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Tiffany J. Callahan edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 41 revisions


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Project Description

Common data models have solved many challenges of utilizing electronic health records, but have not yet meaningfully integrated clinical and molecular data. Aligning clinical data to open biological ontologies (OBOs), which provide semantically computable representations of biological knowledge, requires extensive manual curation and expertise. To address these limitations, we introduce OMOP2OBO, a health system-scale, disease-agnostic methodology to create interoperability between standardized clinical terminologies and semantically encoded OBOs and present results demonstrating the utility within two health systems.

⚙ Releases ⚙

Current Release

👩🏽‍💻👩‍🔬👨🏽‍⚕️ Project Team

Translational Research Informatics Team

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Tiffany Callahan 🖥️
Project Lead
Bill Baumgartner, PhD 🖥️ Adrianne L. Stefanski, PhD 🔬 Nicole Vasilevsky, PhD 🖥️

Clinical Team

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Jordan Wyrwa, DO ⚕️ James Feinstein, MD ⚕️ Blake Martin, MD ⚕️ Jessica Sinclair, PharmD 💊

Research Mentors

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Larry Hunter Michael Kahn Tell Bennett

📝📊 Publications and Presentations

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