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File metadata and controls

375 lines (342 loc) · 14.9 KB

Upgrade Guide

If you are skipping versions, work through these sections backwards from your current version.

5.0 → 6.0

  1. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • HttpSource.proxy.http.port
    • HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.send_head_requests
    • processor.purge_incompatible_from_source_cache
  2. Add the following methods from the sample delegate script:
    • jdbcsource_last_modified()
  3. If you are using a Java delegate, add the following method to your delegate class:
    • getJDBCSourceLastModified()

4.1.x → 5.0

  1. Note that the application is now packaged as a JAR file which can no longer run in a Servlet container.
  2. Note that Java 11 or later is now required.
  3. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • http.min_threads
    • http.max_threads
    • log_error_responses
    • meta_identifier.*
    • endpoint.iiif.3.enabled
    • S3Source.region
      • If you had set S3Source.endpoint to an AWS endpoint, unset that and set this key to your AWS region instead.
    • processor.ManualSelectionStrategy.xpm
    • processor.downscale_linear
    • processor.imageio.xpm.reader
    • GrokProcessor.path_to_binaries
    • processor.pdf.*
    • S3Cache.region
      • If you had set S3Cache.endpoint to an AWS endpoint, unset that and set this key to your AWS region instead.
    • log.application.ConsoleAppender.logstash.enabled
    • log.application.FileAppender.logstash.enabled
    • log.application.RollingFileAppender.logstash.enabled
    • log.error.FileAppender.logstash.enabled
    • log.error.RollingFileAppender.logstash.enabled
  4. Remove the following configuration keys:
    • http.http2.enabled
    • https.http2.enabled
    • scale_constraint_suffix.pattern
    • scale_constraint_suffix.format
    • endpoint.iiif.content_disposition
    • delegate_script.cache.enabled
    • processor.metadata.*
    • GraphicsMagickProcessor.path_to_binaries
    • KakaduDemoProcessor.path_to_binaries
    • ImageMagickProcessor.path_to_binaries
    • S3Cache.max_connections
    • redaction.enabled
  5. Rename the following configuration keys:
    • endpoint.iiif.2.restrict_to_sizes to endpoint.iiif.restrict_to_sizes
    • overlays.enabled to overlays.BasicStrategy.enabled
  6. Add the following methods from the sample delegate script:
    • deserialize_meta_identifier()
    • serialize_meta_identifier()
    • pre_authorize()
    • extra_iiif3_information_response_keys()
    • metadata()
  7. Note that the pre_authorize() delegate method added in step 6 may require refactoring the logic in authorize(). See the documentation of those methods for more information.
  8. In your delegate script, change any references to edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.script.Logger to edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.delegate.Logger.
  9. The X-IIIF-ID reverse proxy header is no longer supported. Use X-Forwarded-ID instead.
  10. If you were using the processor.metadata.preserve key, you will need to use the new metadata() delegate method instead.
  11. If you were using the cookie key in the delegate script context hash, note that its structure has changed to a hash of cookie name-value pairs. This is how it was documented to work, and how it was supposed to work, in previous versions.
  12. Note that the default scale constraint delimiter has changed from a dash (-) to a semicolon (;). If you were using scale constraints in URI identifiers (e.g. image.jpg-1:2), and want to avoid breaking those URIs, you must change the value of meta_identifier.transformer.StandardMetaIdentifierTransformer.delimiter to -.
  13. Note that the page URI query argument has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A page argument should instead be expressed in the identifier path component. For example, if meta_identifier.transformer is set to StandardMetaIdentifierTransformer, and the desired page is 3, the new identifier would be: image.jpg;3.
  14. Similar to above, the time URI query argument has been deprecated. A time argument should instead be expressed in the identifier path component as above, as an integer number of seconds rather than an HH:MM::SS string.
  15. The source known as HttpSource2 from version 4.1.x is now known as HttpSource, and the old HttpSource has been removed. If you encounter errors from the new HttpSource like "PKIX path building failed," consult the HttpSource section of the user manual.
  16. If you are using KakaduNativeProcessor, you must install the updated Kakadu shared library, contained in the deps folder.
  17. KakaduDemoProcessor is no longer available. If you were using it, you must switch to either KakaduNativeProcessor, OpenJpegProcessor, or GrokProcessor.
  18. If you are using a derivative cache, and are serving any images that have non-zero orientations, or embedded metadata with which you might want to use the new metadata() delegate method, you must purge all cached infos. Unfortunately there is no API method to do this yet, so this will require either deleting all .json files/objects manually, or else purging the whole cache (manually or via the API).

