
+ },
+export const Playground = {
+ args,
+ argTypes,
+ render: (args) => {
+ const {
+ disabled,
+ helperText,
+ hideLabel,
+ inline,
+ invalid,
+ invalidText,
+ labelText,
+ name,
+ placeholder,
+ size,
+ readOnly,
+ warn,
+ warnText,
+ value,
+ children = html`
+ Option 1
+ Option 2
+ Option 3
+ Option 4
+ Option 5
+ `,
+ onInput,
+ } = args ?? {};
+ return html`
+ ${children}
+ `;
+ },
+const meta = {
+ decorators: [
+ (story) => {
+ return html`${story()}
+ },
+ ],
+ title: 'Components/Select',
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ page: storyDocs,
+ },
+ },
+export default meta;
diff --git a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.ts b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.ts
index 3bc40ee58cd..a21f1d03648 100644
--- a/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.ts
+++ b/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/select/select.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* @license
- * Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2023
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2024
* This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class CDSSelect extends FormMixin(LitElement) {
@property({ type: Number })
get selectedIndex() {
- return this._selectNode.selectedIndex;
+ return this._selectNode?.selectedIndex;
set selectedIndex(value) {