name = "golang"
title = "Go Driver"
toc_landing_pages = [

intersphinx = [
sharedinclude_root = ""

driver-long = "MongoDB Go Driver"
driver-short = "Go driver"
docs-branch = "master"                                                                                                         # always set this to the docs branch (i.e. master, 1.7, 1.8, etc.)
version = "v1.16.1"                                                                                                            # always set this to the driver version (i.e. v1.7.0, v1.8.0, etc.)
example = "{+docs-branch+}/source/includes/usage-examples/code-snippets"
api = "{+version+}"
stable-api = "Stable API"
qe = "Queryable Encryption"
key-vault-long = "key vault collection"
kms-long = "Key Management System"
cmk-long = "Customer Master Key"
dek-long = "Data Encryption Key"
csfle-short = "CSFLE"
csfle-long = "Client-side Field Level Encryption"
mdb-server = "MongoDB Server"