4.0.x → 4.1

  1. Rename the following configuration keys:
    • HttpSource.trust_all_certs to HttpSource.allow_insecure
    • processor.[format] to processor.ManualSelectionStrategy.[format]
    • processor.fallback to processor.ManualSelectionStrategy.fallback
  2. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • max_scale
    • HttpSource.chunking.*
    • S3Source.chunking.*
    • AzureStorageSource.chunking.*
    • processor.selection_strategy
  3. Remove the following configuration keys:
    • allow_upscaling
    • endpoint.public.auth.*
    • S3Source.max_connections
    • processor.normalize
  4. If you have implemented the redirect() or authorized?() delegate methods, migrate their logic into authorize() and remove them.
  5. If you were using the endpoint.public.auth.* keys, you will need to use the new authorize() delegate method instead.
  6. Note that KakaduDemoProcessor has been deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Consider migrating now to either KakaduNativeProcessor or OpenJpegProcessor.

4.0 → 4.0.x

Nothing to do.

3.4.x → 4.0

  1. Rename the following configuration keys:
    • Any key containing the string Resolver to contain Source
    • HttpSource.auth.* to HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.auth.*
    • AmazonS3Source.* to S3Source.*
    • StreamProcessor.retrieval_strategy to processor.stream_retrieval_strategy
    • KakaduProcessor.path_to_binaries to KakaduDemoProcessor.path_to_binaries
    • AmazonS3Cache.* to S3Cache.*
  2. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • S3Source.endpoint
    • S3Source.BasicLookupStrategy.path_prefix
    • S3Source.BasicLookupStrategy.path_suffix
    • processor.fallback_retrieval_strategy
    • processor.imageio.*
    • S3Cache.endpoint
    • cache.server.source.ttl_seconds
    • cache.server.derivative.ttl_seconds
  3. Remove the following configuration keys:
    • S3Source.bucket.region
    • processor.limit_to_8_bits
    • S3Cache.bucket.region
    • cache.server.source.enabled
    • cache.server.ttl_seconds
  4. Change any AmazonS3Source configuration values to S3Source.
  5. Change any configuration values containing Resolver to contain Source.
  6. Change any AmazonS3Cache configuration values to S3Cache.
  7. The delegate script architecture has changed, and the 3.x script is not compatible. See the "Delegate Script" section of the user manual for migration info.
  8. The deprecated DELETE /cache/:identifier HTTP API method has been removed. See the "Remote Management" section of the user manual for information about its successor.
  9. The X-IIIF-ID reverse proxy header is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Start using X-Forwarded-ID instead.
  10. If you'd like to use the new KakaduNativeProcessor non-commercially for decoding JPEG2000 images, see the "Processors" section of the user manual for information on configuring it.

3.4 → 3.4.x

Nothing to do.

3.3.x → 3.4

  1. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • temp_pathname
    • http.http2.enabled
    • https.http2.enabled
    • http.accept_queue_limit
    • endpoint.iiif.min_size
    • endpoint.admin.username
    • HttpResolver.trust_all_certs
    • HttpResolver.request_timeout
    • AmazonS3Resolver.max_connections
    • processor.flv
    • processor.limit_to_8_bits
    • cache.server.source.enabled
    • cache.server.derivative.enabled
    • AmazonS3Cache.max_connections
    • HeapCache.*
    • RedisCache.*
    • log.error.*
  2. Rename the following keys:
    • auth.* to endpoint.public.auth.*
    • admin.enabled to endpoint.admin.enabled
    • admin.password to endpoint.admin.secret
    • PdfBoxProcessor.dpi to processor.dpi
    • cache.source to cache.server.source
    • cache.derivative to cache.server.derivative
    • metadata.* to processor.metadata.*
  3. If you are using the delegate script, add a context argument to the method signature of any existing source delegates. See delegates.rb.sample for examples.
  4. The DELETE /cache/:identifier HTTP API method is deprecated and will be removed in version 4. Begin migrating now to the updated equivalent.
  5. Managing the cache on the command line with VM arguments is deprecated and will be removed in version 4. Begin migrating now to the cache management methods in the HTTP API.

3.3 → 3.3.5

Nothing to do.

