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211 lines (185 loc) · 8.51 KB

GTA-Human II

This is the latest version of our datasets, and is built upon GTA-V for expressive human pose and shape estimation. It features multi-person scenes with SMPL-X annotations. In addition to color image sequences, 3D bounding boxes and cropped point clouds (generated from synthetic depth images) are also provided.


A small sample of GTA-Human II can be downloaded from here. To download the full dataset, please see below.

Option 1: OpenXLab

The full set is currently hosted on OpenXLab. We recommend download files using CLI tools:

openxlab dataset download --dataset-repo OpenXDLab/GTA-Human --source-path /gta-human_v2_release --target-path /home/user/

You can selectively download files that you need, for example:

openxlab dataset download --dataset-repo OpenXDLab/GTA-Human --source-path /gta-human_v2_release/images_part_1.7z --target-path /home/user/gta-human_v2_release/

Option 2: Hugging Face

The dataset is also hosted on Hugging Face. Hugging Face uses git-lfs to manage large files.

Please make sure you have git-lfs installed. Then, follow the instructions below:

git lfs install
GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone  # do not pull any large files yet
cd GTA-Human

You may pull all files in GTA-Human II:

git lfs pull --include "gta-human_v2_release/*"

Similarly, you can also selectively download files that you need, for example:

git lfs pull --include "gta-human_v2_release/images_part_1.7z"

Data Structure

Please download the .7z files and place in the same directory. Note that you may not need the point clouds if you are working on image- or video-based methods.

├── images_part_1.7z
├── images_part_2.7z
├── images_part_3.7z
├── images_part_4.7z
├── images_part_5.7z
├── point_clouds_1.7z
├── point_clouds_2.7z
├── point_clouds_3.7z
├── point_clouds_4.7z
└── annotations.7z

Then decompress them:

7z x "*.7z"

The file structure should look like this:

├── images/  
│   └── seq_xxxxxxx/
│       ├── 00000000.jpeg
│       ├── 00000001.jpeg
│       └── ...
├── point_clouds/  
│   └── seq_xxxxxxx/
│       ├── bbox_aaaaaa_0000.ply  # (bbox of person ID aaaaaa at frame 0)
│       ├── bbox_aaaaaa_0001.ply  # (bbox of person ID aaaaaa at frame 1)
│       ├── ...
│       ├── bbox_bbbbbb_0000.ply  # (bbox of person ID bbbbbb at frame 0)
│       ├── bbox_bbbbbb_0001.ply  # (bbox of person ID bbbbbb at frame 1)
│       ├── ...
│       ├── pcd_aaaaaa_0000.pcd  # (point cloud of person ID aaaaaa at frame 0)
│       ├── pcd_aaaaaa_0001.pcd  # (point cloud of person ID aaaaaa at frame 1)
│       ├── ...
│       ├── pcd_bbbbbb_0000.pcd  # (point cloud of person ID bbbbbb at frame 0)
│       ├── pcd_bbbbbb_0001.pcd  # (point cloud of person ID bbbbbb at frame 1)
│       └── ...
└── annotations/ 
    └── seq_xxxxxxx/
        ├── aaaaaa.npz  
        ├── bbbbbb.npz
        └── ...

Data Loading

To read the images:

import cv2
color_bgr = cv2.imread('/path/to/xxxxxxx.jpeg')
color_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(color_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)  # if RGB images are used

To read the 3D bounding boxes and cropped point clouds:

import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
point_cloud_o3d ='/path/to/xxxxxx.pcd')  # geometry::PointCloud with n points.
point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud_o3d.points)  # np.ndarray of (n, 3)
bounding_box ='/path/to/xxxxxx.ply')  # geometry::LineSet with 12 lines


  • The point clouds are cropped from the scene point cloud (generated from a synthetic depth image) using the 3D bounding boxes. The original depth image or scene point cloud are very large and are hence excluded from the dataset release.
  • Only subjects with valid SMPL-X annotation have their point clouds released.
  • We truncate the point clouds more than 10 m away from the camera as the typical maximum range of commercial depth sensors does not exceed 10 m. This means if subjects are more than 10 m away, their bounding boxes and point clouds are not recorded.

