This application may not be resold or republished under someone else's name and credits may not be removed from the application.
This is an unofficial desktop client for the currently trending ClubHouse.
Developed Using Electron JS + Vue JS + AgoraSDK.
For downloading the Mac/Linux/Windows compiled version go to releases section.
I know source code is a mess, but since it's been developed in a hurry ( about 30-40hrs ) to get it working and also since it was my first time using Electron, Vue, and Agora, i put my time into adding new features and improving stability instead of a clean code. So if you think it's a mess, feel free to make it clean and do a pull request. Also i'm using a really old version of Agora web SDK and that's because new version of Agora won't work because of the limitation they put on the user agents for clubhouse ( at least i think so ).
- Clone the project
- Go to root folder of project and run
npm install
- Run
npm start
to run the project
I've used electron-packager myself for bundling the app and building releases. You can do so using electron-packager too. I hope you do not build versions with minor changes and credit yourself for it!