3.2.x → 3.3

  1. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • delegate_script.cache.enabled
    • endpoint.api.*
    • processor.dcm
    • processor.normalize
    • processor.background_color
    • processor.upscale_filter
    • processor.downscale_filter
    • processor.sharpen
    • processor.jpg.quality
    • processor.tif.compression
    • cache.server.ttl_seconds
    • overlays.BasicStrategy.type
    • overlays.BasicStrategy.string
    • overlays.BasicStrategy.string.*
  2. Rename the following keys:
    • watermark.* to overlays.*
  3. Remove the following configuration keys:
    • JdbcResolver.max_pool_size
    • FfmpegProcessor.sharpen
    • GraphicsMagickProcessor.sharpen
    • GraphicsMagickProcessor.background_color
    • ImageMagickProcessor.sharpen
    • ImageMagickProcessor.background_color
    • JaiProcessor.sharpen
    • JaiProcessor.jpg.quality
    • JaiProcessor.tif.compression
    • Java2dProcessor.upscale_filter
    • Java2dProcessor.downscale_filter
    • Java2dProcessor.sharpen
    • Java2dProcessor.jpg.quality
    • Java2dProcessor.tif.compression
    • KakaduProcessor.upscale_filter
    • KakaduProcessor.downscale_filter
    • KakaduProcessor.sharpen
    • OpenJpegProcessor.upscale_filter
    • OpenJpegProcessor.downscale_filter
    • OpenJpegProcessor.sharpen
    • PdfBoxProcessor.upscale_filter
    • PdfBoxProcessor.downscale_filter
    • PdfBoxProcessor.sharpen
    • FilesystemCache.ttl_seconds
    • JdbcCache.max_pool_size
    • JdbcCache.ttl_seconds
    • AmazonS3Cache.ttl_seconds
    • AzureStorageCache.ttl_seconds
  4. If you are using FilesystemCache, purge your cache.
  5. If you are using the authorized?() or watermark() delegate methods, note that the contents of the operations argument have changed; see the new sample delegate script for more information.
  6. If you are using the watermark() delegate method, note that the pathname key in the returned hash must be changed to image.
  7. Rename the watermark() delegate method to overlay().

3.2 → 3.2.4

Nothing to do.

3.1.2 → 3.2

  1. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • FfmpegProcessor.sharpen
    • GraphicsMagickProcessor.sharpen
    • ImageMagickProcessor.sharpen
    • JaiProcessor.sharpen
    • Java2dProcessor.upscale_filter
    • Java2dProcessor.downscale_filter
    • Java2dProcessor.sharpen
    • KakaduProcessor.upscale_filter
    • KakaduProcessor.downscale_filter
    • KakaduProcessor.sharpen
    • OpenJpegProcessor.upscale_filter
    • OpenJpegProcessor.downscale_filter
    • OpenJpegProcessor.sharpen
    • PdfBoxProcessor.upscale_filter
    • PdfBoxProcessor.downscale_filter
    • PdfBoxProcessor.sharpen
    • metadata.*
  2. Remove the following configuration keys:
    • Java2dProcessor.scale_mode
    • KakaduProcessor.post_processor.*
    • OpenJpegProcessor.post_processor.*
    • PdfBoxProcessor.post_processor.*

3.1.1 → 3.1.2

Nothing to do.

3.1 → 3.1.1

  • Add the and keys from the sample configuration.

3.0.1 → 3.1

  • Replace the get_iiif2_service delegate script method with extra_iiif2_information_response_keys.

3.0 → 3.0.1

Nothing to do.

2.2 → 3.0

  1. Add the following keys from the sample configuration:
    • admin.*
    • delegate_script.enabled
    • endpoint.iiif.2.restrict_to_sizes
    • StreamProcessor.retrieval_strategy
    • cache.source
    • AmazonS3Cache.*
    • AzureStorageCache.*
    • redaction.enabled
  2. Rename the following keys:
    • delegate_script to delegate_script.pathname
    • cache.server to cache.derivative
  3. Remove the following keys:
    • JdbcResolver.function.*
  4. Add the following methods from the sample delegate script:
    • redactions
    • Cantaloupe::JdbcResolver::get_database_identifier
    • Cantaloupe::JdbcResolver::get_media_type
    • Cantaloupe::JdbcResolver::get_lookup_sql
  5. Rename the following delegate script methods:
    • Cantaloupe::get_pathname to Cantaloupe::FilesystemResolver::get_pathname
    • Cantaloupe::get_url to Cantaloupe::HttpResolver::get_url
    • Cantaloupe::get_azure_storage_blob_key to Cantaloupe::AzureStorageResolver::get_blob_key
    • Cantaloupe::get_s3_object_key to Cantaloupe::AmazonS3Resolver::get_object_key
  6. If you are using JdbcResolver, be aware that the JdbcResolver.function.* configuration keys are now obsolete, and these functions will have to be rewritten as delegate script methods.
  7. If you are using JdbcCache, modify your database schema:
    ALTER TABLE {JdbcCache.info_table} CHANGE COLUMN last_modified last_accessed;
    ALTER TABLE {JdbcCache.derivative_image_table} CHANGE COLUMN last_modified last_accessed;
  8. Note that the information that used to be available on the landing page (/) has moved to the Control Panel (/admin). Log in with a username of admin and the password defined in the admin.password configuration option.