To read the annotations:

import numpy as np
annot = dict(np.load('/path/to/xxxxxxx.npz'))
for key in annot:
    if isinstance(annot[key], np.ndarray) and person[key].ndim == 0:
        annot[key] = annot[key].item()

Each .npz consists of the following:

    'is_male': bool,
    'ped_action': str,
    'fov': float, 
    'keypoints_2d': np.array of shape (n, 100, 3), 
    'keypoints_3d': np.array of shape (n, 100, 4),
    'occ': np.array of shape (n, 100),
    'self_occ': np.array of shape (n, 100),
    'num_frames': int,
    'weather': str, 
    'daytime': tuple, 
    'location_tag': str,
    'bbox_xywh': np.array of shape (n, 4),
    'is_valid_smplx': bool,
    'betas': np.array of shape (n, 10),
    'body_pose': np.array of shape (n, 69),
    'global_orient': np.array of shape (n, 3),
    'transl': np.array of shape (n, 3),
    'left_hand_pose': np.array of shape (n, 24),
    'right_hand_pose': np.array of shape (n, 24),


  • is_valid_smplx indicates if the subject's annotation has valid SMPL-X parameters.
    • Valid SMPL-X annotations are those with sufficient movement and high-quality fitting.
    • If invalid, SMPL-X parameters are not provided, but other annotations are still available.
    • 3D bounding boxes and cropped point clouds are only available for subjects with valid SMPL-X.
    • There are 35,352 valid sequences and 13,168 invalid sequences.
  • fov has a constant value of 50.0.
  • keypoints
    • keypoints_3d are 3D keypoints provided by the games' API, format is (x, y, z, 1.0).
    • keypoints_2d are projeced 3D keypoints on the image plane, format is (u, v, 1.0).
    • Definition of the 100 keypoints can be found in MMHuman3D.
  • occ indicates if a keypoint is occluded.
  • self_occ indicates of a keypoint is occluded by the person's own body parts.
  • daytime uses a (hour, minute, second) convention.


Run 2D Visualizer

We provide a pyrender-based visualization tool to overlay 3D SMPL-X annotations on 2D images. A small sample of GTA-Human II can be downloaded from here.

python <--root_dir> <--seq_name> <--body_model_path> <--save_path>
  • root_dir (str): root directory in which data is stored.
  • seq_name (str): sequence name, in the format 'seq_xxxxxxxx'.
  • body_model_path (str): directory in which SMPL body models are stored.
  • save_path (str): path to save the visualization video.


python --root_dir /home/user/gta-human_v2_release --seq_name seq_00087011 --body_model_path /home/user/body_models/ --save_path /home/user/seq_00087011_2dvisual.mp4

Run 3D Visualizer

We also provide a visualization tool for 3D bounding boxes and cropped point clouds.

python <--root_dir> <--seq_name> <--save_path> [--virtual_cam] [--visualize_smplx] [--body_model_path]
  • root_dir (str): root directory in which data is stored.
  • seq_name (str): sequence name, in the format 'seq_xxxxxxxx'.
  • save_path (str): path to save the visualization video.
  • virtual_cam (str, optional): path to load virtual camera pose config. Defaults to assets/virtual_cam.json.
  • visualize_smplx (flag, optional): whether to visualize SMPL-X 3D mesh model.
  • body_model_path (str, optional): directory in which SMPL-X body models are stored.


python --root_dir /home/user/gta-human_v2_release --seq_name seq_00087011 --save_path /home/user/seq_00087011_3dvisual.mp4

Note that the SMPL-X model path should consist the following structure:

└── smplx/  
    └── SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz

The body models may be downloaded from the official website.